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Headed out Monday for big horn
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I leave Monday for my first attempt at Rocky Mountain big horn . This will be my first and perhaps only attempt at big horn.

I am not in the same physical condition I was in August when I failed on Dall sheep in Alaska. While in Zim, I walked the hills in Dande often covering 20 miles a day with no problem. Since I got back, I have not exercised my usual amount due to work, deer hunting and illness . I was down for a out a week with infections in my sinuses, both ears and my upper respiratory tract. I think I will be fine .

The down side is that this screws up prime time deer hunting for me. I recon hunting big horn instead ain't bad

I did desert big horn 3 years ago. Hopefully this will be as successful and fun.

I will report upon my return.
Posts: 12019 | Location: Orlando, FL | Registered: 26 January 2006Reply With Quote
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Good Luck
Posts: 2141 | Location: enjoying my freedom in wyoming | Registered: 13 January 2006Reply With Quote
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Best of luck to you Larry! Where are you going hunting?

Peter Andersen
Peak Wildlife Adventures
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Picture of JudgeG
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Be safe, Larry... but that said.. You'll wear one out... I'll betcha a Crown and Seven at DSC!

JudgeG ... just counting time 'til I am again finding balm in Gilead chilled out somewhere in the Selous.
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Have a great trip Larry!
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Picture of JLHeard
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Good hunting.

It is not enough to fight for natural land and the west; it is even more important to enjoy it...So get out there and hunt and fish and mess around with your friends...

- Edward Abbey
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Good luck, Larry.


It takes character to withstand the rigors of indolence.
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Picture of JBrown
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I can't wait for the report!


"You're not hard-core, unless you live hard-core."

Hunting in Africa is an adventure. The number of variables involved preclude the possibility of a perfect hunt. Some problems will arise. How you decide to handle them will determine how much you enjoy your hunt.

Just tell yourself, "it's all part of the adventure." Remember, if Robert Ruark had gotten upset every time problems with Harry
Selby's flat bed truck delayed the safari, Horn of the Hunter would have read like an indictment of Selby. But Ruark rolled with the punches, poured some gin, and enjoyed the adventure.

-Jason Brown
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I am headed to Utah. I took the desert sheep there 3 years ago Saturday.

I have a cameraman going. Hopefully this will turn out good. I hear that the rams are fighting big time. This might be interesting.

Ernest, I will take you up on the Crown & 7!
Posts: 12019 | Location: Orlando, FL | Registered: 26 January 2006Reply With Quote
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Have a safe and successful hunt!
Posts: 4214 | Location: Southern Colorado | Registered: 09 October 2011Reply With Quote
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Hopefully you can come back with some great footage and a great ram!

Peter Andersen
Peak Wildlife Adventures
Posts: 295 | Location: Sk, Canada | Registered: 06 September 2012Reply With Quote
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Picture of Fallow Buck
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Good luck mate, will be waiting on your report when you get back.

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Picture of Todd Williams
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Good luck to you my friend! Hope you score big time.
Posts: 8504 | Registered: 09 January 2011Reply With Quote
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Picture of drummondlindsey
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Best of luck Larry! There was a really big ram killed on the Newfoundland just last week. As far as I know its the best ram ever killed there
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Go get 'em Larry!
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Picture of Bud Meadows
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Good luck Larry. I too leave Monday for a mule deer hunt in Montana. At 66 with a bum knee, I don't know how many more times I can chase mulies around the Badlands.

Jesus saves, but Moses invests
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Picture of JCS271
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Good luck! Keep us posted.

"The difference between adventure and disaster is preparation."
"The problem with quoting info from the internet is that you can never be sure it is accurate" Abraham Lincoln
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Picture of SBT
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One of the worlds greatest hunts. Best of luck!

"There are worse memorials to a life well-lived than a pair of elephant tusks." Robert Ruark
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We went to the island this afternoon . We saw a ton of sheep. Unfortunately the largest sheep noted in scouting appears to have broken most of his right horn off while fighting.

The mule deer we saw were incredible.
Posts: 12019 | Location: Orlando, FL | Registered: 26 January 2006Reply With Quote
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Good luck Larry!

I tend to use more than enough gun.
Posts: 315 | Registered: 15 November 2007Reply With Quote
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The sheep is down . I will file a full report later. I will say :

A- we covered a lot of miles in rough country.
B- the ram has staggering mass
C- the ram was shot at 527 yards
Posts: 12019 | Location: Orlando, FL | Registered: 26 January 2006Reply With Quote
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Picture of Todd Williams
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He's a beaut Larry! Huge congrats!
Posts: 8504 | Registered: 09 January 2011Reply With Quote
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Wow! Wow! Wow!Great mass is right!
You deserve him brother!
Posts: 596 | Registered: 17 December 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of bcolyer
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Got the pic last night Larry. Absolutely GREAT. Tremendous mass! So happy for you....way to go!
Posts: 503 | Location: Farmington, New Mexico | Registered: 05 January 2008Reply With Quote
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