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Cabelas now has camouflage spandex bodysuits complete with ninja hood available now animal

Cabelas Bug Skinz

The 'stalking thong' will probably be out next year Big Grin
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Picture of hikerbum
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It might be good stuff, but that skin tight stuff never feels good to me. Also, very few of us have ever have it fit correctly to show off our physiques like in the photos. rotflmo

Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum
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What??? Surely that would look great over a well developed and pronounced beer gut...
Big Grin

- mike

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How the hell could one criticize a dude wearin' this git-up in a politically correct way?

"The lady doth protest too much, methinks"
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Picture of 308Sako
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I just know that my "package" would never be comfortable in those!

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Picture of Matt Norman
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Just like for the working girls down in the 'hood, there has got to be a weight limit on this stuff! (which I've exceeded for well over two decades).
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Picture of Skinner.
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there has got to be a weight limit on this stuff!

Spandex is a privelege not a right !!!

I can't think this is effective camo anyways because even if a guy blends in the laughter from all the other hunters and the snickering from the wildlife would obfuscate that. Big Grin
Posts: 4516 | Registered: 14 January 2005Reply With Quote
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Here is a warm weather "body suit". I't wouldn't look good on me but I think it works for this hunter.

Have a good one!

Robin down under
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Originally posted by duffy4:
Here is a warm weather "body suit". I't wouldn't look good on me but I think it works for this hunter.

Have a good one!

Robin down under

That is one of those opitcal illussion pictures. If you look real close you see that Winchester is being held be a girl in a bikini!
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Picture of 577NitroExpress
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That is one of those opitcal illussion pictures. If you look real close you see that Winchester is being held be a girl in a bikini!

There's a Winchester in that picture? I'd be damned if I could find it...

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I was lurking and reading and noticed your avatar. the resolution on my screen isn't the best but that looks like Michael Madsen of Resovoir Dogs fame and it looks like he is holding a pistol rather than an ear (I don't know why I came here tonight, Clowns to the left om Jokers to the right).
Yes or no.
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Originally posted by mho:
What??? Surely that would look great over a well developed and pronounced beer gut...
Big Grin

- mike

Or a male ballet dancer jumping
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Originally posted by duffy4:
Here is a warm weather "body suit". I't wouldn't look good on me but I think it works for this hunter.

Have a good one!

Robin down under

Posts: 1103 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 04 January 2005Reply With Quote
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I may take some flack for this but that stuff is the cats nuts for keeping ticks and chigers off me during turkey season or wile hunting hogs.
I use the stuff caled ryno skin.
I used to get ticks all over me form 1 to 10 a day ( all over) and now I may get 2-4 all season long!!!!!!!

I saw the winchester logo in the pic its hiden in the camo Eeker

You can't kill them setting on the couch.
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