laying right where they should be,both sides of a big bull's bed,no chips or critter chews. anybody want to guess how big? was a glorious day on the mountain, nearly 65 and pure sunshine.don't get much better
Posts: 2141 | Location: enjoying my freedom in wyoming | Registered: 13 January 2006
Sweet. Was the other shed (top left) dropped there or did you put it there to take the picture?
----------------------------------------- "I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. -Henry David Thoreau, Walden
Posts: 900 | Location: Tanzania | Registered: 07 December 2007
Nice day there. Congrats on the finds. Hard to tell from the perspective, but those are some huge swords and tails. The front ends and thirds are solid. If the beams are 50"+ then I would guess 380+. The number doesn't matter much to me. The shape and length of the sheds is great.
Posts: 789 | Location: Utah, USA | Registered: 14 January 2005
" If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand which feeds you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countryman " Samuel Adams, 1772
Posts: 1117 | Location: Helena, MT, USA | Registered: 01 April 2001
I guess I better get my computer checked! from my perspective they don't appear to be anywhere close to the previous guesses, they look short on main beam length and average to light in mass I'd be shocked if they were over 320 but then again with no person or elk in the picture for scale it is tuff to give an accurate guess. No disrespect intended that was a very nice bull that left those lay there and would make many a hunter a fine trophy. Good luck with your shed hunting.
Posts: 5604 | Location: Eastern plains of Colorado | Registered: 31 October 2005
Snell- 320? Thanks for putting a smile on my face. Take a gander at the sword length and the tail! Just ribbing you a little, no harm meant. How are the deer wintering out your way? I may be headed to the Plains for a mule deer hunt in December.
Posts: 789 | Location: Utah, USA | Registered: 14 January 2005
beams were 51+,swords at 22.5 5ths were 16+ gave it 45 for an inside = 374.2 my god son's leg is just visable top left edge of photo and he had been packing the top left horn,which we left in trade for the big set.don't find'em like this every yr.
Posts: 2141 | Location: enjoying my freedom in wyoming | Registered: 13 January 2006
If I saw them in person I could venture a guess that would be pretty close, just goes to show you a picture with nothing for perspective is decieving, at least for me! Good guesses on all of you other guys part. Nice rack I'd like to see it on an elk. Deer are wintering very well on the plains here as we have had really mild snows and temps most of the winter, last nite we just had a cold front move in that was supposed to dump a bunch but we just got cold temps high winds and a bit of snow (icy roads). Where on the plains are you hunting this year?.
Posts: 5604 | Location: Eastern plains of Colorado | Registered: 31 October 2005