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Is this enough stuff ready for Deer Season
one of us
posted 19 September 2004 16:24
Lets see,

200 rounds of ammo loaded in 6 calibers for 2004 deer season. 8 rifle sited in.

This does not include the 199 rounds of the 200 I have left over from last year's deer season.

Think I got enough?

I am sure I am not the only one inflicted with this " deer season" mental disease am I?

Cheers Seafire
Posts: 2889 | Location: Southern OREGON | Registered: 27 May 2003Reply With Quote
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posted 20 September 2004 01:11Hide Post

... 200 rounds of ammo loaded in 6 calibers for 2004 deer season. 8 rifle sited in. ... This does not include the 199 rounds of the 200 I have left over from last year's deer season. ... Think I got enough?

Hey Seafire, I don't have quite that many loaded " yet "! (Huuuum, maybe I do. )

You real sure you and your close personal buddy carcano aren't going to shoot a bunch of 5-shot groups? Looks like you got about 79 (+4) groups worth.
Posts: 9920 | Location: Carolinas, USA | Registered: 22 April 2001Reply With Quote
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posted 20 September 2004 05:30Hide Post
seafire/ B17G

As one Oregonian to another Yik's where you plaining on
retaking the Omaha Beachhead Or go Deer hunting.
You have enough ammo for 25 guy's or 200 Deer hunting season's
Try taking 5 round's one rifle and some warm clothing a pair of good boot's a Good pocket knife some rope and 4 pillow case's A change of sock's and some stick match's wrapped in plastic ..

Dam your not going to invade the Normandy Coast . your going Deer hunting
Posts: 1557 | Location: Home of the original swage | Registered: 29 February 2004Reply With Quote
One of Us
posted 20 September 2004 04:27Hide Post
im leaving for an alberta moose hunt on friday. ive got 50 loaded for my 338 with 210 n.p. and 50 ea for my 35whelen with backup ammo for my somewhat reloading challenged little brother. plus at home for later usuage 50 nos. part 160 for my 28o rem. my 7 08 is ready with at least 100 rnds ready . all sighted in worked up accurate (for me anyway) loads. didnt draw mt. deer so will have to hunt for deer and elk at home(wash.state) in the general hunts. over prepared to the point that my wife thinks i am metally ill, im sure i will forget the underwear and raingear. seafire i think youre ready.
Posts: 97 | Location: maple valley, wash. | Registered: 19 September 2004Reply With Quote
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posted 20 September 2004 06:56Hide Post
I have quite a few rifle sighted in like you along with some shotguns, a muzzleloader and combination gun. I don't have nearly as much ammo. At best I have about 20 shots each for most of the rifles.

I keep going to the range and shooting it up.
Posts: 5543 | Registered: 09 December 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of Hobie
posted 20 September 2004 07:12Hide Post

I've got you beat by about 4 deer rifles and 1500 rounds of ammunition! You're a mild case.


I only use one or two of the rifles and never carry more than 5-10 rounds.
Posts: 2324 | Location: Staunton, VA | Registered: 05 September 2002Reply With Quote
one of us
posted 20 September 2004 07:43Hide Post


I was just remmbering the old man ( My PA/Father )
I got 3 round's to hunt with dad would always say

If you can't kill it with 3 shot's you have no business shooting at it

Althought i do take a full load when hunting couger..
Posts: 1557 | Location: Home of the original swage | Registered: 29 February 2004Reply With Quote
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Picture of Doc
posted 20 September 2004 13:08Hide Post
How about camo, scent free stuff, boots, back pack, fanny pack, range finder, optics, knives (are they sharp?), all tags in order and visually verified? freezer paper, taxidermist money in the gun safe? freezer space available? space on the wall for newest trophies?

your ammo stock is fine. Have you been shooting 3x/week from various positions? scouted? huntin' truck ready? oil changed? tires rotated balanced? timing belt changed if needed? got your camp stuff ready?


Posts: 7906 | Registered: 05 July 2004Reply With Quote
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Picture of Fjold
posted 20 September 2004 05:53Hide Post
I leave Thursday for antelope and prairie dogs in Wyoming and have 500 rounds (each) for my 17, 223 and 22.250 and I also sat down last week and loaded up 50 rounds for the 7 Mag. OK, I understand all the varmint rounds but why did I load 50 rounds for the one antelope?
Posts: 12932 | Location: Kentucky, USA | Registered: 30 December 2002Reply With Quote
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posted 21 September 2004 05:58Hide Post
Hot Core:

Naw, me and CarCANo aren't going out to shoot together.

He is right that I don't understand ballistics at all, and that he is my better. All of those prairie dogs and sage rats I was shooting at up to 300 yds or more was each ONE just a lucky shot. I'll never know as much as he has forgotten. ( ha Ha!)

After I posted this, I was out at the reloading bench loading ammo for a friend and my wife noticed that I had a plastic box of 50 rounds for a 260 loaded up and one was shot because she noticed it upside down and the primer cratered.

She asked did I miss one, and I told her that is the one that took the deer last season. So in typical female logic she asked me why did I need the other 49 rounds then. Of course I knew it was only her teasing me.

Come to think of CarCANo, with his "wisdom" it just dawned on me; Doesn't it remind you a lot of a "backseat driver".
Busy telling you how to drive.

A few seasons ago a bunch of guys who like to " look like" they are bench rest shooters, were shooting at something up the hill on our range. I went over and asked them and they pointed out a rock about the size of a 2 drawer file cabinet.

I asked them what was the distance, and they pointed the their Leica range finder and said 723 yds proudly. One guy is a Doctor ( proctologist, and it fits his personality) who was bragging about his $4,000 custom gun and his Nightforce scope shooting a 6.5 x 284 with his Berger bullets.

The next guy also had a big buck custom gun with all the MacMillan stock and all the trendy accessories and a Nightforce Scope.

The Poor guy was shooting a Ruger 220 Swift with a 8 x 32 Burris scope.

The forth guy was looking at the rock with his Swarosky BiNocs with objectives the size of a trashcan lid and calling out their points of impact.

So I went down to about 12 tables and pulled out what I had brought to the range to shoot. I adjusted the Stoney Point Target turrent on my 6 power Cabelas scope that I had bought as a backup scope and chambered an 80 grain Winchester bulk bullet handloaded to 3300 fps in my 243 Winchester Model 70 and let one fly. It was too low, so I adjusted the target turrent, and let another one go and it was a tad too high. So i adjusted it in between the first two settings and I could see dust fly off of the rock.

So I put 4 more shots up at the rock and each time dust flew.

The guy who was calling for the other guys finally was telling his buddies that they were hitting the rock. However they said that they had not shot! So they look around and here I am with my 243.

So they walk over and are looking at me and the rifle and asked what "custom caliber" I was shooting and was that a 24 power or 36 power scope, and Was I shooting Berger bullets or some other custom stuff I never heard of.

When I let them know it was an off the rack 243 with a simple
Winchester 80 grain bullet and the scope just happened to be a $50.00 Cabelas 6 power scope with a $25.00 target turrent attachment from Stoney Point, they seemed to be sort of disappointed.

They quietly picked up all of their stuff and left.

So conclusion:

CarCANo is right
, I know nothing about Ballistics;
Three shots can not tell anyone ANYthing.
And it is "knowledge": and the price of your equipment that makes one a better shooter.

I am sure these guys who left, sit over a Beer and discuss feet per second and Ballistic coefficients, impact velocities etc all night. They have probably memorized the Ballistic tables in every load manual out there.

Except with all of their knowledge and all of their fancy equipment they were not hitting that rock at 700 yds.

Maybe a little more trigger time and a little less reading books would tell some of these people a lot more than they think they know.

The more they read the bigger their opinions are.

Like one guy I use to know telling another one of our friends:

" I know women, I have been married three times!"
( My conclusion, I have totaled 3 cars, I know how to drive!")

Don't talk about it, DO IT or shut up. Notice how the guys who can do it, don't need to brag about it? Big Deal I can hit a rock at 700 yds. thank God above, that my family doesn't have to try and live off of Rock Stew!

Cheers and Good shooting

PS, the soap box is now available for the next guy!
Posts: 2889 | Location: Southern OREGON | Registered: 27 May 2003Reply With Quote
one of us
posted 21 September 2004 05:56Hide Post
That's why I always crack up at comments about guys that hunt for the cheap meat. True of the local that kills everything with an old beat up 870. Over the years I've accumulated enough toys that venison exceeds the cost of eating at a 5 star resturant every day. I wouldn't change it for the world though.

Posts: 784 | Location: Michigan | Registered: 18 December 2000Reply With Quote
one of us
posted 21 September 2004 05:28Hide Post

That is what my wife always jokes about. Are you going to shoot a deer, then shoot the carcass with the other 60 something rifles you own? She thinks that is my justification for owning them.

Last season and the season before and the season before.....
you get the picture, one shot, one deer.

Not that I take all of that with me, it is just ready to go when I decide I want to Carry a 7 x 57 this afternoon, with a 140 grain load, then carry a 6.5 x 55 in the morning with a 120 grain load, and the next day out carry a 260 with a 100 grain load and the next after noon carry a 7 x 57 with a 160 grain load. You get the picture,.......

I tell ya, it is a disease and affliction. Like Skibum said I would rather be out in the woods. If I can't be out in the woods then I'd rather be over at the range shooting, and if I can't be out at the range shooting, then I would rather be in the garage handloading.

It is a vicious cycle. My wife tells me if I got ride of all of my rifles, got rid of my handloading stuff and quit hunting, that I could easily be over all of this.

Of course with all that money spent there, suddenly available, she can see herself with a new dining room suit, a new living room suit, a new bed room suit, and a new car. So she is all in favor of my letting all of this misery go.

My wife and your wife haven't been talking have they Marty?

Cheers & good shooting
Posts: 2889 | Location: Southern OREGON | Registered: 27 May 2003Reply With Quote
one of us
posted 21 September 2004 08:26Hide Post
I am in Grants Pass Marty!
Posts: 2889 | Location: Southern OREGON | Registered: 27 May 2003Reply With Quote
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posted 21 September 2004 03:21Hide Post
The anticipation of hunting season is as much or more fun than the reality. Right now everything is possible. I hung 5 treestands yesterday. Got my bow dialed in. I only have one rifle I plan to use but it's zeroed and ready to go. Have about 50 rounds currently loaded. Should be enough for any late practice. Put a new rifled slug barrel on my shotgun and have it printing 2" groups at 100 yards so I'm set for local hunting. Just put new sights on my muzzleloader so I have to get it sighted in and I'll be done at the range until January. No sense being there when I can be in the woods. I LOVE this time of year.

Posts: 784 | Location: Michigan | Registered: 18 December 2000Reply With Quote
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Picture of Doc
posted 21 September 2004 11:10Hide Post
Hey Seafire, you wouldn't happen to be a gunsmith would ya? I use on there in Grants Pass.
Posts: 7906 | Registered: 05 July 2004Reply With Quote
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posted 19 September 2004 18:18Hide Post
You know not! I can guarantee you that things here in the east are exactly as you remember them! I believe that the same circumstances that trigger the rut must control the behavior of the hunter.

The days are getting shorter and the nights are getting cooler, a sure sign that the most wonderfull time of the year is quickly aproaching. The local shooting ranges are busy from sun up to sun down, theres a long line at the Wal Mart sporting goods counter, and deer sightings are all the buzz anywhere men gather!

As for me, I try to stay away from Wal Mart, and the local shooting range but my wife says she's seeing the strage glow in my eyes as I begin the mythotical preperation for the upcoming season!

Hope you have a great season and make some more great memories!
Posts: 231 | Location: West Virginia | Registered: 22 December 2003Reply With Quote
one of us
posted 21 September 2004 09:59Hide Post
I believe we met through the Rogue Chapter of the NWTF. I have an office in Medford and Seafire swings by and says hi every so often. I heard you and Jeff H. shared an bow elk camp this year if I not mistaken.

Posts: 135 | Location: Southern Oregon | Registered: 16 December 2003Reply With Quote
one of us
posted 21 September 2004 14:25Hide Post
NO Doc, I am not a gunsmith. I do know a few decent ones around here. Mike Bellm, John Noveske, and Chick Donnelly are 3 decent ones that make their home here in Grants Pass.

Kevin Wyatt over in Medford is also a FANTASTIC gunsmith.

It is an honor to know all three of these guys for me.

Cheers and Good shooting
Posts: 2889 | Location: Southern OREGON | Registered: 27 May 2003Reply With Quote
one of us
posted 21 September 2004 13:35Hide Post
Well, you got me laughing out loud at your thoughts. I can think of a couple of guys who frequent this Board that would fit your "proctoligist" description from both the equipment and personality. Always fun to needle them a bit. And especially exposing the Braggarts for what they are.

... was bragging about his $4,000 custom gun and his Nightforce scope shooting a 6.5 x 284 with his Berger bullets. ... The next guy also had a big buck custom gun with all the MacMillan stock and all the trendy accessories and a Nightforce Scope. ... The forth guy was looking at the rock with his Swarosky BiNocs with objectives the size of a trashcan lid

Ah yes, the perfect set-up. Glad to hear you got to show them what a bit of actual "Trigger Time" is worth compared to dollars spent.


When I let them know it was an off the rack 243 with a simple Winchester 80 grain bullet and the scope just happened to be a $50.00 Cabelas 6 power scope with a $25.00 target turrent attachment from Stoney Point, they seemed to be sort of disappointed. ... They quietly picked up all of their stuff and left. Except with all of their knowledge and all of their fancy equipment they were not hitting that rock at 700 yds.

Seems only fitting.


I went to a Range in Charlotte with a buddy who had just joined it a few years ago. I'd been to the same Range about 12 years previously and decided not to join. Couldn't remember why at the time.

We got all set-up and a smaller stature fellow drives up. He stands with his hands on his hips for awhile behind the Firing Line and then brings a $1200 Swarvoski Spotting Scope up to a Bench. It is HUGE and he had to wrap both arms around it to carry it. I was real curious about what he had it for. After a few minutes we stopped shooting, cleared the line and went to check Targets. Came back and talked to this fellow. He had bought it "only" to check his 100yd and 200yd Targets. I couldn't hold it in and began laughing at which point he apparently took great offense at me seeing some humor in it. He was the club "President" and expected the respect his position deserved. Got to laughing harder and couldn't get the fellow off my mind while I was trying to shoot - crosshair all over the place. I had to pack it up rather than waste Test Loads in meaningless blasting.

As I watched him get into position to shoot, it came back to me why I'd never joined that Range. He was there back then and reminded me of a Banty Rooster strutting about trying to be "In Command".

He did have a right fine M700 that Dave Tooley had worked his magic on. And he did shoot some nice, small - real small - groups with it though.

Thank goodness my buddy didn't get tossed out of the Club for my laughing at this fellow.



If you are a serious hunter/shooter and you must move, Rental Trucks should always be used when moving your Reloading Components, Loaded ammo, SAFEs and Firearms over mountains. Reason being that it is far cheaper than replacing truck transmissions. Anonymous
Posts: 9920 | Location: Carolinas, USA | Registered: 22 April 2001Reply With Quote
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posted 21 September 2004 07:22Hide Post
seafire/ B17G
: Wrote :<>>
My wife and your wife haven't been talking have they Marty?

God i hope not she's still in Alaska where she may stay
and it's my X Wife OoO Yuk

How close are you to medford .?:.seafire

See no one asked how many shotgun shell's a person has..
if thay did i would be sunk.... i would be as bad as the rest..
Posts: 1557 | Location: Home of the original swage | Registered: 29 February 2004Reply With Quote
one of us
posted 21 September 2004 12:38Hide Post
You got me adding up the rounds I loaded for this season. I always load at least one 50 rnd plastic bullet case for any rifle I might hunt with during the season. Although I usually shoot them up by the next season. I like plinking with hunting loads. So I loaded for 6 rifles and have 350 rounds loaded up. Minus a few culled cases. Over the weekend I started getting my gear together for my muley hunt. Starts in 11 days.
Posts: 135 | Location: Southern Oregon | Registered: 16 December 2003Reply With Quote
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posted 21 September 2004 12:30Hide Post
Sorry I was wrong. That happens. Anyhow good to meet you. My office is at the corner of Crater Lake Ave and Delta Waters. Feel free to swing in and say hi anytime.

Mike Walker,
Posts: 135 | Location: Southern Oregon | Registered: 16 December 2003Reply With Quote
one of us
posted 21 September 2004 15:42Hide Post
I will stop by and grap both you guys and drag both you guys over to richard's shop for the day some time
Posts: 1557 | Location: Home of the original swage | Registered: 29 February 2004Reply With Quote
one of us
posted 21 September 2004 15:40Hide Post
Chick Donnelly .!! Seafire ...

I was going to stop off at chick's on my way home the sunday before last i was over to Richard House.Grr
I still need to see if he has a .423 in a button Blank

Will be heading back over in two more weeks to bug richard
he needs to be bugged badly...

Mind if i drop by the office seafire ? in two weeks or so ?

maybe i can grab you and drag you over to richard house for a few hour's ...
Posts: 1557 | Location: Home of the original swage | Registered: 29 February 2004Reply With Quote
one of us
posted 21 September 2004 12:18Hide Post


I believe we met through the Rogue Chapter of the NWTF. I have an office in Medford and Seafire swings by and says hi every so often. I heard you and Jeff H. shared an bow elk camp this year if I not mistaken.



Sorry guy wrong Marty

Richard Corbin's on the left i am on the right..

I don't bow hunt ..

Richard's in Phoenix just the other side of Medford on

Colver Rd.

4090 Colver Rd. Phoenix Oregon Richy make swage dies

You should stop by the shop some time or call him


Load's of infomation on bullet's and bulet design

and you can get a good look at the diffrent type's of swage press's that are there .....

Almost forgot i am 5 years younger then richard

and i still look better then he does .

Please remind him of that if you see him lol
Posts: 1557 | Location: Home of the original swage | Registered: 29 February 2004Reply With Quote
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Picture of Doc
posted 21 September 2004 14:40Hide Post
Did you happen to see another post a few weeks old where I put pictures of my 30.06 and targets for bear hunting? John Noveske built that for me.

It's a thread under either reloading or big game hunting that I started and it has range result pictures.

The stock is painted up in "Southwest Oregon" as John likes to call it. He put together a tack driver with the right loads. Those Barnes 168 TSX did a nice .4" group.
Posts: 7906 | Registered: 05 July 2004Reply With Quote
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