Ryan: My wife drew a moose tag last year in Wy. with 3 points. She got her moose after 10 days of hunting, with me as guide. That was the first and only bull we saw. Saw lots of cows.
A moose draw here is a tough draw.Even for the residents. If you would try to draw I would reccomend the big horn mtn. area.There are alot of moose north and west of cody even in the beartooth mountain range.You would be wise to have horses for those areas. Hope you draw.
Are the moose in the units you mentioned in the wilderness? I am hoping to do a trip self guided if I ever draw so I would have to hunt outside the wilderness.
I have looked at the draw odds, they are tough but much better then some other states, Colorado, Utah, etc. Orginally I was looking at some of the more populare units - 1, 16, 26. But I could wait a life time before drawing any of those units.
Ryan I looked at some of the areas on the net today, and the more north and west you go, the easier it is to get into wilderness. Check out areas 1&34. Every time up there I usually see moose. Areas 12&13 i also see alot of moose. If you know any resident here, they can be your guide. All they have to do is get the guide license and they are free. Area 12&13 would be a more rugged hunt. If I can be of help, just let me know.
I have ruled out unit 1 because of the really lean draw odds. I'll have to take a look at units 12, 13, and 34. In your experience which of these units has the largest bulls?
Ryan Thats hard to answer. I've seen nice bulls in all the areas I mentioned. It looks to me like area 34 you wouldn't have to worry to much about wilderness. There is some but, it's quite a ways back in.I believe it's area 13 I've seen some nice bulls, in the beartooth range.
I am going to really look at unit 13 and 34. The draw odds are reasonable in both units. Sometimes the hardest part of a hunt is doing the research on tags, etc.