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Best Deer Camp Story
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Picture of Wendell Reich
A lot of us love the camp life more than the hunt. Good folks, and good times and usually some pretty good pranks, jokes or just interesting things that happen in a hunting camp.

Tell me your best non-hunting camp story.
Posts: 6265 | Location: Dallas, TX | Registered: 13 July 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of adamhunter
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I've got quite a few but the one that is always good for a laugh is the "Initiation" when a hunter gets his first deer. It was done to me when I killed my first and I have pulled it on few first timers as well.
It goes like this: One of the guys offers to gut the guys first kill. When the deer is spread open on the ground, the gutter asks the "victim" to come over and help pull the rib cage apart. Basically the victim ends up on his hands and knees straddling the deer trying to get some room for the gutter to work. The gutter says something to get the victim to take a closet look; like take a look at what the bullet did to these lungs or something similar. Then another guy sneak up behind the victim and jambs his face down in the guts. Most guys take it pretty well, but some have gotten all pissed off about it. I've seen it done counless times and never seen anybody not fall for it.

30+ years experience tells me that perfection hit at .264. Others are adequate but anything before or after is wishful thinking.
Posts: 854 | Location: Atlanta, GA | Registered: 20 December 2007Reply With Quote
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Picture of 577NitroExpress
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Years ago, in deer camp in north central PA, the owner of the camp we hunted out of, Roy, was out and about hunting whitetail deer.

Now, if you have ever been to PA during antlered deer season, you'll know that a lot of hunters wear that one piece overall blaze orange hunting outfit.

Well good ol Roy was out and about in his blaze orange jump suit when nature called.

He found himself a nice push, dropped the jumpsuit down around his ankles and squatted down to take care of business.

For the rest of the day he walked around the woods with an odor of s**t arond him. He couldn't figure out where it was coming from.

Well, upon returning to camp we discovered the source of odor - Roy dumped in the hood of his overalls.

Good thing the old boy didn't get extra cold out there and pull that hood on!

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Posts: 2789 | Location: Bucks County, Pennsylvania | Registered: 08 June 2005Reply With Quote
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Thats classic! Big Grin And yes I have had my misadventures as well Eeker


There are those that do, those that dream, and those that only read about it and then post their "expertise" on AR!
Posts: 831 | Location: Mount Vernon, WA | Registered: 18 November 2001Reply With Quote
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we were in a camp/resort in northern minnesota the friday before the season opened on saturday. this guy comes into the bar is a suit/tie/homberg hat etc. we didn't think anything of it just figured he came outof his office and left for camp, that is until the next morning when he goes out in the same outfit. He walked maybe 200 yards behind the resort and a little buck came through. he shoots and the deer falls down. 1st thing he did was walk over and put his tag on it. then the deer jumps up and runs away. 100 yards or so latter the next guy shoots and kills it. The guy walks over and claims the deer. whado you mean your deer the 2nd guy says, its got my tag in it. With that he grabs the deer and heads back, homberg hat and all
Posts: 13446 | Location: faribault mn | Registered: 16 November 2004Reply With Quote
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I was thinking I had related this story before, but could not find it and I am away from my computer but here is the short version....

A little background before I spin a yarn about one incidence that I thought was pretty funny.
I am the only member of my family that hunts. However, one of my younger brothers married into a family of hunters. There are now four generations spanning 75 years. We have had three different leases in the Texas hill country. There are nine of us old farts that have continued to hunt together. My brother no longer hunts with them but this is my 10th season hunting with them. Most of us or now in our mid fifties and are getting pretty tame, but it always wasn’t that way. Now it seems that the older we get, the better we were.
I do not know what you guys deer camps are like but, ours typically are five or six miles off the road, 30 or so miles from the nearest town. Typically we do not have power or water. We bring in water, cook over charcoal or propane. Guys only, no females of the opposite sex.
At the time this incidence occurred, it was my brother and I, the grand pa, his oldest son, his adult grandson, two of his nephews and a couple of the oldest sons running buddies. If I recall correctly this was the week between Christmas and New Year. We had been in camp several days and were getting pretty rank, not having bathed or showered in several days. It was in the evening and we were engaged in our nightly ritual. I don’t know how it is in your camp, but in any small group there always seems to be a pecking order and everybody seems to have their role.
I won’t even take the time to describe all the different roles, but a couple of guys were skinning animals that had been taken that evening, the adult grandson, who was a chef for a period of time, and usually whips up something special (ribeyes basted with a jack daniels barbeque reductions sauce, braised asparagus, fire roasted vegetables, etc. ) was cooking. I think I was gathering wood and building a fire.
Anyway, one of the guys who I’ll call Bill (to protect the guilty) was nowhere to be seen. Bill is one funny guy. He is always pulling some kind of prank or doing something unusual. Its not an act, he’s just wired different. An example,we hunt out of blinds so I do not wear cammo to my blind. Many do. Bill wears camo, but always puts a pair of white Bermuda walking shorts over his camo and wears white high top tennis shoes to his blind.
To continue, Bill had disappeared. Well we’re doing our nightly ritual of skinning, cooking, making a fire, drinking and bullshitting when Bill decides to make his grand entrance. We were staying in an old trailer. Some how he had gone in and cleaned up, styled his hair and put on a red velvet smoking jacket, complete with satin lapels and black house slippers. He had a pipe in his mouth, and a tray of manhattans in long stemed glasses like martini’s are served in, complete with maraschino cherry. He had made one for everyone. Here we were, hunting for days, no bath smelling of sweat, blood and woodsmoke. The incongruity of his stunt just broke everyone up completely.
This may not be the funniest of my deer camp experiences but it certainly is one of the most memorable.
Posts: 23752 | Location: Pearland, Tx,, USA | Registered: 10 September 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of Crazyhorseconsulting
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One time up at the place I hunted in Montague county Texas, myself, my ex-hunting partner, and one of his business associates, were spending a Sat. and Sun. deer hunting.

We had a fairly decent campsite set-up, just did not have a latrine as such.

It was a cool night, and we had a good camp fire going, and had finished supper and cleaned up the dishes and were setting around bsflaging.

It was about 9:30 or 10:00 at night, and nature called, so I walked out of camp, around behind one of the trailers we had up there.

At that time, the only light we had for the camp was coleman lanterns and the light from the campfire.

I have a flash light with me, so that I can keep from tripping on something around the trailer.

Just as I got out of the light of the camp, the light from the flashlight, picks up a set of eyes about 30 feet from me.

It takes me a minute or so, but then realize it is someone's old coon dog out there just looking for a friendly face.

Well, I get to thinking about the situation, and a thought runs thru my head, and I go to laughing so hard I get choked somewhat.

I stumble back into camp, still laughing so hard, that I can not talk.

The other two guys ask me what is wrong, and I tell them about the coon dog.

Now they don't understand why I am laughing so hard, until I tell them, that after seeing that it was a dog out there in the dark, I got to thinking abiout what the reaction would be, if one of us had to go out in the pasture, in the dark, and do a Number Two.

The thoughts of what would be the response of anyone, if out there at 3:00 or so in the morning, dropping their drawers to take a dump, and that old dog running up and sticking that cold nose in the crack of their ass, just as they squatted down.

I could just imagine the persons reaction, the look on the dogs face, and the amount of destruction to the brush that would have ensued.

I guess simple things for simple minds.

Even the rocks don't last forever.

Posts: 31014 | Location: Olney, Texas | Registered: 27 March 2006Reply With Quote
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I shouldn't tell this story as my reputation as little as it is might not survive.
I was sitting in the blind several years ago and a deer trotted out towards the feeder. I raised my SKS up and shot and shot and shot! I know for sure that I killed it on the first shot. My buddy came over the hill and said where are they? He said he thought a herd of them must have moved through or that I needed help in a war. I said no, I just shot a deer and it is laying over there. I said it was a nice doe. He walked over and lifted its leg and said"Butch, this doe has balls". He looked around and found a feed sack and put him-her in it.
I thought every thing had died down until I picked the deer up at the processor. He came out with a Playmate cooler and said" Mr. Lambert, I know how hard you hunted and I didn't want you to go home empty handed so I put a chicken in the Playmate to fill her up".
Posts: 8964 | Location: Poetry, Texas | Registered: 28 November 2004Reply With Quote
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Picture of Austin Hunter
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I have a few.

Once a friend spent two days on spot and stalk hunt for some Coriscan at our place. He finally got one in the morning and decided to take a nap midday. Well, the Ram had some big balls and he had cut them off and left them in the gut bucket. So we decided to drop them on his chest under his chin while he was sleeping. Unfortunately, (or maybe fortunately for him) they were covered in fire ants. So we made a backup plan. We went into the cabin and started talking about how we were going to stick the nut sack on him - just loud enough so he could hear us. I wrapped two large lemons in warm paper towels and proceeded into his room. As I lowered the "nut sack" to his chest, with his eyes closed, he said don't do it, and I promptly placed them on his chest. We moved his hand like The Flash and across they room they went. He's a bit of a pretty boy and doesn't like to get dirty or work, so he was up out of bed acting like we had out who knows what on him until he saw they were just lemons, then he was embarassed.

Another buddy of ours always stays up late at night getting drunk and talking, but then never hunts in the morning. So we are all tired and get up early, not being able to sleep because of him. So now, when he does that and it's cold outside, we open all the windows, doors, and turn off any heat when we leave for the morning hunt.

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