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back from MT
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Just got back from my muley hunt in MT. I had a hairy drive from Casper to north of Billings, icy roads made travel a bitch to say the least. Arrived on time seeing a few bucks near camp on the way in. First morning had us north of camp overlooking some river bottoms and some big bowls, plenty of deer and for that matter plenty of bucks. The rut was in full swing!. We jumped one buck as we were leaving a glassing area, he looked good but when we got the spotter on him I decided to wait. Mid morning brought some hunger pains so back to the ranch and some eggs and sausage. Of the 6 of us one guy scored on an old 3 X 4 he was wide with quite a bit of mass. Back to the bush with full stomachs, same game plan glass bowls and coulees looking for the muey grande. Weather was not totally in our favor, cold wind freezing bino and spotting scope fingers. At about 1430 we were glassing a group of nine does and were ready to move to our next vantage point when I see horns come up a small knoll hot on the tail of another doe. At 1200 yds he deserved another look. I got the spotter on him and decided I would try a stalk. We let the does graze out of site and he followed, we then made our way to a small pond with a cut bank that allowed us to jog 1/4 mile in their direction unseen. There was a hill/butte type affair the deer disappeared behind and that allowed us to stalk to with in 40 yds of where we last saw them. I eased over a knoll and there he was bedded 50 yds away, looking right at me. I then tried to get behind him but the combination of big feet, snow and rocks alerted him and when I popped up to shoot all I had in the scope was buck ass. The buck disappeared behind a small hill and popped out the other side, carrying the mail!!. I opened my bi-pod and extended the legs while dropping to the prone postion. He was headed staight up a near vertcal face, I got the scope on him and in a loud whisper yelled to my guide. "RANGE?". The buck hesitated near the top and looked back at the does in the bottom, I heard "362" at the "2" I raised the crosshair approximately 8" and squeezed. The 180 Accubond driven by 75.5 gr of RL-22 hit the near shoulder exiting behind the far shoulder, he was dead before he hit the ground, with both lungs and heart destroyed. He slid to the bottom on the snow covered rocks. I tried to memorize my drop chart on the way up and I practiced for the last 6-8 weeks prone with no rear bag. That and all the good advice I have gotten here allowed me to get him. From the time I jumped him till I fired could not have been 10-15 seconds maybe 20 at the most. It was exciting.

Windage and elevation, Mrs. Langdon, windage and elevation...
Posts: 944 | Location: michigan | Registered: 16 December 2004Reply With Quote
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Picture of Doc
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Not trying to be a complainer but can you enlarge the thumbnail size picture? Looks like a very nice mulie!


Ted Kennedy's car has killed more people than my guns
Posts: 7906 | Registered: 05 July 2004Reply With Quote
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I will try again. Not too handy on the computer

Windage and elevation, Mrs. Langdon, windage and elevation...
Posts: 944 | Location: michigan | Registered: 16 December 2004Reply With Quote
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I don't know if it is me or the computer but I can't seem to post a bigger picture. I could just throw this thing sometimes

Windage and elevation, Mrs. Langdon, windage and elevation...
Posts: 944 | Location: michigan | Registered: 16 December 2004Reply With Quote
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Windage and elevation, Mrs. Langdon, windage and elevation...
Posts: 944 | Location: michigan | Registered: 16 December 2004Reply With Quote
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I did it finally

Windage and elevation, Mrs. Langdon, windage and elevation...
Posts: 944 | Location: michigan | Registered: 16 December 2004Reply With Quote
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