Tikka combo 222/12 guage M07
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posted 17 March 2011 06:32
Hello ive seen a few of these for sale and thought of getting one ,since its hard to find combos for sale in Aus now[for some reason] .Does anyone own one ? and what do you think of it ? i would like a QD mount for it does anyone make one for it ? any other guns [brands]you might recommend [not savage or baikal]
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posted 18 March 2011 15:08Hide Post
i owned one in12/222 rem many years and it has an accuraccy that made many bolt actions shame!
very simple and solid design. i gave it to my son, because he liked it so much!!

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posted 18 March 2011 18:38Hide Post
There was a Tikka O/U 12/222 'Turkey Gun' imported into the states for a while. I do not know the model number. A friend of mine has one. The rifle barrel(under) is a bit shorter than the shotgun barrel and has a muzzle brake kind of thing where the barrels are attached. It has an exposed hammer and a barrel selector on the left side of the receiver. The trigger breaks cleanly. To quote him, "It shoots like a raped ape!" Recoil with 3" shells is a bit rough and with 3" slugs, ugly. The gun only weighs about 6 1/2 pounds. Nicely made, good shooter. It handles more like a rifle than a shotgun, so is good for turkeys, but doesn't swing well for bird hunting for me. It has never given him any problems.
I've seen them in 222, 223 and 222 magnum. Hope that helps.

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posted 19 March 2011 09:26Hide Post
Combos were never that common here, and most of them are only available secondhand now.

Keep an eye on A couple of the Tikkas there ATM.

AFAIK they only ever came to Oz in 12ga/.222, back when Fuller Firearms were the Tikka agents.

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posted 20 March 2011 02:32Hide Post
The Savage 2400 is a Valmet made combo. It came in 12/.308 Win., and 12/.222 Remington. They are well made, and mine in 12/ .222 is VERY accurate.

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posted 28 March 2011 18:53Hide Post
I have the Tikka in 12/222. I bought it for turkey hunting, but have used it just about for everything. Even took it to a local trap shoot- hadn't shot trap for several years and shot a 19. As a rifle it is also accurate as heck. I have a quick release scope on it- low 2 1/2 power- and I replace the rear "V" sight with a peep leaf that popped right into it. I find I carry it more without the scope than with. I have a drilling and a cape gun also, but there is no way I would get rid of my Tikka.
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Picture of arkypete
posted 29 March 2011 05:39Hide Post
A question, if you will.
Didn't Tikka make a combination rifle shotgun that had half a dozen different rifle/ shotgun variations.
You could get a 12 over 12, or 3006 over 3006 or 3006 over 12.


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posted 29 March 2011 07:03Hide Post
The interchangeable barrel model was the 412, then the 412S and then the 512. At some point the 512 became the Finn Classic. I beleive it is still made as a 512S Finn Classic, but in Italy. I am not sure when the manufacturing was switched from Tikka. The barrels are designed to be interchangeable, but do require fitting. Some of our members are real proponents for this gun. You seldom hear anthing negative about them. Here's a link to a catalog for that one

They are a different model from the one that I think Tankhunter was talking about.

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posted 29 March 2011 17:21Hide Post
Black Fly

Thanks for the info.
Should I ever win the Lotto, I'd like to have one customized in 405 Winchester.


"Whensoever the General Government assumes undelegated powers, its acts are unauthoritative, void, and of no force." --Thomas Jefferson

Posts: 6173 | Location: Richmond, Virginia | Registered: 17 September 2000Reply With Quote
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posted 30 March 2011 02:28Hide Post
Hello DM does your Savage have an 11 mm Dovetail for scope ?Evidently most combos have this width ,which mount do you use for your scope ?Thanks everyone for your comments
Posts: 625 | Location: Australia | Registered: 07 April 2006Reply With Quote
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posted 30 March 2011 05:50Hide Post
Originally posted by tankhunter:
Hello DM does your Savage have an 11 mm Dovetail for scope ?Evidently most combos have this width ,which mount do you use for your scope ?Thanks everyone for your comments

The 2400's use the Sako quick attach mount...

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