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Moderators: Paul H
Re: Looking for a good .270 bolt rifle
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I can't say about anywhere else but where I live a used Savage is about as hard to get rid of as the clap. Remingtons seem to rule the resale due to thier popularity. I prefer Winchesters but other than Pre-64's they are a little harder to sell than Remingtons but nowhere near as hard to sell as a Savage.As far as scopes go a Leupold will almost always sale quickly Petax, Burris, Baush and Lomb, and Bushnell you almost have to give away. What has everyone else experienced......DJ
Posts: 3976 | Location: Oklahoma,USA | Registered: 27 February 2004Reply With Quote

How big is the budget? Do you want a traditional with blued metall and wood stock or a stainless with synthetic stock?

Regarding Savage rifles. They are "El cheapo", tacky and lacks everything in my book. Simply a POS

Best market to get a nice gun with good quality for relatively little money is to buy a custom rifle secondhand. Custom rifles are often "cheap" when they sold used.

Ray, have you gone nuts. You are selling all these fine rifles. Time to get a new horse or mule this time?


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Well fellas, I own one of them Savage's in 22-250 and it shoots great right out of the box. But I am here to tell you!If it wasn't such a hassle to get firearms shipped to Canada from the USA that FN Mr.Atkinson has for sale would already have a new home! There is nothing finer than a classic rifle! None of the new rifles could ever compare to this rifle IMO!
Posts: 7 | Location: Alberta , Canada | Registered: 16 March 2004Reply With Quote
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Well I'll be,so accuracy does not count?What the hell kind of a statement is that,it's a first to me.I guess a rifle just has to look good to you.You know with deep blueing,oh yes and a bright shining stock.Never mind it cant hit the side of a barn,but it looks fine and has shine to it.Here is a little hint for you,"to a rifleman accuracy is everything".

I really wasn't trying to start a fight here, it just seems that when a savage gets recommended, accuracy is it. There is no mention of other features such as the safety mechanism, stock design,customization potential, feeding, blah blah blah.

No, accuracy isn't everything, if it was we would all be carrying around 25lb single shot bolt action rifles. But it seems to be the only thing Savage owners talk about. Just thought there might be more to the rifle than that. Broken extractors, broken barrel locking nuts, etc. seem to dominate the other side of the story. Glad to see you admit they're ugly, and as far as bear crap goes, I'll show you some that might make you think twice about accuracy being the only criteria when selecting a rifle .

Posts: 2659 | Location: Southwestern Alberta | Registered: 08 March 2003Reply With Quote
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I really like my Savage. It shoots nice, I love the accutrigger, and the three point safety is nice OH and the price was right. I have nothing bad to say about it other than " It aint pretty!"

Hey Chuck Southwestern Alberta???? Do you mind telling me where? I am in the southmost area of Calgary.
Posts: 7 | Location: Alberta , Canada | Registered: 16 March 2004Reply With Quote
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I have no idea what you are saying? To clarify my comment, I meant that a nice FN mauser has a solid feel to it that many of todays guns, due to materials and finish, just do not possess.

Maybe if you slow down your typing and work on the sentence structure people will be better able to understand your posts.

And yes as a matter of fact I do know guns up here. I live 5 miles form my club and compete in High Power out to 1000 yards, shoot on the State Service Rifle team, am a Distinguished Rifleman, have made the Presidents 100 at Camp Perry and shoot about 5 to 6 thousand rounds a year. Been hunting since I was old enough and leave in 3 weeks to try my hand in South Africa.
Posts: 1568 | Location: NC | Registered: 10 June 2002Reply With Quote
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I have no idea what you are saying? To clarify my comment, I meant that a nice FN mauser has a solid feel to it that many of todays guns, due to materials and finish, just do not possess.

Maybe if you slow down your typing and work on the sentence structure people will be better able to understand your posts.

And yes as a matter of fact I do know guns up here. I live 5 miles form my club and compete in High Power out to 1000 yards, shoot on the State Service Rifle team, am a Distinguished Rifleman, have made the Presidents 100 at Camp Perry and shoot about 5 to 6 thousand rounds a year. Been hunting since I was old enough and leave in 3 weeks to try my hand in South Africa.

Just give that BB gun 10 pumps,and don't shoot your eye out kid. See you gave me structure,and you thought I was dumb.
Posts: 255 | Location: Wurtsboro,NY.USA | Registered: 11 May 2003Reply With Quote
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Why is it when I type the brand name Savage,and state that I think Savage is a fine rifle,some of you people want to stomp me and Savage into the dirt?You see I don't give a tinkers dam what some of you elite people think.Over many years I have reasoning to know,that the Savage rifle is a fine instrument.
Posts: 255 | Location: Wurtsboro,NY.USA | Registered: 11 May 2003Reply With Quote
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I grew up right next to Waterton/Glacier, but am now living in Lethbridge.

Posts: 2659 | Location: Southwestern Alberta | Registered: 08 March 2003Reply With Quote
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What ?

Sorry I know that went over your head.
Posts: 255 | Location: Wurtsboro,NY.USA | Registered: 11 May 2003Reply With Quote
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I have made no reference to savage rifles, you were too busy calling me an elitist snob to notice apparently. I have no problem with anyone prefering or using a savage, why do have one with me prefering an FN?
It seems you are just looking for a fight, which I can't be bothered to give you.
It also appears that you can speak english and yet I still haven't the foggiest notion what your point of asking me what planet I am from is all about?
Posts: 1568 | Location: NC | Registered: 10 June 2002Reply With Quote
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Budget is $600,can it be done?
Posts: 415 | Location: Milwaukee WI USA | Registered: 07 April 2002Reply With Quote
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Could someone please explain to me the virtues of a savage bolt action rifle, and accuracy doesn't count.


Well I'll be,so accuracy does not count?What the hell kind of a statement is that,it's a first to me.I guess a rifle just has to look good to you.You know with deep blueing,oh yes and a bright shining stock.Never mind it cant hit the side of a barn,but it looks fine and has shine to it.Here is a little hint for you,"to a rifleman accuracy is everything".
Posts: 255 | Location: Wurtsboro,NY.USA | Registered: 11 May 2003Reply With Quote
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I guess now I am an elitist. Anybody want my Marlin 30/30 or my Mossberg pump. Can't be seen with them anymore.

I own a 3030 Marlin 336 and a Mossberg 500 pump also.And I love them!
Posts: 255 | Location: Wurtsboro,NY.USA | Registered: 11 May 2003Reply With Quote
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I dont understand why Savage is getting bashed. I have shot several diff. makes and models of rifles and the three Savages that I own are some of the smoothest bolting, safest, and most accurate rifles on the market. I guess you all forgot that they are one of the oldest gun makers around.

I shoot Remington and Weatherby rifles alot but, there isn't anything they can do that a Savage cant.


THANK YOU.,Red Neck 64.
Posts: 255 | Location: Wurtsboro,NY.USA | Registered: 11 May 2003Reply With Quote
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Well I'll be,so accuracy does not count?What the hell kind of a statement is that,it's a first to me.I guess a rifle just has to look good to you.You know with deep blueing,oh yes and a bright shining stock.Never mind it cant hit the side of a barn,but it looks fine and has shine to it.Here is a little hint for you,"to a rifleman accuracy is everything".

I really wasn't trying to start a fight here, it just seems that when a savage gets recommended, accuracy is it. There is no mention of other features such as the safety mechanism, stock design,customization potential, feeding, blah blah blah.

No, accuracy isn't everything, if it was we would all be carrying around 25lb single shot bolt action rifles. But it seems to be the only thing Savage owners talk about. Just thought there might be more to the rifle than that. Broken extractors, broken barrel locking nuts, etc. seem to dominate the other side of the story. Glad to see you admit they're ugly, and as far as bear crap goes, I'll show you some that might make you think twice about accuracy being the only criteria when selecting a rifle .


It's putting meat in the pot.How can you eat,what you cannot kill.You know S--t about rifles!10-4
Posts: 255 | Location: Wurtsboro,NY.USA | Registered: 11 May 2003Reply With Quote
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