Moderators: Paul H
which bullet would you use?
I am putting together a savage 110 cal is 338-06.
This gun will be used for elk but mostly whitetail deer. the bullet I was planning on using for elk is the 210 nosler part. but the question is which one for deer. Deer here in maine run about 150 to 225 pounds. I want a bullet that will exspand and not just punch through. The nosler part. at close range have just punched through and not exspanded that well for me on deer. For tougher animals like elk nosler are great but not so for deer. I am looking at bullet weights around 200 to 225 grains. From all data that I have seen I should be able to get velocities around 2700 fps with this weight range of bullets.
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Woodleigh 225 or 250 gr protected points.
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I would look at the Hornady or Speer 200 grain bullets. I think they will do what you want done, and they aren't as "hard" as the NP.

jim dodd
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Picture of Rob1SG
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I'm going to use the Nosler 180 gr BT at 2900-3000.Hits like a 300 Win Mag or WSM. If you must use a 200 or higher try the Nosler BT 200 gr easy to get 2800 out of them at least with my 24"bbl.If you need some data that works in my rifle let me know.
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Picture of Wstrnhuntr
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Nearly any suitable bullet from a 338-06 should knock the stuffing out of a Deer, but I think Id first give the 215 grn Gameking a try.
Posts: 10196 | Location: Tooele, Ut | Registered: 27 September 2001Reply With Quote
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Get the Hornady Interlock. It is an excellent bullet, and should work very well at .338-06 velocities.

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Picture of fredj338
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I have been shooting the 210gr NP for all sizes of big game for some years now. I find exc. exp. from the front half on even small deer & antelope out to 300yards w/o recovering any bullets (I judge this by the size of the exit wounds). The Speer 200gr would also work well on deer size game & shoots to the same POI as my 210gr NPs.
Congrats on your choice of a fine caliber!

[ 11-07-2002, 06:28: Message edited by: fredj338 ]
Posts: 7752 | Location: kalif.,usa | Registered: 08 March 2001Reply With Quote
Hornady makes a .338 200gr flat point, intended for the 33 Winchester. That bullet should expand well at low velocity. I would not load it over 2200fps.

Or, Maybe the Nosler 180gr Ballistic tip. I would imagine a 338-06 can push it to 2900 fps or more. Just guessin it would expand well.

I load Hornady 250gr round nose at 2200fps for a deer load in my .338WinMag.

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I vote Nosler Partition. My favorite! Shot a very nice Axis last year with my 300 Apex shooting a 150 Nosler Partition. I hit the deer high in the shoulder, but the Nosler did it's job, breaking both shoulders and dropping the deer in mid-step. I prefer a through and through shot, especially on thin skinned deer! Lots of great bullets out there, use what you like!
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Picture of browningguy
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I've used the Hornady SST in 30'06 180 gr. and .308 150 gr. with excellent results on whitetail and exotics. Not sure how they hold up at higher velocity though.
Posts: 1242 | Location: Houston, TX, USA | Registered: 04 April 2002Reply With Quote
Nosler recommends the 200-grain Ballistic Tip for deer in the .338/'06, and the 210 grain Pazrtition Jacket for larger game. They say that these two often have the same point of impact when fired from this cartridge. The BT certainly is softer than the Partition...
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Picture of NBHunter
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Add another vote for the 200gr Nosler BT. I use them in my 338WMag for deer so your rifle should give a perfect blend of expantion and penitration. For what it's worth, they are the only cup and core bullet I ever recovered from the gravel in the backstop at 100 yards that consistantly hold their lead core and still expand that wide. Give them a try if partitions aren't what you want.
Posts: 741 | Location: NB Canada | Registered: 20 August 2002Reply With Quote
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Any of these will take deer nicely: 180 Nos BT, 200 Nos BT, 200 Speer, 200 Hornady Spire, 210 Nosler Partition, 215 Sierra.

Personally, I would try the 180 Nosler first.

I think you are misreading the performance of the Nosler Partition. The front section is very expansive, in fact, it is about as quickly-expanding as anything on the market. The rear section will almost always (make that always) punch through a deer-sized animal, often leaving only a caliber-sized exit wound. Don't mistake this for non-expansion.

Use whatever bullet gives you the best accuracy because any will do the job on deer, but don't discount the Partition as a good deer bullet. It will give you more than you need, but will also give you all you want.
Posts: 13337 | Location: Henly, TX, USA | Registered: 04 April 2001Reply With Quote
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Exactly Stonecreek!! [Big Grin]
Posts: 7752 | Location: kalif.,usa | Registered: 08 March 2001Reply With Quote
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I would just load up the Nosler Partition in the 210 gr. and use it for everything from coyotes to Moose and Eland...I did and it worked for me. Keeps things simple.
Posts: 42457 | Location: Twin Falls, Idaho | Registered: 04 June 2000Reply With Quote
I vote for the partitons as the BT's are very good at longer ranges, in close I have found out that they are meat wreckers.
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