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Moderators: Paul H
How does one adjust buckhorn sights??
Fellas, i have a Win 94 that is shootin a little too much to the right for my liking. How does one adjust the windage?? Do i knock the front sight over to the left a touch?? Would a small punch and hammer do the trick? Thanks for the help guys [Smile]
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Picture of Hobie
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Move the rear sight in the direction you want to move the point of impact. Move the front sight in the OPPOSITE direction you want to move the point of impact. IOW, you would drift front sight right to move the POI to the left. However, before I did that I'd move the rear sight to the right, first as part of the internal sight adjustments (if possible) and then by slightly drifting it to the right in the dovetail. Be sure to make "witness marks", usually in the center of the sight base, that allow you to judge how far you've actually moved the sight(s).

It is always best to have the gun held firmly in some type of vice as close to the sight as possible (to avoid bending the barrel). Also, go in small increments, a little goes a long way here.
Posts: 2324 | Location: Staunton, VA | Registered: 05 September 2002Reply With Quote
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Using only a bench rest, shoot the gun at 50 yards..knock the rear sight in the direction you want the group on the target to go and if the rear sight gets to far off center, you move the front sight the opposite way you want the group to move, this way you can keep both front and rear very close to center.....You have notches for elevation and you may have file your high notch down to get it exactly where you want it..To move the group up you raise the rear or lower the front and visa versa....Once sighted at 50, shoot at 100 and make the minor adjustment for dead on if needed....
Posts: 42457 | Location: Twin Falls, Idaho | Registered: 04 June 2000Reply With Quote
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