The Accurate Reloading Forums
Opinions on 338-06

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06 January 2010, 20:23
Opinions on 338-06
Ray, very interesting. I haven't looked past my Nosler reloading manual yet, but do you have experience at longer ranges, e.g. the 400 yards I would like to be have this new rig perform at?

I like the idea of something a bit more potent, but I have a 375, and a 416 RM barrel for one of my Sauer 202 Takedowns, (which I would sell along with a bunch of brass and bullets BTW) and the 416 is way more than I plan to need, as Elephant etc. is not on my menu....I don't know if going to the 9.3 diameter is really the answer, but I like the lack of belt and the fact it is not a real common round....bullet selection looked a bit meager....

This has me thinking of another thread about opinions on the role of diameter in killing effectiveness......