20 October 2002, 11:31
Brian MQuestion about 9.3
Does anyone know anything about the 9.3x53R cartridge?Picking up a baby double rifle so chambered.Supposedly you make the brass off of 45/70s.Ballistics are supposed to be a 200 grain bullet at 1725 FPS.
Any info would be apprechiated.
20 October 2002, 20:18
N E 450 No2Brian M, at that velocity level I would use Hawk bullets with the .025jkt.
20 October 2002, 22:37
Brian MALF,
Thanks for the info.This won't be pointed at anything bigger than a 120 pound blacktail buck,so no worrys as far as power goes.
I have a bunch of DKT 193 grain softnoses that I picked up for my 9.3x72R.They have a lot of lead exposed and expand a lot at 1900 FPS from the 72mm round,so I am sure they will expand enough at 1700 FPS.
24 November 2002, 07:35
carcano91ALF's reply is correct, but only to 50 %. The *other* and nowadays better known 9,3 x 53 R cartridge is derived from the 7,62 x 53 R (Finnish/Russian) and made by Sako. This latter is a powerful cartridge, unlike the Swiss one. Alas, Finnish ammo *can* be fired in Swiss chambers. Reloading data for the Swiss cartridge can be found via the two Swiss rifle webboards.
There also exists a Russian 9 x 53 R.
24 November 2002, 08:26
MacD37Hey Brian, is that the little 6.5Lb belguim double that Champlin's had? If so, I almost bought that rifle myself. Talk about a nice whitetail rifle, and with dies, cases, and ammo along with load data from the preveous owner. Hard deal to beat!
If this is your first double rifle, welcome to the fools train of double rifle ownership!
Happy hunting with your new double rifle!
[ 11-23-2002, 23:27: Message edited by: MacD37 ]