I was recently given two boxes of .308 Norma Magnum from a coworker. I was under the impression it was .308 win. I don't have any use for it, what is the proper way to dispose of it? Thanks.
Sounds like you have a .308---not a .308 Norma Magnum. So pull the bullets and you can reload them into .308 cases. Dump the powder on your garden. Find someone with a .308 Norma Magnum and give them the cases. If you don't know anyone with a Norma--post it here that you have brass and you'll get some takers. If you don't reload, you wont be able to afford to shoot the .308 very much so your usage would be so minimal that it wouldn't be worthy of the space it is taking up. Send it to me.
Posts: 3811 | Location: san angelo tx | Registered: 18 November 2009
I have to tell this story! Years ago 40 maybe, I wanted a 308 and told a older friend that took me hunting and fishing from time to time. He said he had a 308 he would sell me cheap but it had a problem, FIRE AND SMOKE comes out of it when you shoot it. The brass is all split up after its fired. He brought me the rifle a week later and it was a Husvarna 308 Norma Magnum high grade gun. I looked at the 308 Winchester box in his hand with a cases that looked like a flower on the end and said to him "There's your problem. ITS A 308 MAGNUM. He said to me if you want it give me $100 and its yours. I traded the rifle a week later for a brand new Rem 700 308 with a Leupold scope!
Posts: 2849 | Location: NC | Registered: 08 July 2006