One of Us
| A 6.5mm M/S with its "signature" 160 grain bullet gives a good thump and that is so slow it is now longtimes illegal thanks to a rather stupid deer welfare organisation! It maybe that your bullet is going too fast and that you can't hear the thump for the (albeit moderated) "bang"? In other words the thump has got back to you too quickly...if that makes sense? Or your bullet is too short?  I would be quite happy to visit with my 270 Winchester firing a 140 grain bullet at 2,800 to put this to the test on any deer you might still have left! |
| Posts: 6826 | Location: United Kingdom | Registered: 18 November 2007 | 
One of Us
| I don't know the answer to your question but I do like hearing the thump, I call it POP. When I shoot deer in the neck there aint no pop eithor, atleast I never heard any. I never take a neck shot unless its within 100 yards and I feel confident. |
| Posts: 538 | Location: S.E. Oregon | Registered: 27 January 2009 | 
one of us
| Must be that the bullet gets there so fast that the report drowns out the thump. Seems improbable, maybe muzzle blast is leaving you deaf. Doesn't seem like a very major problem. Try some different ammo for it and seee what happens. I know the 250 grain round nose Hornady gives off a considerable thump upon hitting flesh. Good luck. |
| Posts: 3174 | Location: Warren, PA | Registered: 08 August 2002 | 
One of Us
| Seems to me that lighter, frangible bullets traveling fast give less THUMP. I do not recall hearing it w/ my 220 Swift or even 25-06 w/ 120gs. I get a very satisfying thump w/ my 338. Try a heavier less frangible bullet--160 NP. |
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one of us
| quote: Originally posted by griff: I have just recently purchased a remmy 700 7mm rem mag(moderated. I'm using 120gn NBT's and have in the last three days shot 6 roe,each and every one of them never made that tell tale thump when hit.Ranges from 120yds to 430yds, the 400yd + one I thought would made a thump or at least becuase of the distance I would of heard it, but alsas not !
I shoot 140 grain Noslers, pretty often hear some kind of thump.
Our country, right or wrong. When right, to be kept right, when wrong to be put right.
Carl Schurz (1829 - 1906)
| Posts: 15064 | Location: Moreno Valley CA USA | Registered: 20 November 2000 | 
one of us

| I had the unfortunate experience of hearing a "thump" on the body armor of a USMC marine in Beirut, Lebanon in 1983.
It was from a 12.7mm Heavy machinegun fired from over 1,000 yards away near a poor shi'ite neighborhood near the airport and the bullet was sub sonic.
The marine died.
We returned fire w 40mm Mk19 and 0.50 caliber, and later 155mm. No more 12.7mm but not a fair trade.
A man getting hit w a bullet sounds like you whacked an 80 pound sack of oats w a baseball bat.
Dont know why a deer would sound any different. (If you could hear it).
Andy |
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One of Us
| I've used 140gr NBTs for quite a while, and they really make a lot of noise on mid-range to longer shots on whitetails. Kind of weird that you're not hearing that with the 120s, but possibly the size of the game or the speed of the projectile has something to do with it. Can't say for sure. Try the 140s... LOL!
gd |
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one of us
| Thans guys, just loading some 140gn berger vld, see how we get on with them for deer! they should be doing about 3100fps so will see if we get a thump.
regards griff |
| Posts: 1179 | Location: scotland | Registered: 28 February 2001 | 
one of us

| quote: Originally posted by griff: Every rifle I've owned has every time I have shot a deer(unless its been necked) has given a resounding thump when hit. I have just recently purchased a remmy 700 7mm rem mag(moderated. I'm using 120gn NBT's and have in the last three days shot 6 roe,each and every one of them never made that tell tale thump when hit.Ranges from 120yds to 430yds, the 400yd + one I thought would made a thump or at least becuase of the distance I would of heard it, but alsas not ! Which is quite disconcerting when you are listening for it! I have never owned a 7mm rem Mag and thought this maybe be peculiar to the 7mm, I also have a 264 winnie which has a thump like a bass drum.
any thoughts?
regard griff
Took two deer with my 7mm Mag last season. Neither gave the "thump" I am used to with my .308. Both were one shot kills, with a 139 gr SST. Might be one of those things about a small, light fast bullet. |
| Posts: 727 | Location: Eastern Iowa (NUTS!) | Registered: 29 March 2003 | 
new member
| thump depend on the animal breathing cycle when hit, with full lungs the thump is deeper and more audible exhale and it is a higher pitch tone. |
| Posts: 14 | Location: New Jersey USA | Registered: 13 September 2009 | 
one of us
| Griff,
very few hunter's used moderated rifle in U.S.A. So it would be extremely hard to hear that "thump" unless the animal was at least 500 meters away shot at with a low velocity cartridge such a 300 Savage or even a 30-30 un-moderated rifle. I highly doubt that the previous response posts are aware of moderated rifle set up. |
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One of Us
| The only "thump" I've ever heard with my 7mm Rem was on a zebra using a 160 grain A Frame at about 175 yards. I've shot a boatload of whitetail with the rifle, using everything from 140 Partitions, BT's and Trophy Bondeds up to 175 grain A Frames out to 350 and I've never heard a thump. The bullet gets there so fast the muzzle blast covers up the sound. Plus, the deer is paper thin compared to heavier boned, thicker skinned African game. |
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one of us
| quote: Norseman
what is a moderated rifle? Muzzle brake? FWIW, I don't think the lack of thump is related to a light-fast bullet. I clearly hear it from my 264 with 125gr Partitions @3300fps. Also hear it on rabbits from a 22-250 with 55gr bullets at 3600fps. But the target needs to be beyond 100yds or so, or the thump is covered by the sound of the rifle going off. |
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One of Us
| Use one of those "moderators" in the US without a Class III license and Homeland Security will soon be knocking at your door. Wish we could use them. I probably wouldn't be wearing two hearing aids if we could... |
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one of us

| quote: Originally posted by Norseman: Griff,
very few hunter's used moderated rifle in U.S.A. So it would be extremely hard to hear that "thump" unless the animal was at least 500 meters away shot at with a low velocity cartridge such a 300 Savage or even a 30-30 un-moderated rifle. I highly doubt that the previous response posts are aware of moderated rifle set up.
Well, from my own experiance I usually hear it with my .308. And every time I shoot a gallon jug of water  I have heard the "thump" on just about every deer I have taken except for the two with my 7mm. |
| Posts: 727 | Location: Eastern Iowa (NUTS!) | Registered: 29 March 2003 | 
one of us

| I think bullet design has a lot to do with how much Thump you get. Distance also plays a factor....longer the shot the easier it is to hear.
****************************************************************** R. Lee Ermey: "The deadliest weapon in the world is a Marine and his rifle." ****************************************************************** We're going to be "gifted" with a health care plan we are forced to purchase and fined if we don't, Which purportedly covers at least ten million more people, without adding a single new doctor, but provides for 16,000 new IRS agents, written by a committee whose chairman says he doesn't understand it, passed by a Congress that didn't read it but exempted themselves from it, and signed by a President, with funding administered by a treasury chief who didn't pay his taxes, for which we'll be taxed for four years before any benefits take effect, by a government which has already bankrupted Social Security and Medicare, all to be overseen by a surgeon general who is obese, and financed by a country that's broke!!!!! 'What the hell could possibly go wrong?'
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One of Us

| quote: Originally posted by seafire2: If the round is doing the job, then why would you be concerned what it sounds like when the animal is hit???
Lots of stuff is happening to interest some of us, not just bang its dead.  |
| Posts: 683 | Location: Chester UK, Home city of the Green collars. | Registered: 14 February 2006 | 
One of Us
| it might have something to do with the 7mm. i never hear the whack on deer with any of mine the i.c.l. the ackley the standard mausers none of them, but if i hit an elk i hear it every time. same loads bullet everything. maybe it's because i hit elk high in the shoulder and usually hit deer in the heart/ lung area. |
| Posts: 5039 | Location: soda springs,id | Registered: 02 April 2008 | 