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Upper limits of the 9.3x62?
one of us
posted 04 April 2004 16:24
I recently aquired a CZ550 in 9.3x62. I haven't used this caliber on big game as of yet. Would this caliber be enough for brown bear or am I pushing the limits of this caliber?


Posts: 28 | Registered: 04 April 2004Reply With Quote
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posted 04 April 2004 19:22Hide Post

The Speer manual says it's okay for all NA game, and they make a distinction on any cartridge that's okay for everything EXCEPT the great bears. In Africa, it's legal in some of the countries for the Big Five (dangerous game), though most folks wouldn't choose it for elephants or probably cape buffalo.

I just got one, too, and I like it a lot.

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posted 04 April 2004 19:25Hide Post
Steve, where is Kville? Sorry about off post, just curious..
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posted 04 April 2004 21:28Hide Post
I've only had one out of three grizzlies that insisted on a 2nd and 3rd shot, but it had the adrenaline up! Just use a premium bullet.

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posted 04 April 2004 21:48Hide Post
The 9.3 has been used fairly extensively for Cape Buff and I have not personally hunted Bear but would say that with a 286 or 320 Grain Soft Nose Woodleigh (or similar) this calibre would be ideal, provided of course shot placement is good.
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posted 05 April 2004 01:06Hide Post
I have a cz 550 lux in 9.3 and I reckon it would handle a bear with the right bullet such as a woodleigh 286 gr protected point or woodleigh 320 gr round nose.
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Picture of Oldsarge
posted 05 April 2004 05:38Hide Post
In Scandinavia they consider the 9.3x62 as the definitive moose caliber and though their moose are smaller than the Alaskan variety, they're a damned sight bigger than grizzlies. If someone is getting excited about this, I've got one for sale.
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posted 05 April 2004 09:11Hide Post
Thanks for the replies. I am loading a cast lead bullet in a somewhat reduced load at the moment, at least over the summer months for groundhogs and critters. It would appear this caliber is a little much for deer.

BTW- Kville is a little hick-town in rural Pa.

Posts: 28 | Registered: 04 April 2004Reply With Quote
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Picture of Oldsarge
posted 05 April 2004 10:13Hide Post

It would appear this caliber is a little much for deer.

Perhaps, but then being overgunned beats the alternative, as Elmer used to say, and since you have both really big black bear up thataway and the moose range is slipping on down into your neck of the woods, it's a great choice.
Posts: 2690 | Location: Lakewood, CA. USA | Registered: 07 January 2001Reply With Quote
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posted 05 April 2004 10:34Hide Post

What model 9.3x62 do you have for sale?

Posts: 1430 | Location: California | Registered: 21 February 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of Oldsarge
posted 05 April 2004 12:53Hide Post
It's a Husqvarna M46. The picture is back on the African Big Game forum under "Test #2" if you want a look. Price is very reasonable, IMO.
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posted 05 April 2004 13:42Hide Post
Steve....Kville wouldn't be Knoxville, would it...??

If so, we're practically neighbors...

I have a CZ 550 9.3 x 62 also, but all I've killed with it so far are two AK caribou, a Potter County whitetail buck and a Potter Co coyote...
Posts: 119 | Location: Addison, NY | Registered: 27 February 2004Reply With Quote
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posted 05 April 2004 14:45Hide Post
I had a CZ 550 that comfortably shot a 250gr Barnes X bullet at 2600+ FPS. The same load in a Dakota 97 with little shorter barrel clock right at 2600fps. I would think this load would work for any bear until he gets close....Then I'm sure a 505 Gibbs will seem small......DJ
Posts: 3976 | Location: Oklahoma,USA | Registered: 27 February 2004Reply With Quote
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posted 05 April 2004 14:46Hide Post

WHAT are you using for a cast bullet?? I am just going to order a 270 gr Mtn Mold for my CZ. Interested to hear anything ref your cast bullet findings.

FN in MT
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posted 05 April 2004 17:33Hide Post
My 9.3 x 62 is also a CZ-550 Lux, and I got it after dealing with a nasty black bear that took exception to our presence in a berry patch. My wife and I could not see him, but could smell him and hear him just fine. Nosler 286 Partitions at 2450 FPS seem a lot more comforting than the Lyman #429244's/1350 FPS I had in the Redhawk at the time. No griz in CA anymore, but we do fish in MT and WY.

The black bears hereabouts are sufficient entertainment for me, thank you. For many years--until the 1970's--pest bears from the CA National Parks got dumped in my local mountains, and a number of the progeny of that dumpage are expert pests that aren't too concerned about human presence or habitations. Add in that for several years there was a moratorium on hunting the critters locally, they can be just brash and brave as hell.

An added benefit to the caliber is that it is a GREAT cast bullet caliber. My rifle is, anyway......the Mountain Molds 270 grainer will do honest 1.25"-1.5" groups at 100 yards using 18.0 grains of Alliant 2400, no filler. I estimate velocities are about 1400-1500 FPS. I have also run them past 2000 FPS with a full case of WC-852/slow lot, and groups expand some--2" to 2.5" at 100 yards. Still not bad, and that flat front end (.290" dia.) might serve to level a bear's karma right well. My rifle has a .367" throat about .300" deep, .366" groove diameter, and four TALL (.007") lands. Twist rate is about 1-14" or its metric equivalent.

It might be a bit much for deer, and load testing from the bench with full value loads is a little exhilarating....but the cast bullets at 1800-2000 FPS might be all right for the hatrack harvest.
Posts: 299 | Location: Yucaipa CA | Registered: 21 December 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of Oldsarge
posted 05 April 2004 17:41Hide Post
Al neglected to add that the black bear down south hereabouts don't hibernate. In our mild climate they eat all year around and so in addition to getting cheeky, they get really, really big. 500 pounders are fairly common and there's one up Forest Home way the local biologist swears must go 700. Seems to me that a black bear that big wouldn't have much daylight under his belly . . .
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posted 06 April 2004 12:14Hide Post
Deputy Al??!! Bit surprised to see you over here!

Frank- Bullet is 277gr. of the flat nose design. I don't cast this myself as I have another gentleman do it for me. Deputy Al gave me a killer cast bullet load that does the job well. He's a big fan of the 9.3x62... in fact, he helped talk me into it.

Posts: 28 | Registered: 04 April 2004Reply With Quote
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posted 06 April 2004 18:24Hide Post
I have shot enough Cape Buffalo with the 9.3x62 to say it kills every bit as well as a 375 H&H as far as I can tell..

I use a 320 gr. Woodleighs and GS Custom FN solids...I can get 2370 FPS in my 26 inch barrel with the Woodleighs or 2520 FPS with a 286 gr. Nosler with stiff charges of H414 and RL-15...

I dearly love that caliber..I always have one around somewhere..

My latest is a Brno Mod. 21...this one I will keep forever.
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Picture of Flip
posted 07 April 2004 00:10Hide Post
I have used my Brno Zkk 600 on game from as small as Duiker to an Eland bull with a slaughterd wheight of 349 Kg, and it worked just Fine. If you load Barnes X bullets you will get great penetration. I have used reloaded 286 grain x at 2350 and recoverd only on from an Eland, the Sako 250 grain X have have been unable to recover any. I will not think twice about using it on bear, but damm Bears have been very scarse in nambia for a very long time, will just have to shoot some other animals
Posts: 931 | Location: Nambia | Registered: 02 June 2000Reply With Quote
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Picture of Brad
posted 07 April 2004 03:19Hide Post

I will not think twice about using it on bear, but damm Bears have been very scarse in nambia for a very long time, will just have to shoot some other animals

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Picture of Steve Malinverni
posted 07 April 2004 04:03Hide Post
Well said, Oom Flip.
Happy to read you again.
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posted 07 April 2004 14:53Hide Post
These replies are very interesting. It would appear that the 9.3x62 is almost a "sleeper" compared to other calibers... and I think that the CZ line of rifles are the same way: most bang for your buck.

Posts: 28 | Registered: 04 April 2004Reply With Quote
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posted 07 April 2004 15:39Hide Post
My 9.3 shoots the 250 North Forks at 2560 fps and goes into .6-.700 so often it's boring. 286 Noslers at 2450 fps go just under one inch. Mine is a CZ loaded with RL15. I'm sure a bear would not like meeting up with one of these!
Posts: 2788 | Location: gallatin, mo usa | Registered: 10 March 2001Reply With Quote
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posted 07 April 2004 16:38Hide Post
I have a CZ American in 9.3x62 as well as a .375 H&H.

The CZ holds an inch group with 286 Noslers with RL-15 at 2420 fps. It is very comfortable to shoot ... and generally more convenient than the .375 H&H.

The .375 undoubtedly has more flexibility and can generate more power ... but not all that much. The 9.3 is the best balance of power and moderate recoil of any caliber I've played with (.300s, .338 WM, 9.3x62, 9.3x74R, .375 H&H, .416 Rigby, and .470 NE).
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posted 07 April 2004 21:14Hide Post
Hello Gents,
I have recievied full lengtwise penetration on two front shots on mooses here in Sweden. Both animals one bull and a cow had previously been hit by cars(thats a pretty common problem here in Sweden) the cow had a live weight of around 300 kg and the bull around 400 kg. The bullet were Barnes X 250 grain and they left the barrel with around 2600 fps.
That my friend is close to 2 meters of penetration!!
I have shot close to 30 mooses with this combination and I'm very pleased.

Posts: 81 | Location: Sweden | Registered: 24 February 2004Reply With Quote
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posted 08 April 2004 02:43Hide Post

I love my little cz 9.3 as well....but I still like my cz .375, I think the .375 is a slighlty more specialised round than the 9.3.
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posted 09 April 2004 16:59Hide Post

My idea is that no animal will tell the diference between the .375's 14 grains more bullet at 40-50 fps more velocity, just ain't that much difference.
Posts: 2788 | Location: gallatin, mo usa | Registered: 10 March 2001Reply With Quote
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posted 09 April 2004 17:21Hide Post
Only complaint I have about my CZ 550 is the high rings they come with. I have a 1.5-4.5x20 Swift scope on this rifle and it sits plenty high. I understand Burris is now making rings for this rifle, so maybe a "low" ring is available.

Posts: 28 | Registered: 04 April 2004Reply With Quote
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posted 15 April 2004 11:59Hide Post

I just started to look through some posts concerning the 9.3X62.I am looking at this round alot because of MR. Atkinson and an idea he had about placing a 9.3X62 in a Browning 95 lever.I just pick one up and I was going to have a 411 Hawk done, which is a great round, but MR. Atkinson said he would use a 9.3 and I have thougth about it and it is a very good idea. I like that the brass can be bought anywhere,no fireforming and wide selection of bullets and one could get ammo almost anywhere for it,Kev
Posts: 1002 | Location: ALASKA, USA | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of Oldsarge
posted 15 April 2004 13:55Hide Post
Damn, what a moose gun. Kev, if you're goin' that route, you can't be doin' in it stupid lookin' camo. You'll be needin' a campaign hat, brown dungerees with suspendahs (pref'rably red), a checkered shirt and L.L. Bean's Maine huntin' boots, the knee high versions. Also, invest in a wooden canoe and start takin' callin' lessons. That's the way to do moose in style!
Posts: 2690 | Location: Lakewood, CA. USA | Registered: 07 January 2001Reply With Quote
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posted 15 April 2004 16:10Hide Post

OLDSARGE, I usually get my rifles with synthetic stocks,but I will leave this one the way it is the wood stock on the m95 is not bad to look at,so no cammo,I will go with a 24 inch barrel so I should get around 2400fps with the 286,Kev
Posts: 1002 | Location: ALASKA, USA | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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