Courtney - Exactly right on all counts, sir. But perhaps I should point out that I wasn't complaining about the blast/flash! It didn't bother me, although my ears today would differ with me. I was mearly pointing out what to expect for the original poster.
My favorite "flash powder" was 4895...very bright and pretty flash. Very good at clearing the rifle range.
Posts: 19677 | Location: New Mexico | Registered: 23 May 2002
Thanks for all the great responses. I've had a few 600's over the years in 308, 243 and 6mm,a couple model 7's in 7-08 and 260 and even a Browning Micro-Medallion in 308. Shooting them was no problem. I never really noticed the muzzle flash myself. I think I'm going to look for a Rem 760 Carbine in 308. If I can't seem to find one I'll see what happens my way. I do need a nice handy short barreled rifle though. Thanks again.
Posts: 530 | Location: Kulpmont, PA | Registered: 31 December 2000
I too am a short barrel lover. Have a Remington 700 LTR with a 20" barrel that runs .3-.4" groups at 100 yards. 46 grains of WW748 with a Hornady 165 grain SST runs 2725 fps. Also just found the gun of Craig's dreams...a 7600 .308 matt/synthetic that someone had shortened the barrel to 19". Had been looking for a used 7600 Patrol Carbine with the 16" barrel but this one for a lot less money than the Patrol Carbine with a scope already mounted was too good a deal to pass up. Makes a perfect match to the LTR....Bob
Posts: 601 | Location: NH, USA | Registered: 06 November 2002
I have a Ruger M77RSI in 30-06 that I have used as my primary deer rifle for the past 15 years. It is comfortable to carry and shoot. With reloads it will shoot .75" groups at 100yds and I have killed deer with it at over 250yds. A word of warning, if you plan on this rifle in .308. A good friend of mine has one, it shoots great but the recoil HURTS! BAD! I think they made his stock out of balsa wood. I just purchased a Remingtom 700 LV SF in .308, it has a 22" brl and with a Bushnell Elite 4200 2.5x10x50mm scope it weighs just under 8lbs and is a pleasure to shoot and carry. It is also very accurate.
Posts: 7 | Location: Mississippi | Registered: 14 December 2004
My 2 Manlicher stocked .308 rifles( Remington and Sako) shoot 165 Hornady interlocks @ 2550 and 2600 fps. Great little guns in forest and parkland type of country. Those carbines really shine for still hunting and drives where a lot of walking is done. Each weighs around 8 lbs loaded and scoped and balance delightfully for offhand and running shots.
Posts: 101 | Location: Alberta ,Canada | Registered: 17 June 2004
I have a REM. titanium 308 with a 16.5 in. barrel. Its my walkin' around rifle.I shoot 165gr bullets at 2580fps.A compact Leopold 3x9 is sighted in.It goes well with my chubby body. Other times a heavy long barreled rifle is the way to go.Also my Ruger 7x57 no.1 International is quite handy, but not as light.
A 308 with a short barrel should be no less accurate then the standard 22" I have a ruger compact on order it sports a 16 1/2" barrel. I have shot both 18 1/2 and 20" barrels they all give 1" groups at 100 yards. Hell i sold a browning BAR semi-auto in .338 winchester mag. to my nephew i cut the barrel to 18" and with this 18" barrel it grouped 1 1/2 " at 240 yards. If anyone is getting 3-5 inch groups with there short barrel 308 at 100 yds have the rifle checked out or have someone watch how you shoot it may be several things you are doing. If your short barreled rifle is a lightweight you may have developed a flinch. Good luck with your short barreled rifle. Tanoose
Posts: 869 | Location: Bellerose,NY USA | Registered: 27 July 2001
Well guys, I did it. I bought a Ruger Compact stainless laminate in 308. This is the one with the 16.5" barrel. This gun is really going to be dedicated to when we do our derr drives later in the season where the shots are close and the shooting fast. Now I just need to find a Leupold 1-4X to put on it.
Posts: 530 | Location: Kulpmont, PA | Registered: 31 December 2000
I don't have trouble shooting my Rem7 offhand. It isn't like I am using it for target shooting. I can certainly hit a deer sized target out to 150 yards every time.
Posts: 7590 | Location: Arizona and off grid in CO | Registered: 28 July 2004
Quote: Well guys, I did it. I bought a Ruger Compact stainless laminate in 308. This is the one with the 16.5" barrel. This gun is really going to be dedicated to when we do our derr drives later in the season where the shots are close and the shooting fast. Now I just need to find a Leupold 1-4X to put on it.
Can you let us know how it shoots? Also, someone mentioned that the muzzle flash from short-barrelled 308s is fierce: Can you confirm or deny that? I'm thinking of getting a Ruger Compact myself, or cutting the 22" barrel on my Ruger M77. Appreciate any insights - thx,