my smith has a whole drawer full... that is not to say they dont work! they make ear splitting breaks[ i know you can get the cr models too] but hangin' that chunk at the end of the barrel just doesn't do it for me. especially when you can get factory stuff to shoot very well without it. all my brownings have been good shooters. FWIW woofer
[ 04-23-2003, 12:41: Message edited by: woofer ]
Posts: 741 | Location: vermont. thanks for coming, now go home! | Registered: 05 February 2002
They do work from what I've heard, but they're way too ugly for my rifles! My Brownings shoot well without the look or noise. My enjoyment comes from handloading for the rifle, the B.O.S.S system does something similar by damping the barrel vibrations. They should be okay if you only shoot factory ammo and can't get it to shoot otherwise.
Posts: 434 | Location: Pennsylvania, USA | Registered: 22 November 2002
I've never shot an A-bolt without the BOSS or the non-brake (CR-BOSS) version so i can't say how they shoot without the attachments. With these, the accuracy has been astounding for a light hunting rifle. I do double up on hearing protection at the range with my 300WinMag. The effect on recoil is very noticable. My shoulder only starts getting sore after 20 rounds of hot 200gr loads. I tried the CR version and didn't really want more than 5 (all this is with a PAST pad). POI and accuracy was not affected when switching between the two, so you can develop a load with the BOSS and switch to the CR to go hunting.
After shooting this for about 2 years and reloading for 1 year I probably wouldn't get another BOSS. I bet it would shoot almost as well and there's other options to reduce recoil, like the VA Comp (, which supposedly maintains non-brake noise levels.
Unless you're getting a real big cartidge I'd say no to the BOSS. Or get it without and see how it shoots. You can always add a BOSS or get something else. BTW, I set the BOSS to 8.5 out of the box and have not touched it since. 99% of the loads I've tried shoot with great accuracy.
Posts: 557 | Location: Various... | Registered: 29 December 2002
Without a doubt they work and work well. I use two , one on an '06 and a 338. You can safely max out on a powder choice and dial your group in or out 1/2 revolution , then 1/10 at a time. The '06 will punch dimes all day at 100. Just the other day I went from 180 Nosler's in .338 at .35" to 210 XLC's at <.50" and back again. Simple matter of spinning your ring. Some folks trash it but in my books the guy with the smallest groups wins. It's alot easier to put meat in the freezer with an accurate rifle.
Posts: 15 | Location: Saskatchewan | Registered: 07 April 2003
Myself I would not have one in a fat girls b--t if it had room for Kansas. But then again I have a real hate for muzzle breaks. You know, if you can't stand the recoil buy a bb gun.
Posts: 223 | Location: Oklahoma | Registered: 11 July 2002
I have a Win. Mdl70 in .270 with one. I agree with Bowzer it works very well.
The only thing I would add is that you have to make sure it is “dialed” to the same location every time. It not only changes group size as you dial it, it also changes point of impact. I have experienced several cases that a small adjustment makes a big point of impact change.
You must have some big girls in Oklahoma
Kind regards Carl
Posts: 189 | Location: Was Kansas, USA - Now South Australia | Registered: 03 March 2002
handloader, that's a good one. mind if i use it? i might change the state but that one is a keeper. unfortunately there are some women up here that profile like a holstein on steroids. they milk like a bastard but it is nothing i would want to look at in the morning. kinda rough on the eyeballs!! woofer
Posts: 741 | Location: vermont. thanks for coming, now go home! | Registered: 05 February 2002
I nearly had one on my Browning Medallion A-Bolt II in 300 WSM. The engineer in me loved the concept.
Then I got pissed. Browning told me the 300 WSM was too new and the BOSS was not available on them yet.
I was going to the RSA the following year and did not have time to wait, so I reluctantly bought the Browning bare. The thing shot like a dream. The recoil didn't seem like much more than my .308 Win. So tell me again, why do I need the BOSS?
Posts: 13923 | Location: Texas | Registered: 10 May 2002
I have a A-Bolt Medallion grade in .375 H&H with the BOSS, and I love it. The only problem I had when I bought it was the instructions supplied with the gun had no "sweet spot" settings for the .375 H&H chambering. It stopped at .338 Win. Mag., so I was pretty well, on my own. It didn't take long before it was shooting clover leaf type groups at 100 yards. My Model 70 in the same chambering cannot touch the accuracy of this gun, and with MUCH less recoil too boot. If your one of these people who just plain hate muzzle brakes, you won't like it. But if less recoil and much better accuracy intrest you, the BOSS is the way to go. Bill T.
I have owned one and will never own another.Accuracy was good but no better than I am able to get with proper load development in rifles without the boss.The noise,muzzleblast and loss of velocity(boss equipped rifles have shorter barrels)make the boss less than worthwhile.
Posts: 3104 | Location: alberta,canada | Registered: 28 January 2002
I purchased a Winchester Stainless and wood M70 a few years back that has the BOSS. At first I was going to have it cut off because I did not like the looks........However, that thing really does work! I am getting 1/2" groups at 100 yards with Remington 165 grain core lockts. Since this is the bullet I use for deer there was no reason to go further. The only thing I still disslike about it is the noise. I may get the CR version this fall. I still think it is ugly but because of the accuracy I will leave it on the rifle!
Posts: 813 | Location: Wexford PA, USA | Registered: 18 July 2002
I have an A Bolt II Composite Stalker in 7mm Rem Mag and it is extremely accurate. Reduces felt recoil to a perceived .243/25-06ish level. I don't mind the looks because that version of the A-Bolt isn't the best looking gun to begin with, it's made to hunt.
Huh....what...oh, and it's loud too.
Posts: 707 | Location: Nebraska | Registered: 23 December 2001
Yes it's UGLY, yes it's LOUD, but it WORKS!!! I LOVE mine on my 300 WM. I handload for just about everything I shoot but that ugly-ass BOSS sure makes life easy.....just load your powder/bullet combo to what the rifle will stand and 'tune the rifle to the load'....very easy! My Stainless Stalker is an easy 1/4" shooter with 180 BT with the BOSS set at 0.7
I have a very rare LH Stainless Stalker in 7-08 that also has the BOSS. I've never thought it looked that bad but man do I love the accuracy that comes with it. The little 7-08 doesn't kick that much so I did put the CR unit on. Like the others have said, I don't have to fart around trying to find the perfect load using the different powders and bullets. I create my perfect load using my perfect bullets and powder of my choice then just tune in the BOSS to get my tight little groups. The BOSS is one of those love/hate things. I'm just glad I have the choice.
I have a stainless classic M70 with boss in 300 W.M. It is LOUD! It also works very well and does reduce recoil noticeably. Most rifles will shoot any given bullet weight much better than others and the boss system seems to make accuracy more attainable across the weight spectrum than standard barrels. I have a friend with the same gun (non boss) in 300 Weatherby and his doesn't like the 200 grainers as much as the lighter bullets. It also doesn't group these weights as well as mine, without even mentioning the much sharper recoil. I normally load 200 grain Nosler Partitions and with the boss selected to the "sweetspot" they group 1/2 MOA. I have had similar results with 165 grain bullets when dialed in. I can only get the same level of consistent accuracy from my non boss .243 varmint rifle if I stay with 75 grain or lighter bullets. If you can get past the appearance and the noise the boss is a great idea that requires some compromises.
Posts: 225 | Location: YYZ | Registered: 08 April 2003
My yougest son is a lefty,the first LH used I found that I could afford was Browning A-II 30.06 with the BOSS.He used the muzzle brake version only once hunting,simply too painful. I put the CR on it after that.Redailing in has burnt more powder than most load devolpments !
Posts: 480 | Location: B.C.,Canada | Registered: 20 January 2002
I like the B.O.S.S. as long as the guy next to me at the range isn't using one. They're ungodly loud. I do a lot of range firing, and owners have told me that they do indeed work well, but you have to find the "sweet spot" for each bullet you fire. That's going to take much time and effort. I doubt that many of us are up to it. Best wishes.
I actually found that it took as many rounds to dial in certain loads with the boss as it takes to develop loads without the boss.The extra two inches of barrel that the non boss rifles come with also adds velocity.
Posts: 3104 | Location: alberta,canada | Registered: 28 January 2002
I have several rifles with the Boss, all Winchesters. Because of the muzzle blast, I put a Conventional Recoil Boss on my rifle when I go to the range.
I only still use in on my 270, basically for accuracy. It does help that particular rifle.
The 30/06 got rebarreled. I bought each one basically because they were being stock reduced at Walmart so got each for $350.00.
I did help a friend who bought one in a 300 Winch. He was shooting 180 grain bullets out of his 300 ( factory ammo) I was shooting my 30/06 with factory ammo, 180 grains also.
Since he was flinching because of anticipation of the recoil, he could not even get it on the paper. I shot it for him and it had already been bore sighted.
However what I did notice is that the 300 Mag with the boss, definitely reduced the kick of the magnum. In fact I thought that the 30/06 with the boss has more kick than the 300 Mag with the boss. both were winchester Model 70s.
I also kick myself in the pants for passing up a Browning A bolt in 223 with a synthetic stock and the Boss on it. I am sure that rifle would of had the kick of a BB gun. I am sure that with no recoil you could see where you bullet hit looking thru the scope. For the lighter rifles I also think it is just the ticket for introducing new shooters to the sport.
Is it accurate? Damnn right! 1/2" 5 shot groups from a factory sporter rifle with no tweaking!
Does a .30-06 need a brake? No, but it is nice to see the 200 grain Noslers I load for moose actually hit the target while still looking through the scope!
[ 06-24-2003, 05:02: Message edited by: Cariboo ]
Posts: 277 | Location: McLeese Lake, B. C. Canada | Registered: 06 June 2003