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Looking for something quiet for hog hunting....
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Picture of Lorenzo

I am playing with the idea of making a rifle with a surpressor or something similar to avoid big BANGS while hunting pigs at night. I want something that doesn't spook them so easy..

It's possible ? which caliber ? subsonic loads ?

Smaller cartdriges ?


Posts: 3085 | Location: Uruguay - South America | Registered: 10 December 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of Alberta Canuck
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If your state allows them and you are willing to pay the mandatory $200 for a federal tax stamp (and submit pictures and fingerprints) a suppresor is possible.

I am not sure what the suppressor will cost you in addition to the stamp, as that depends on the make and model you buy or make and whether you can fit it onto your barrel yourself.

Until you got to the part about hunting at night I was thinking that for that kind of quiet hog-killer use, I would try a crossbow.

They can be very accurate, and they certainly will drive a bolt clear through a hog. But I don't know if I'd want to fool with loading and handling one in the dark in a confined space such as a blind. Those suckers can really hurt you with an accidental discharge.

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Picture of jimatcat
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ive talked to several people with the same thing in mind... ive settled on a m70 winchester in .308... use 180-200 gr bullets and load it subsonic... then a suppressor will work...ive got the rifle, now waiting on the suppressor and paperwork...

go big or go home ........

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Lorenzo - How about a bow and arrow or a spear? Wink Both are proven methods for taking hogs and sooooo quiet.

Larry Sellers
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Originally posted by Lorenzo:

I am playing with the idea of making a rifle with a surpressor or something similar to avoid big BANGS while hunting pigs at night. I want something that doesn't spook them so easy..

It's possible ? which caliber ? subsonic loads ?

Smaller cartdriges ?



Check out the .458 SOCOM. It can be built on an AR-15 lower and ballistically it's a .45-70 up to about 400 grain bullets. After that it runs out of powder capacity. It's a great hog cartridge! You can check it out on Some of the posters over there have been building short barrel and supressed rifles. It can handle bullets from 200 grains to 600 grains. The 500 and 600 grain bullets are loaded sub-sonic and are said to work well out of a supressor. Standard AR-15 mags are used without having to be modified. There is factory ammo available as well as reloading components. It uses standard .458 diameter bullets and Starline brass is available from Midway and Graf. This may be what you are looking for.


DRSS; NRA; Illinois State Rifle Association; Missouri Sport Shooting Association

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Crossbow with scope does the trick.
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45/70 or 458 as above can both go subsonic.

308 is a lot easier though.

or 223.
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Picture of tiggertate
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Now that Remington owns AAC and factory-loads sub and supersonic ammo, I's be real tempted to buy a 300 AAC Blackout upper for an AR 15. It approximates the 7.62 x 39. I have a 458 SOCOM and that is a good choice, too. Just put an adjustable gas block on either so you can fire it single shot and manipulate the bolt quietly or turn on the gas and go semi-auto. Both rounds use unmodified 5.56 NATO magazines so gearing up is pretty easy.

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Hi Lorenzo,

I'm thinking the military stuff of not easy to get in your country so lets try something easier and cheaper.
A 44 magnum rifle loaded with 300 grain bullets at about 950 fps will be sub sonic and hit very hard.
Ruger makes a bolt action in this caliber.
Another choice would be an Enfield conversion in either 7.62x39 or 45acp.
Rhineland Arms has the comversion parts.

Good luck, John

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First forget all calibers bigger than .30cal. Its pure physics that with bigger hole in silencer you cant keep muzzle pressure inside. And if pressure come out then you make more noise.

And second if you want shoot full energy ammo or subsonic makes next choise.
If full power then smallest caliber what you need example 22-250 or even some fast .17cal. Small bullets hole working best and bullets flight noise you cant do anyway anything.
And if you want use subsonic ammo then you need think enrgy what you want in target. Velocity you cant do antyhing so only thing is bullets weight what you can change. And when you decide weight take smallest caliber what have bullets in yours choose weight. Then only choose small case for it and that it is.
Some good caliber is 6,5mm grendel , 7mmTCU (6,5mmTCU) or .30 whisper. Anyway any bigger than .30 makes lot more noice.
My self i choose 6,5mm grendel with 6,5" twist barrel and 10,1 lapua mega working well with subsonic ammo. Normal bullets goes trought of 35cm diameter pine and if i open bullets nose with 3mm drill it open quite nice. And still if i need i get really powerfull ammo by full energy ammo.
Sako small A1 action and you have really nice gun....

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Originally posted by Lorenzo:
which caliber ? subsonic loads ? Smaller cartdriges ?

Originally posted by Ukko:
First forget all calibers bigger than .30cal.

30 HRT, maybe.
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Suppressed 300 Whisper.
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308 Winchester.

Gives you the option of using full power 308 ammo [still pretty quiet with a suppressor], or subsonic loads with Trailboss powder.

Posts: 16134 | Location: Texas | Registered: 06 April 2002Reply With Quote
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Thank you very much for your ideas. One more question as I don't have any experience with sub sonic loads...

How much noise they do without a surpressor ?

I have a 6,5x55 that can work. So the noise I can expect while using a sub sonic load will be something similar to a 22 Hornet ???

Posts: 3085 | Location: Uruguay - South America | Registered: 10 December 2001Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Lorenzo:

Thank you very much for your ideas. One more question as I don't have any experience with sub sonic loads...

How much noise they do without a surpressor ?

I have a 6,5x55 that can work. So the noise I can expect while using a sub sonic load will be something similar to a 22 Hornet ???


No, there will be no super-sonic "crack". More of a loud "pop".
Posts: 3974 | Location: SC,USA | Registered: 07 March 2002Reply With Quote
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Picture of londonhunter
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Lorenzo Hi from London

Google 300 ACC Blackout

I must confess I have not got one but have shot my friend's rifle and it is a performer and there is factory produced subsonic rounds with consistent subsonic performance and at reasonable cost as well.

It is SAMMI approved hence available load data.

My cousin hunt hogs with it in the states with great results.
Posts: 1661 | Location: London | Registered: 14 February 2007Reply With Quote
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I have an AR in 300 BLK. Suppressor for it is very slowly working it's way through our system. Takes time here.

Even with 125 gr NBTs at 2250 fps, the rifle is surprisingly quiet compared to a .308 Win.

My understanding is that the .308 Win can be made very quiet with handloads using Trailboss powder.

A small problem for the .308 may be the commonly used twists ... 1:10 or 1:12. Really need 1:8 to stabilize the heavy bullets (220 and 240 gr) that you might like to use in a subsonic rifle.

Range for a subsonic rifle is also another limitation you might want to consider. 150 yards is good but 200 may be pushing things a bit.


DRSS, Womper's Club, NRA Life Member/Charter Member NRA Golden Eagles ...
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Thanks gentlemen !!

I will study your recomendations tu2

Posts: 3085 | Location: Uruguay - South America | Registered: 10 December 2001Reply With Quote
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Lorenzo, here are some hog hunting results with .300 AAC-blackout.
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