The Accurate Reloading Forums
9.3x62 to 9.3x64 Brenneke Conversion
20 October 2013, 05:22
Schmitty1339.3x62 to 9.3x64 Brenneke Conversion
What would need to be done to my CZ550 Medium 9.3x62 to convert it to 9.3x64 Brenneke? I've been toying with the idea of changing it over because I really would like the extra snot that it provides. I don't really need it, but it's a caliber that I find quite intriguing. Does anybody here have any real world experience with these two rounds? Could you give me some comparisons?
20 October 2013, 05:47
z1rYou'll find some info here regarding the conversion:
http://forums.accuratereloadin...1019521/m/8561059291Extra snot, that it does provide.
Aut vincere aut mori
20 October 2013, 06:10
Ackley Improved Userzir, I read the link, but it didn't say anything about the bolt - does the bolt have to be modified.
The 9.3 x 62 has a 0.470" rim whereas the 9.3 x 64 has a 0.496" rim. Can a 30-06 bolt handle the 0.496" rim?
20 October 2013, 06:43
z1rNaturally the boltface must be opened, unless of course the original is grossly oversized. Not a huge undertaking to alter it accordingly.
Comparisons of the 9,3x62 and 64? Well, perhaps think 35 Whelen and 358 Norma.
Aut vincere aut mori
20 October 2013, 13:48
Sid PostDon't forget the 370 Sako "magnum' by Federal if you want a hot 9.3
Best Regards,
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Alexis de Tocqueville
The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money.
Alexis de Tocqueville
20 October 2013, 19:00
farbedoAs Mr. McCabe has mentioned, open the bolt face, fit the extractor, and rechamber. Nothing should need to be done to the feed rails or magazine. Huntingtons carries the brass from both Jamison and RWS. Jamison is cheaper, but I've had issues with the necks not being annealed. RWS is more, but it is top quality. Post some photos and a rewiew if you get this done.
20 October 2013, 20:09
Jim KobeI am just finishing up a 9.3x64 on a re-heat treated '09 Argentine. It has Weibe bottom metal which necessitates machining some of the underside of the action, With a bit of work to the rais and bolt, it feeds like a dream.
Jim Kobe
10841 Oxborough Ave So
Bloomington MN 55437
Professional member American Custom Gunmakers Guild
20 October 2013, 20:15
GerryThe advice above is good.
2mm doesn't sound like much but the 9,3x64 is a much larger cartridge than the 9.3x62 ever thought of being; just make sure there's room in the CZ action/magazine.
Funny enough we had one on the Farm in RSA; a Voere, very nice rifle with blond wood, a real looker. Almsot all the visitig Bwanas who wanted a rental Boomer selected it, took it to the range to sight-in. In 5-6 years I only saw one; a very nice Gentleman from Virginia who actully took it hunting. The rest selected something else; usually our .30/06 Sprg.; claiming it kicked like a Mule.
It cost us a fortune in reloads to keep it for sighting-in.
Have fun with your 9.3x64.
Number 10
22 October 2013, 07:24
.458 Onlyquote:
Originally posted by Schmitty133:
What would need to be done to my CZ550 Medium 9.3x62 to convert it to 9.3x64 Brenneke? I've been toying with the idea of changing it over because I really would like the extra snot that it provides. I don't really need it, but it's a caliber that I find quite intriguing. Does anybody here have any real world experience with these two rounds? Could you give me some comparisons?
If you switch to RL-17 for your reloads in your 9.3 X 62, perhaps you will decide you don't need a conversion to the larger case. You can expect 100 to 150 fps improvement without changing anything else.
2550 fps is quite common from the 286 NP, for instance.
"Let every created thing give praise to the LORD, for he issued his command, and they came into being" - King David, Psalm 148 (NLT)
28 November 2013, 08:08
Atkinson458 is spot on...RL-17 transforms the 9.3x62, and add to that components are much easier to come by. The 9.3x64 cases have a bad habit of being unavailable from time to time..
Graff 9.3x62 cases are PMP cases and they are the best of brass, last longer than anything else I've tried..The cost the same as 30-06 cases. I have a large supply of Lapua, RWS and Norma, but from now on I'm sticking with Graffs. I get them from Huntingtons.
Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
10 Ward Lane,
Filer, Idaho, 83328
28 November 2013, 09:33
MopaneMikeHmmm.. I thought Graff & Sons were Privi??
Or do I have the wrong Graff??
I find interesting the RL17 information.. RL15 & Varget has been mine & seems to be the go to powder's... Is there somewhere extensive load data for RL17 & 286grn.???
28 November 2013, 10:02
505GI have a '64 and have hunted with it while a number of mates have '62 who also hunted at
the same time.
I have also down loaded the '64 when testing bullets on buffalo and pigs by the dozen.
To be honest, the '62 can do everything the 64 can without a problem. And as stated by others above, a good choice of powder will transform the 62 even more.
As Atkinson said, the 64 has case supply problems occasionally but once you have a supply, you should be set as you should be able to get away with neck sizing them and they last ages.
And then you have the magazine problems as well if yours is not big enough. The 64 is a big cartridge.
So my personal view, stick with the 62 you have.
Hope that helps.
I use RWS cases, yes, they are pricier to purchase but by god they last a long time
if looked after. I do neck size only but even so, they still last a long time and
the cost over the life is the same as buying cheap brass and replacing it. I know,
I have the spead sheet with the costings on it.
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