Here are my two.
The top one is on an 09 Argentine. Wears a 1.75-6 in QD Talleys.
All metal work was done by James Anderson, fantastic as usual. Stockwork done by a past stockmaker that we will not go into.
Bottom one is an interesting story. It is a VZ24 that was a 9.3x62. Bought it to rechamber and make an inexpensive truck gun. Long story short, the Bauska barrel was undersized and had some pressure issues. At least I know the action is solid.. Replaced with a Lothar Walther and had CAS paint the B&C stock, and coat all the metal. Wears a 2.5-8.
Both shoot fantastic, and I have the same 286gr TSX and 286gr Banded solid loads that shoot to the same POI in both rifles and are right at MOA. Both will also shoot the factory RWS 293gr load into an inch.
Neither rifle likes the 250gr TSX, which is strange as it it is the first TSX I have tried that wouldn't shoot, in two rifles no less. I also have some 250gr Accubonds to try, but have not gotten around to wringing them out.
The express sights on the Argentine print right where they are supposed to on a paper plate at 100 yards.