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the 30-06 and a .375 Ruger

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25 April 2021, 21:51
the 30-06 and a .375 Ruger
Ive used them all at one time or another, its part of the fun and the game, but over those some 70 plus years of hunting, I realized that the 30-06 would do for about any creature out there, even elephant, but that said if you have a .375 to back up the 06, you don't need anything else, your just still playing the game.. sofa

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
10 Ward Lane,
Filer, Idaho, 83328
25 April 2021, 22:10
Ray is correct on this !

Anyone who claims the 30-06 is ineffective has either not tried one, or is unwittingly commenting on their own marksmanship
Phil Shoemaker
Alaska Master guide
FAA Master pilot
NRA Benefactor
26 April 2021, 06:23
Well, I'm still playing as Ray said, but I'm having a lot of fun playing the game. I agree with Ray on the 30-06 and 375. Super combo that will cover all the bases, plus ammo is no problem to find in Africa.

But, I've used (9) different cartridges so far in Africa and I plan to add two more to the list the next time I hunt DG + PG: 416 Rigby and 338-06. Two more that I need to add are the 375 Ruger and 9.3x66.

But I've stated before, that if limited to only three cartridges for the rest of my African hunting, it would be the 30-06, 375 H&H, and 458 Lott. I would be good for all animals, in all situations, that I will be hunting.
26 April 2021, 08:04
If I could only have two, that would be my choice, but fortunately I get to play Smiler
26 April 2021, 09:35
I think both are outstanding cartridges, and have more than one rifle in each of them. The 375 Ruger has been a favorite shortly after it was available. I still have 375 H&H’s. But, the Ruger version is what I pick. The 30-06, cannot add any praise that has not been stated thousands of times by many.

I can barely stomach the thought of only 2 cartridge scenarios for myself. I have attempted unsuccessfully to apply such logic before. Though those two would definitely work for me. I still like playing with different cartridges and rifles.
26 April 2021, 14:51
p dog shooter
I knew my 06 was/is a all around cartridge.

But there is something satisfying about using something new.

There something satisfying about thumping something with a bigger bore.

For those and other reasons I rather thump bigger critters with a big bore than my 06.

Heck I have shot some smaller critters with big bores just because I could.
26 April 2021, 18:26
in most cases in the hands of a good hunter and shot, these are more or less interchangeable - .. the edge cases are important - especially for questions of legality --

great rounds --

though, to make it more fun, i'll say 308win and 375 ruger

opinions vary band of bubbas and STC hunting Club

Information on Ammoguide about
the416AR, 458AR, 470AR, 500AR
What is an AR round? Case Drawings 416-458-470AR and 500AR.
26 April 2021, 20:57
Ya'll know Ive played the game for 70 years, with a house full of every caliber imaginable, but as I age the numbers have dwindled to the 30-06 and the 375 Ruger, now if I could just sell my 8mm06 Ackley; 4 30-30s, a 25-35, a 222, a 220 swift, a 250-3000, a 7x57 or two, and a dozen more scattered around here, and just stop buying!! hammering jumping

Trust me Im trying to cull the herd, its just not that easy faint

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
10 Ward Lane,
Filer, Idaho, 83328
26 April 2021, 20:58
Ray, I agree with you. But I doubt I could have limited myself to those two rounds, even now that the lesson is clear. Rifle loonies gonna loonie.
26 April 2021, 21:12
Culling, or thinning the herd, would break my heart I'm afraid. All my rifles, and all of the interesting different cartridges/calibers bring me great joy.

I'm always looking for more joy in my life vs. less. As soon as I sold some of my favorite rifles, I'd regret it immediately.
26 April 2021, 23:08
We should all be lucky enough to have Ray's problem of too many guns.

Anyone who claims the 30-06 is ineffective has either not tried one, or is unwittingly commenting on their own marksmanship
Phil Shoemaker
Alaska Master guide
FAA Master pilot
NRA Benefactor
26 April 2021, 23:09
p dog shooter
Told the wife to have a auction after I die.
06 May 2021, 23:04
I've never been without a 30/06 in my adult life and god willing, never will be.
That said, I've gotten awfully comfortable with the 270 over the past 15 years and haven't fired a shot at a game animal with the '06 in 16 years. I'll admit some distraction with a few other cartridges during this time too.

There's room in my life for the 375 Ruger and the 375 H&H. I can't and won't play favorites on that one.

All We Know Is All We Are
09 May 2021, 21:31
Culling get easier as you age, and your hunting gets harder to do and recoil gets more painfull, and most of all it gives you extra cash to buy more guns!! jumping hammering

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
10 Ward Lane,
Filer, Idaho, 83328
09 May 2021, 22:16
I've traded just a few guns, and gave one away, but I've never sold one. It'd be like selling my dog; ain't gonna happen.

Old and in the way
10 May 2021, 08:22
Originally posted by Atkinson:
Culling get easier as you age, and your hunting gets harder to do and recoil gets more painfull, and most of all it gives you extra cash to buy more guns!! jumping hammering

HA! Perfect Ray.
10 May 2021, 08:22
Originally posted by jerrymontgomery:
I've traded just a few guns, and gave one away, but I've never sold one. It'd be like selling my dog; ain't gonna happen.

You're a good man!
11 May 2021, 04:46
Uncle Grinch
Ray, sounds like you only need two rifles... a 30-06 and a backup 30-06.

Shoot Safe,

NRA Endowment Member
19 May 2021, 23:16
At my present age I could do very well with a 30-06 and a 30-06 back up.. tu2

My whole life Ive sold my guns to buy good rope horses, ands sold my good rope horses to buy guns, both sometimes required culling the herd..Loved every minute of it. beer

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
10 Ward Lane,
Filer, Idaho, 83328
11 June 2021, 08:09
Totally agree on the .30-06 as a light rifle. It's been my choice for a few years. I agree the .375 would be adequate, but prefer a .416. This year, I'm only carrying my .416. No light rifle. Not much light stuff of interest this year and .416 will do it all. Has in the past.
11 June 2021, 08:17
I have given away several rifles to grandsons, son on law and only regret giving one away. It was to an ex son in law and my regret is not that he is an ex, I still like the guy, but he doesn't use it is basis of regret. I've posted several times about the Win 88 in .308 I gave my grandson, has he ever put it to use and he still loves the rifle. Despite never practicing, he is a very good shot. That .308 might be the only rifle he ever owns, except a .222 Remington 600 I gave him. We are using that one teaching his twin sons to hunt.
13 June 2021, 04:26
I've been seriously involved with killing multiple big game animals every year, mostly on this continent but also the African continent and the Asian continent for well over 5 decades and I can proudly (or sadly) say that I've never killed a single animal with either one of those two rounds.
I have constantly studied and shot above and below those two enough to respect what they'll do but never had the desire to go that route.
There's just something alluring about "playing the game"

God bless America!

28 June 2021, 22:48
Ive been culling my guns for about two years now, but keep buying more when I have too much money in my gun account..I,d be better drinking more and buying fewer guns, Im a gunaholic, hoarder..

But I am making slow headway as Im down to fewer guns than Ive ever had, and its getting easier as I age and can't justify a rifle for ever beast and a shotgun for every bird known to man..Did I mention that I love to trade guns also...

Sold my last rope horse, my trailer is for sale and guess Ill take up golf or fishing, just another chapter in my good life, just refuse to let the old man in...

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
10 Ward Lane,
Filer, Idaho, 83328
29 June 2021, 05:10
Ray - Some time ago I posted about a Savage 99 that was for sale at a auction. Bubba had certainly worked on the gun. You wound up buying the gun.

Did you ever work your magic on the gun and restore it to it's former glory? Curious minds want to know.

Tom Z

NRA Life Member
29 June 2021, 06:24
Originally posted by Atkinson:
Ive been culling my guns for about two years now, but keep buying more when I have too much money in my gun account..I,d be better drinking more and buying fewer guns, Im a gunaholic, hoarder..

But I am making slow headway as Im down to fewer guns than Ive ever had, and its getting easier as I age and can't justify a rifle for ever beast and a shotgun for every bird known to man..Did I mention that I love to trade guns also...

Sold my last rope horse, my trailer is for sale and guess Ill take up golf or fishing, just another chapter in my good life, just refuse to let the old man in...

Testimony to a life well lived.

Congrats Ray!
29 June 2021, 18:15
I'm with Ray on this - I'll always have my '06 and 375 H&H. Everything else may go on down the road, and many have, but not those two.

Managed to check one off on the bucket list this year when I acquired an unfired 9.3x62mm. Been having fun launching 250 gr. NAB's thru it.

About the only one left on the list to find is a dandy 404J, but I figure I still got time....
29 June 2021, 22:13
I am a decade behind Ray, and don't even pretend to have quit acquiring nice rifles, but the 30-06 can still do virtually anything I need a rifle for.
But I have a fleet of 9.3's, 375's and Old Ugly as working guns

Anyone who claims the 30-06 is ineffective has either not tried one, or is unwittingly commenting on their own marksmanship
Phil Shoemaker
Alaska Master guide
FAA Master pilot
NRA Benefactor
29 June 2021, 22:57
labman I customized that gun and sold it...

Im with Phil, I could hunt elephant, Buffalo and any dangerous game if I had to with my 30-06 loaded with proper bullets, and be comfortable doing it..I know there are better options, but just saying...Ya'll have the same option!!s and opinnions vary... sofa

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
10 Ward Lane,
Filer, Idaho, 83328
29 June 2021, 23:06
Ray, If you ever need them I still have 4-5 boxes of the old 220 grain Hornady steel jacketed solids for .30 caliber !
And we run out Woodleigh also makes great ones

Anyone who claims the 30-06 is ineffective has either not tried one, or is unwittingly commenting on their own marksmanship
Phil Shoemaker
Alaska Master guide
FAA Master pilot
NRA Benefactor
05 July 2021, 22:56
Mother nature has declared a new chapter in my life, it varies but declares a 250-3000 and a Texas deer stand, and a cow elk in the Alfalfa patch, and voids a 14 hour flight to shoot my beloved cape buffalo, my favorite game of all time, but I do have a box or two or 308 220 gr. solids somewhere in that maze in my shop, but thanks forthe offer! rotflmo

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
10 Ward Lane,
Filer, Idaho, 83328
21 July 2021, 20:43
here is my pair. 30-06 and 375 HH (sorry, I am still one of the nostalgia onesSmiler

Mr. Shoemaker,
If you might part with 1 or 2 boxes, I would buy them. Like Ray, I lean to the heavy for caliber, blunt nose bullets. Have their softs, but no solids. Thanks for the consideration.
22 July 2021, 01:36
Steve, for the H&H ?

Anyone who claims the 30-06 is ineffective has either not tried one, or is unwittingly commenting on their own marksmanship
Phil Shoemaker
Alaska Master guide
FAA Master pilot
NRA Benefactor
22 July 2021, 07:15
For the 3006. Thanks
22 July 2021, 08:47
Originally posted by steve505:
For the 3006. Thanks

PM me

Anyone who claims the 30-06 is ineffective has either not tried one, or is unwittingly commenting on their own marksmanship
Phil Shoemaker
Alaska Master guide
FAA Master pilot
NRA Benefactor
07 August 2021, 23:29
I could get pretty nostalgic over that pair of matched rifles for sure and in any caliber from 22 LR to a 577, but your choice would suit me to no end...Do you need a black land farm, we might do some trading!! even!! jumping

Ray Atkinson
Atkinson Hunting Adventures
10 Ward Lane,
Filer, Idaho, 83328
08 August 2021, 03:34
30-06 is one of my least favorites...that is why I only have three. I will say that anyone who attacks the 30-06 is a loon.
08 August 2021, 16:34
Steve, that is a breathtaking pair of rifles you have there. Good on you!


There is hope, even when your brain tells you there isn’t.
– John Green, author
09 August 2021, 04:29
Use Enough Gun
Steve, that is a breathtaking pair of rifles you have there.

+1. tu2 I'm a sucker for beautiful rifles. Living close to Cecil Fredi and his 30K+ of gunstock blanks, and having many of mine stocked with Cecil's beautiful wood, it's easy to enjoy pics like that! tu2
19 August 2021, 17:40
Originally posted by Bill/Oregon:
Steve, that is a breathtaking pair of rifles you have there. Good on you!


Gorgeous pair!
09 September 2021, 23:13
thanks for nice compliments!
All I do is buy all the components and Roy Bedeaux does the restSmiler
My first time using a monopod rest (the 30-06 pictured above with 220gn RN, 50yds, scope). Looks like elevation is stable but a bit side to side. But a nice gun to practice with.