I was just looking thru a recent American Hunter magazine and saw that both Ruger and Savage are going to chamber the Remington series of Short Ultra-Mags rather than the Winchester Short Magnums. Hmmmmm! I guess that makes Remington the winner.
Posts: 4360 | Location: Sunny Southern California | Registered: 22 May 2002
DB, I am willing to put up money that says you are wrong. Rem is doing their best to cover their butt after NOT being first. The 300WSM shoots great and was here first. Winchester is not trying to recover from making some fat long Ultra Mag and then finding out folks liked the short version better. Time will tell. Rem. owns the 7 Mags world but Win. will will the 300 battle again.
Ruger and savage are chambering both of them. The winchester case holds approximately nine grains more water by weight, which translates to more velocity at lower pressures so I can't see why anyone would choose the remington version over the winchester unless they just had to have a remington rifle. I think the winchester short magnums will be around for a long time to come but I don't see the remington versions lasting. They don't give the performance of the winchester rounds so I think they're too little too late.
My bet is that the slightly larger WSM case will get the eventual nod from both the gun buying public and manufacturers other than Remington. Within 5 years we'll see the Remington round as a Model 7 Remington Custom Shop option only (recall the 350 Rem mag).
The new Savages are in!!!!And they have guns chambered in both 300WSM and the 7mmRSUM and 300RSUM. Although they have more models in WSM. They also have some full sized RUM's as well. Here's the link www.savagearms.com . I particularly like the model 10GC (300WSM)with walnut montecarlo stock. Who says Savage can't make a pretty gun.
Ok now you guys have gone and done it!!! This is it Brad-I'll take the Savage 10FM Sierra in 300 WSWM please. Oh yeah I'd also take a Ruger #1A if they made it!? Any one know about the single shooters?
Posts: 879 | Location: Bozeman,Montana USA | Registered: 31 October 2001
Talked with Patty from Savage this morning-the 300WSM in a Sierra will be out next month some time she said. Let's see get a 6x42 Leo, take care of the trigger, steal one of Brads loads and I'll be ready for spring bear!
Anyone wanna bet about how great it'll shoot! "GET TO THE HILL"
who makes a after market trigger for the Savage?
Posts: 879 | Location: Bozeman,Montana USA | Registered: 31 October 2001
Aftermarket triggers for Savage: 1. Sharp Shooter Supply(Some Savages come factory installed(10LE package gun for one and their fancy varminter) 2. Rifle Basix(read good things about them) 3 Timney(I think).
The SSS and Rifle Basix are both drop in models (meaning miminal fitting required) and can be had for approx. $80US.