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First Blood
The hunt...for the last two weeks I have had a varmint tearing my place up. Very cleaver beast that out smarted me at every turn. Too smart for traps and bait. So fast I never was even able to get a good look at him. Today, I see the grass twitching, the soil buckling, I get my spear and throw it with all my might! He's too fast and dodges the razor sharp blade. The chase is on! He breaks into the opening, things turn into slow motion as I heave my spear toward the beast. My trusty blade hits its mark...the beast is dead.

Now before you nay sayers get going, this is the actual size of the beast. No photo shop or trick photography was used. I used no dogs nor back up weapons, just me, the beast, and my spear.

Anyone know of a good taxidermist?















[ 07-31-2003, 06:03: Message edited by: Bruz ]
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Picture of Oldsarge
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I'd freeze the lil' bugger and mail him to Tru-Life Taxidermy in Simi Valley. Steve could use a good chuckle. Maybe you should make it into a lamp base or sum'pin. Odd, though, I didn't know we had any moles in California. There certainly aren't any down here.
Posts: 2690 | Location: Lakewood, CA. USA | Registered: 07 January 2001Reply With Quote
There certainly aren't any down here.

Hey Sarge, there are not that many here...reckon cuz it does not freeze here they can survive? Lots of gophers here though, got one I've been scoping out that has been tearing up my lawn also! Lamp base eh!
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Picture of Oldsarge
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Yeah, a lamp base. You could have him mounted like he was leaning against a street lamp whistling at the girls. Maybe even build up a tiny pair of shades to wear and a little baseball cap with the brim in back.

Gophers! It took me years to kill enough of them to keep them out of the vegetables. We're too built up here to shoot the b*st*rds but I have found that the ultimate gopher trap is found in many garden catalogs. It's called the Black Hole. Buy two and mount them facing in opposite directions down in the run. Death to gophers!
Posts: 2690 | Location: Lakewood, CA. USA | Registered: 07 January 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of NitroX
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Good shot.
Posts: 10138 | Location: Wine Country, Barossa Valley, Australia | Registered: 06 March 2002Reply With Quote
Good shot

Thanks! I left out I was like 48 (inches) away too! The spear is just 6 (feet) long.

You could have him mounted like he was leaning against a street lamp whistling at the girls.

That sounds great! We need a lamp next to our bed...maybe give it to my wife for her birthday present?

It's called the Black Hole.

Thanks, I'll have to check that out...I am only on an acre, but occasionally at dusk I can catch the little boogers sticking their heads out of the hole, amazing how quiet a .22 short is when shot from a rifle.
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