My son (16 yrs old) and I are going on a hunting trip of a lifetime (hopefully) next September to the NWT for Dall Sheep and Moose.
I am looking for everyone's input and suggestions on spotting scopes, tripods and heads. I currently use a Swaro 20x-60x with a 65mm objective yet I'm wondering if the weight will be a bit much. Any thoughts or other suggestions?
Also, I currently have short lighter tripods (Spartan is what I have) yet I think it likely that we may be in dense brush when moose hunting and may need to use a tall tripod to shoot off of. Any other suggestions? That being said, we both have arca style rails on our rifles and I'm wondering if there are suggestions for particular arca style heads?
You are up for a great experience. I spent nearly a month in the NWT hunting with the Lancaster’s. Will your 16 year old son be hunting with you with his own guide or hunting out of separate areas? You may be hunting with a younger guide who has not yet had the time to acquire Alpha glass, I would inquire with your outfitter prior to your hunt . I have always traveled with my own Leica or Swarovski spotting scopes, and several times I was glad I had my own spotter. 50% of my mountain hunts the guide preferred to pack and use my spotter. Sometimes on these hunts a extra packer will accompany you and you can bring extra gear. Good luck and enjoy your hunts. 4WD
Posts: 976 | Location: Western USA | Registered: 08 September 2018
I'd take that spotter you have. The setup sounds fine to me. I do agree that your guide may have it covered but I would still show up with it and then decide before you head out.
Posts: 756 | Location: California | Registered: 26 May 2006