it is now probably too late, but I´m sure you have found out that you can´t buy a Zeiss or a Pentax within your budget. Try the Kowa 8x32 ( It has been a test winner in several serious tests and while beeing just shy of the specs of Zeiss, Swarovski and other very expensive binoculars, the Kowa comes at half of their price. I have one myself and I am extremely satisfied with it´s performance.
A shot withheld, is a shot never to be regretted.
Posts: 15 | Location: Gothenburg, Sweden | Registered: 25 December 2006
I got a pair of 8x30 Zeiss just for mountain hunting many years ago. They work so well for me that I find I almost never use my Zeiss 7x42.
If I expect to be hunting very low light yes then 7x42 but the 8x30 works for all else. I also have 8x20 Zeiss that I really only use ocationally and an old pair of Leitz that I have never used at all.
DRSS NRA life AK Master Guide 124
Posts: 1562 | Location: Alaska | Registered: 05 February 2006
My preference for light weight bino's is the Leupold Gold Ring 8X22 IF(individual focus). The spotting scope that I pack is the Leupold Gold Ring 20X or 25X 50 Armored.
Even lightweight binos hanging from your neck can get heavy. The over the shoulders harness is great. Go to EBAY and find a pair of Bausch and Lomb Zephyrs 7x35 or 6x30---old ones made in Rochester NY and you wont beat em.
Posts: 3811 | Location: san angelo tx | Registered: 18 November 2009
But what do all these glasses weigh? According to OpticsPlanet, the Kowas are 20 ounces - four more than my old 8x30 Pentax Porro prisms, which are twice the weight of my Nikon 8x25s.
The brilliance of the top-end binos has been largely lost on me when looking out the shop window, but I can certainly feel the weight of any 8x42s on my neck.
Posts: 5235 | Location: Melbourne, Australia | Registered: 31 March 2009
Cheapo Bushnell compacts. They're about the size of a ciggie butt pack. 8x -- 21mm, and they're cheap, $20. Mostly they're light, but then I'm not out to "glass." I'm out to hike.
I have just received my Meopta Meostar 8x32. To say I am impressed is an undersatement! Incredible good binoculars. In the same category as my Zeiss Victory FL (10x42) and my Swarovski Habicht 10x40 W GA. Their weight is 20.8 oz as Meopta Technical Data says.
The only better ones are the EL 10x32 or 8x32 Swarovisions, which will be released in May (I have seen them yet and they are more then georgeous, but out of your budget)
No better at that price range than the Meopta Meostar 8x32 or the Swarovski Habicht 8x30 W. Both weatherproof and built like a tank. I have used them and, at their price (or any price by the way), outstanding!