Quote: I know there are quite a few 41 fans here. Im looking for a low recoiling practice load for 205 grain cast bullets (because I have 500 of tehm) and bullseye or unique (because I have them. Suggestions? Gun is Ruger blackhawk.
You might want to try 7gr. of Unique and work up for your comfort level. Bullseye I'd start at 6gr and work up. I use 8gr. of Unique with a 215gr cast bullet for just over 1000fps in a Blackhawk with 4&5/8 inch barrel. Have fun with your .41.
Posts: 403 | Location: PRK | Registered: 20 April 2003
My favorite "plinking," all around load for both my S&W 57, and Marlin 1894S, in .41 mag., is 8.5 grs. Unique, 210/215 gr hard cast SWC. Accurate and has a punch, if needed, but has light recoil.
I use 6.5g Bullseye with a 215g cast lead Star bullet as my "new shooter" load. In a heavy .41 Caliber gun there is almost no recoil or muzzel blast so newbes will shoot it all day with out fear. I have used this load with both my granddaughters after they got tired of the wax bullets. With your 205g cast the 6.5g load should also give a good very controlable carry load if you carry.
Posts: 218 | Location: Sand Hills of NC | Registered: 21 May 2002
With a 215 gr cast, 6.0 to 7.4 gr of Titegroup will give 850 to 1175 FPS from my 6-inch barrel. 6.5 gr would be a good starting point, in my opinion, for a 205 gr cast bullet. I use standard large pistol primers with this load.
Oh, I forgot. I got a nice practice load with 7 to 8 gr of AA#2 under a 215gr. Valiant cast bullet, gave 1100fps in my NM Blackhawk. Also 7 gr of HP-38, under the same bullet, for 1000fps. Easy to practice with.
Posts: 762 | Location: Kansas | Registered: 18 December 2003