I'm off to the range in about 4 hrs.Got some cowboy loads to familiarize myself with the colt. I just hate to shoot lead bullets. The dreaded leading problem! I'm taking the S&W 38 special also. The 130 gr. in the 38 didn't shoot all that great. Got some 158 gr since it has fixed sights. It's a MP service revolver that my Dad had! I'll let you guys know how it went! tommy
If you have properly sized bullets that are the correct hardness and lubed for your shooting, there should be little or no leading. Too hard a bullet shot too slow leads just as a soft bullet shot too fast. Undersized bullets only make the leading worse.
If ignorance is bliss; there are some blissful sonofaguns around here. We know who you are, so no reason to point yourselves out.
MS is right. Use the right size boolit and hardness for what you are shooting. You do not need hard for light loads either. Most of the problem can be traced to the lube also. If you are using tumble lubed boolits or Alox, change to Felix or Lar's Carnauba Red. I shoot nothing but lead and can shoot for weeks without more then a tiny piece of lead on a patch. Most times there is none at all.
Just got back and I think I'm in love with this gun! shot great and adjusted it to get it close. Having to wait to get the dies and stuff is going to be hard! The 158s shot real good in the 38. What a difference 28 grains make. The 38 will be the home defense gun! I think I'm addicted to handguns! tommy
I just hate to shoot lead bullets. The dreaded leading problem!
Hmmn, I hate to use jacketed bullets in pistols unless there some sort of special need for them. As others have noted be sure you have a good fit and correct alloy.
Got some 158 gr since it has fixed sights.
Try the 148 gr midrange target wadcutters too. They frequently shoot with the 158 service load.
Glad you are having fun! You are now in our trap and I see pots, moulds, lubes and a thousand other fun things in your future. Darn, I wish we could get a kickback from the companies!