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Hello all,
I am about to buy my first revolver for deer hunting. I currently hunt with a TC contender 30-30 14". The new revolver will be 44mag and 7.5" or 8 3/8" barrel length. It will also be scope mounted. My two choises are the ruger super redhawk and the taurus raging bull.Would appreciate any advice , likes or dislikes.
Posts: 19 | Location: Mineral Wells,WV. USA | Registered: 21 March 2002Reply With Quote
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Welcome h20man55! You've joined an excellent forum.

I would suggest a third option - the old tried and true 7 1/2" Ruger Redhawk (get the one with the scope dovetails on the barrel). I've had one for 15 years, put thousands of rounds through it, and it will still do an inch or so at 25 yds from a rest. Mine does NOT have the dovetails, so I usually use v-rear/gold bead front open sights, but I have used the Weaver "clamp-on" scope mount when I wanted to scope. Plenty strong.

I know little about the Raging Bull.

You probably don't need the extra weight of the SRH for 44 mag (another pound!). IMO, the only reason to go SRH is if you want two more inches of barrel, or one of the more powerful rounds (454 Casull, 480 Ruger).

Decisions, decisions, what fun!

Let us know what you decide....


Posts: 1169 | Location: USA | Registered: 23 January 2002Reply With Quote
<Paul Dustin>
Welcome to the forum. I like the ruger super redhawk I have 2 of them a 7.5 & 9.5 they shot great and if you can load them hot and they will not fall apart. The taurus raging bull is a good gun I have shot one and they shot good. But for my money I would go with the Ruger
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I too would go with the Ruger, and if I really needed to have a double action revolver I favor the Redhawk, as opposed to the super Redhawk. But, the question that goes begging, is why you want a double action? I wouldn't shoot at game with this function in use, favoring the accuracy of single action triggers. And if you too intend to shoot in single action mode (I hope), Why not make the recoil more manageable by going with a Ruger Bisley Single action. Once you learn to use this gun, You will find that relaxed arms and allowing the grips to roll up in your hand makes all 44 mag loads easy to handle. You will find, on the other hand, that double action grip designs recoil straight back, adding to the perceived recoil. I'd at least try it out, just so you know. Have fun with this---Chuck
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Originally posted by ChuckD:
I too would go with the Ruger, and if I really needed to have a double action revolver I favor the Redhawk, as opposed to the super Redhawk. But, the question that goes begging, is why you want a double action? I wouldn't shoot at game with this function in use, favoring the accuracy of single action triggers. And if you too intend to shoot in single action mode (I hope), Why not make the recoil more manageable by going with a Ruger Bisley Single action. Once you learn to use this gun, You will find that relaxed arms and allowing the grips to roll up in your hand makes all 44 mag loads easy to handle. You will find, on the other hand, that double action grip designs recoil straight back, adding to the perceived recoil. I'd at least try it out, just so you know. Have fun with this---Chuck

I follow your logic, i don't need a double action .I do want the milled in scope bases. Is the only way to get them a super blackhawwk hunter?

Posts: 19 | Location: Mineral Wells,WV. USA | Registered: 21 March 2002Reply With Quote
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This is one of those situations, like so many others, where there is no wrong answer. But of the ones you mentioned, let me extol the virtues of the Ruger Super Redhawk as a hunting revolver.

First, double or single action is moot, as you would only shoot it single action anyway.

With the .454 Casull, Linebaugh cartridges and what-not we tend to have downgraded the puny .44 Magnum to be some little girly-man cartridge. I don�t care, I think it still kicks pretty hard with full loads. So anything that mitigates that recoil is fine with me.
This is subjective, but the grip shape of the regular Redhawk bangs the web of my hand something fierce. The Super Redhawk grip shape handles the recoil very well. The SRH IS heavier, and has a much heavier barrel. This further mitigates recoil.

The heavy barrel of the SRH dampens movement. I have owned three Redhawks, two were accurate, one very accurate. Only one SRH, and it was VERY accurate. I suspect there is little difference between the mechanical accuracy of the RH and SRH, but the ergonomics and weight of the latter tip the scales in it�s favor and let the shooter do his/her best work. As to weight, yes,it is heavier and if you want something to carry a lot the somewhat lighter Redhawk is better. �Somewhat� lighter, neither revolver in 7 �� length is what you�d call a packin� gun.

ChuckD mentions the other very viable alternative, the Bisley Blackhawk. Only comes in blue if that carries any importance, and doesn�t have a built in scope mount, but handles recoil very well. My personal opinion is that the Super Blackhawk Hunter would be a bit better choice for a hunting revolver.

Anyway, for a single purpose hunting revolver, my vote would go to the Super Red Hawk hands down.

All of this JMHO, of course. Again, any of the ones mentioned will serve well, it is still up to the shooter to place the shot accurately, and that is the bottom line.

[This message has been edited by Jim in Idaho (edited 03-29-2002).]

Posts: 1027 | Registered: 24 November 2000Reply With Quote
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Thank you all for you input,i will be ordering a 7.5 SS super redhawk. My gun dealer said the super blackhawk hunter is inpossible to get. Thanks agin for your help
Posts: 19 | Location: Mineral Wells,WV. USA | Registered: 21 March 2002Reply With Quote
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Sorry but my sweetheart is a Ruger super blackhawk with a 10 1/2 in bbl topped with a leupold vari-x 2.5X8 and hogue gripper grips , sends a 240 grain bullet at 1550 fps.
Posts: 869 | Location: Bellerose,NY USA | Registered: 27 July 2001Reply With Quote
I had an older Taurus 44 bull bbl. that was very acceptable out of the box. I don't know about their scope mounting system though. I think either would serve you well.
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I dont have many scoped handguns as I prefer open sights. One I do like is a supper blackhawk stainless with a 2x leupold. Double action guns dont do much for me either. Most of them are just to big and ugly. But thats just my opion If I were you I would hold out and search for a blackhawk hunter I had one of the originals and like a fool sold it. It was a nice piece.
Originally posted by Paul Dustin:
Welcome to the forum. I like the ruger super redhawk I have 2 of them a 7.5 & 9.5 they shot great and if you can load them hot and they will not fall apart. The taurus raging bull is a good gun I have shot one and they shot good. But for my money I would go with the Ruger

Posts: 1404 | Location: munising MI USA | Registered: 29 March 2002Reply With Quote
I plan on hunting with my 480 srh with the 7 1/2 barrel.The only dissapointment was when I went to install an Ultr-Dot4 reddot,the ring mounts weren't far enough apart for the body.I had a B-square mount installed by my local gunsmith,I would have done it myself,but he did it for free since I bought it from him,and he guarantee's his work.So far no problems,he did use a little loc-tite on the screws.

[This message has been edited by duck223 (edited 03-31-2002).]

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I have a Ruger Redhawk 5.5" barrel and it's a fine gun. But for hunting I prefer my Contender. Why not get a 44 Mag barrel, and a Leupold 2X scope for that TC. You'd get more accuracy and higher velocity than a revolver and keep some $ in your pocket to boot!
Posts: 1230 | Location: Saugerties, New York | Registered: 12 March 2002Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by Gregory:
I have a Ruger Redhawk 5.5" barrel and it's a fine gun. But for hunting I prefer my Contender. Why not get a 44 Mag barrel, and a Leupold 2X scope for that TC. You'd get more accuracy and higher velocity than a revolver and keep some $ in your pocket to boot!

True,but i've always wanted a revolver. My next TC barrel will most likely be a 357max,made by Virgin Valley.

[This message has been edited by h2oman55 (edited 04-01-2002).]

Posts: 19 | Location: Mineral Wells,WV. USA | Registered: 21 March 2002Reply With Quote
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I have a 357 Max Contender and I like it better than my old 44 mag 10" TC. You can't go wrong wth a Ruger revolver. I'd try to borrow a single action vs a double action and see which you prefer before a purchase. I for one don't care for the "rolling" of a single action in recoil. But to each his own.
Posts: 1230 | Location: Saugerties, New York | Registered: 12 March 2002Reply With Quote
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