I am planning on buying an Encore Pistol soon, and hope to get some input on the 'best' Eastern White-tailed deer hunting caliber for 0-300 yd. shots.
I plan on handloading all ammo, but prefer to stay away from calibers requiring extensive case forming. I'm not afraid to spend the time required to get loads producing 1/2" 100 yd. groups.
I am leaning towards the .243 in a 15" barrel - the bullet selection and velocities/trajectories/energies look pretty good.
Any thoughts from the masses would be appreciated.
Posts: 706 | Location: near Albany, NY | Registered: 06 December 2002
I would suggest the 15" 308 winchester Barrel I hunted with mine this year after shooting it most of the summer and took a nice 10 point buck with it this fall. I shoot 150 grain Nosler Ballistic Tips and use a 2.5X8 Leupold. I shot this Deer at approx 150 yards shooting off of shooting Stix. I would recommend that what ever caliber you select to shoot it allot at various ranges from shooting stix or a good rest. I plan to install a Harris bipod on mine this year and try to practice allot of hunting type conditions and stay away from the bench rest. Good luck on Whatever caliber you select.
Posts: 223 | Location: Oklahoma | Registered: 11 July 2002
If it were me I would go with a .260, 7mm-08, or .308win, favoring the 7mm-08. Exspecially in a short barreled pistol you have to appreciate the Hi BC'S of the 7mm bullet class. (for instance check out the ballistics on a 140gr 7mm Nosler BT at 2500fps Muzzle Velocity.) The ability to start off slower and keep velocity down range will pay off more so than with a rifle. I wouldn't go with the .243 for a 300 yard rig, and yes I used to own one and would gladly again. Just not for what you described.
Posts: 358 | Location: Stafford, Virginia | Registered: 14 August 2001
From factory choices I would choose the 260 Remington. If I was going custom I would go with a 25-284 or the 6.5 284. The 25-284 would give the rifle ballistics of a 25-08 (25 souper) and the 6.5-284 will give you approximately 260 Remington rifle performance. Of course the 6mm-284 gives you about hte same as 243 Win. in a rifle. If 300 yards is the max, probably the 260 remington is the best choice. I have a 260 Remington, have used a 7mm-08 for a number of years, and am waiting currently for a 6.5-284. good luck in whatever you choose. xphunter
Posts: 828 | Location: Wyoming | Registered: 11 July 2000
Put me down as a fourth "Aye" for the 260 Rem. From a 15" barrel, I can get 2650 fps with the 120 NBT, trajectory and energy right there with a 243Win rifle to 300 yards....
Regards, Bill
Posts: 1169 | Location: USA | Registered: 23 January 2002
I don�t know what your hunting laws say, but I can�t use any of the calibers mentioned legally. So I plan on getting a custom 16.24� 45-70 heavy barrel. Should be a good rifle and a good pistol, but recoil might be a problem if you don�t want to reload.