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The Mini Revolver
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What I am about to state in this post, will not be believed by all, but I assure you it is all true...

Many,many years ago I had a Mini Revolver in 22 LR. I let a buddy get it from me and did not give it much thought...

Until Lynn Thompson gave me his Video "Never Unarmed". He is a big fan of the Mini Revolver, those little tiny revolvers first from Freedom Arms and later from North American Arms.

After seeing his video I thought, I wish I still had mine...

So a couple of years later, [this year 2013], I was in a Buddies Gun Store, and he had an Original Freedom Arms, 22 Mag, with an extra 22LR cylinder, one inch barrel, 4 shot Mini Revolver, at a price I could not turn down.

So I bought it. Big Grin dancing

I shot it a little with the 22 Mag cylinder here at the house.

I took it to the Hunting Lease for turkey hunting. I just got back, I was there for 26 days.

Posts: 16134 | Location: Texas | Registered: 06 April 2002Reply With Quote
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I shot the Mini Revolver quite a bit, first with 22 Mag HP and Solids and CCI shot shells, and then with several 22 LR, HP and Solids, and CCI shotshells.
I shot several hundred rounds in all.

I was most impressed.

Random thoughts:

22 Mag vs. 22LR.

The 22 mag's would shoot into a standard 55 gal drum, 22 LR's would bounce off.

22 Mag shotshells gave better penetration on the various water filled plastic bottles I shot than the 22 LR shotshells. The 22LR patterns were a little tighter however.

I have had excellent results on some big rattle snakes with my S&W 22 LR and CCI shotshells, so I know the 22 Mags will do even better. Sadly, I did not see any rattlers on this trip...

Posts: 16134 | Location: Texas | Registered: 06 April 2002Reply With Quote
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I have also had excellent results using the 22LR S&W for head shot finishers on pigs, coyotes and on a bobcat. So I know the 22 mag will do even better. It worked great on the one coyote I used it as a finisher on. [I shot 9 coyotes on this trip, only the one required a finisher].

The accuracy of this Mini Revolver with both 22 Mag and 22 LR amazed me.
At conversational distances it is eyeball accurate. The sights are spot on.

As distance increases it is still spot on.

I had shot a coyote at 100 yards from camp on my bait location.

So I decided to see if I could hit the dead coyote with the Mini Revolver at 100 yards, just for fun.

Shooting supported [and I hate to post this] I was most often able to hit the coyote, and make fur fly 3 out of 4 shots, with both the 22LR and the 22 Mag. shocker Eeker

I did not believe it myself, but the "test" was repeated several times. The Mini Revolver is Scary Accurate.

Well, I guess even this little Freedom Arms lives up to the Accuracy Reputation of Freedom Arms Products...

Posts: 16134 | Location: Texas | Registered: 06 April 2002Reply With Quote
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I am going to carry this Mini Revolver 100% of the time, here on my Place loaded with CCI shot shells, first 22 Mag, and after I shoot a few snakes I will try it with 22 LR's.

When I leave my Place, I am going to load it with HP and Solids and carry it as a No3.

It is just so small, light, and handy.

It is a most handy piece of Kit...

Posts: 16134 | Location: Texas | Registered: 06 April 2002Reply With Quote
Picture of Whitworth
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They are neat and I have wanted one for some time. How about posting up a picture or two?????

"Ignorance you can correct, you can't fix stupid." JWP

If stupidity hurt, a lot of people would be walking around screaming.

Semper Fidelis

"Building Carpal Tunnel one round at a time"
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Have you guys looked at the



God Bless, Louis
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Originally posted by N E 450 No2:
I am going to carry this Mini Revolver 100% of the time, here on my Place loaded with CCI shot shells, first 22 Mag, and after I shoot a few snakes I will try it with 22 LR's.

When I leave my Place, I am going to load it with HP and Solids and carry it as a No3.

It is just so small, light, and handy.

It is a most handy piece of Kit...

The mini was designed by Dick Cassul no wonder is is a gem


A 9mm may expand to a larger diameter, but a 45 ain't going to shrink

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I had a freedom arms in 22lf for a while shot several hundred rounds through it was ok. Never found much use for it.

I have a small Jennings semi auto 22lf that has decent sites no trouble hitting a 3 inch target with at 20 yards.

I find it a lot more useful the Mini revolver ever was.

But one thing nice we have the choice.
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Picture of Whitworth
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Originally posted by jwp475:
Originally posted by N E 450 No2:
I am going to carry this Mini Revolver 100% of the time, here on my Place loaded with CCI shot shells, first 22 Mag, and after I shoot a few snakes I will try it with 22 LR's.

When I leave my Place, I am going to load it with HP and Solids and carry it as a No3.

It is just so small, light, and handy.

It is a most handy piece of Kit...

The mini was designed by Dick Cassul no wonder is is a gem

Yep, it was the first gun they produced before the Model 83.

"Ignorance you can correct, you can't fix stupid." JWP

If stupidity hurt, a lot of people would be walking around screaming.

Semper Fidelis

"Building Carpal Tunnel one round at a time"
Posts: 13440 | Location: Virginia | Registered: 10 July 2003Reply With Quote
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posted Hide Post that makes two USFA SAAs, one .45 ACP NiteGuard, one .45 Commander and a Mini-Revolver that you carry all the time...all I can say is stay away from stock tanks cuz if you fall in there is no coming up... Eeker

I have two of the NAA Black Widow in .22 Magnum and a Mini-Master with both cylinders. Both are very accurate...

5-10-25 yards...

Same for the BW...

Velocity for 40 grain ammo is only a 1000+-

Posts: 601 | Location: NH, USA | Registered: 06 November 2002Reply With Quote
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Well most of the time I just carry one big gun and the Mini Revolver here at the place.

But you might remember I was a highly trained SCUBA diver, even Commercial dive qualed, and I always carried my LW Commander, underwater at all times... Big Grin

Posts: 16134 | Location: Texas | Registered: 06 April 2002Reply With Quote
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Also a couple of weeks ago I got a second Mini revolver. It is also a Freedom arms, this one is a 22LR with a 2 1/2" barrel and a little
larger flat bottomed grip.

The other day I shot a couple of hundred rounds through it from 3 yards to 25 yards.

It will hit 8" steel plates at 25 yards no problems.

I had some squirrel animal targets and it was seriously deadly on them at 15 yards.

I almost bought another FA 22 Mag, but my buddy was with me, and after he had heard at how well I liked my first one, he had to have it.

So I am waiting to hear how well he likes it.

Posts: 16134 | Location: Texas | Registered: 06 April 2002Reply With Quote
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I've owned a couple of Black Widows and vowed after buying the current one I would never sell it.
Extremely accurate if you do your part but the trigger pull could be lighter.

When I lived in Alaska one always went in my back pack while hunting and made a great small game getter. I still prefer the Black Widow made by NAA with its adjustable sights.

My biggest fear is when I die my wife will sell my guns for what I told her they cost.
Posts: 6664 | Location: Wasilla, Alaska | Registered: 22 February 2005Reply With Quote
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Bob, that is good shooting.
To you and Snowwolfe.

I really like the short barrel [1 1/4"], and little grip on my 22 Mag/22LR combo for the original purpose I got it for as a daily backup when out and about, and with CCI shotshells here at my place. It is just so handy, small and light.

However, after shooting the 2 1/2" barreled, slightly larger gripped 22LR a bunch, I can see how an even longer barreled, bigger gripped Mini Revolver, with adjustable sights would be a great dedicated kit gun.

Even that "bigger" mini revolver would be light, slim, and very handy.
It is suprising how well they shoot.

I do wish my 2 1/2" Mini had a 22 Mag, and a 22LR cylinder.

Posts: 16134 | Location: Texas | Registered: 06 April 2002Reply With Quote
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...I guess somewhere along the line I missed you were diver... I was also but had to give it up when the ears wouldn't equalize any more.

Snowolf...NAA will do a trigger job on the BW... I complained about both of mine as it would actually HURT the tip of my finger to pull the trigger. The BW came out very nice but the MM is still a little heavy. Have found that pulling the trigger with the second pad works batter than the tip...

Posts: 601 | Location: NH, USA | Registered: 06 November 2002Reply With Quote
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I got a KILL here at the house a couple of days ago. Cool

I went outside and saw that my female cat had a mole in her mouth. I saw her drop it, and it started to get away.

So I pulled out the 22 Mag Mini Revolver and rapidly stepped between the cat and the mole, also doing a little side step to get one of the wifes Roosters out of the way, and shot the mole with a 22 mag CCI shotshell.

Well, quick thinking, fancy foot work, and good shooting, equaled one dead mole, with no collateral damage... Big Grin dancing BOOM

Posts: 16134 | Location: Texas | Registered: 06 April 2002Reply With Quote
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I carry one almost all the time...just like my pocket knife.

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Did you mount that trophy NE?
Posts: 2140 | Registered: 28 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by packrattusnongratus:
Did you mount that trophy NE?

No, I did not.

I made Mole soup with Ramen noodles.

Being Retired, the more money I save eating "wild game" meat, the more I can spend on Laphroaig Scotch... Big Grin

Posts: 16134 | Location: Texas | Registered: 06 April 2002Reply With Quote
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NAA's has a new one out, called the sidewinder. Pretty cool as you do not have to take the cylinder off the revolver to load or unload. Am going to pick one up in 22 mag up soon and give it a go.

My biggest fear is when I die my wife will sell my guns for what I told her they cost.
Posts: 6664 | Location: Wasilla, Alaska | Registered: 22 February 2005Reply With Quote
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That might be the best designed Mini Revolver yet.

If you can I recommend you get a 22LR cylinder for it also.

It would be great for practice and as a backup for those times where 22 Mag ammo is hard to find... Like now. Mad

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I have a couple of bricks of 22 mag so that should last me a few years with the mini'sSmiler
Besides, every time I buy a convertible revolver it seems the .22LR cylinder never gets used.

My biggest fear is when I die my wife will sell my guns for what I told her they cost.
Posts: 6664 | Location: Wasilla, Alaska | Registered: 22 February 2005Reply With Quote
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I just knew they had some usefulness stir
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There was something FISHY about that gun!!!!!!!!!
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Just a couple of days ago my wife gave me a shout and said, come quick the birds have a snake.

So I ran outside and my 2 turkeys and 3 Guinea Fowl, had a snake under attack.

So I shot it with my 22 MAG FA Mini Revolver, with CCI shotshells.

Worked great.

Posts: 16134 | Location: Texas | Registered: 06 April 2002Reply With Quote
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This is a great post. I have been toying with the idea of carrying a light weight revolver when I am in the woods hunting. For pest control or for the pot.
Since accuracy is needed for small targets. I was considering American Arms mini revolvers in 4" or 6" barrel. Do you think the accuracy gain is justified in the longer barrel.
Another option is the S&W 351PD which weighs about the same in the 10.7 oz. range. Due to its short barrel of 1.85", I was considering a 4"-6" barrel installed.
What would you choose? Would you favor the .22WMR over the .22LR ? thanks.
Posts: 1026 | Location: Brooksville, FL. | Registered: 01 August 2007Reply With Quote
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I carry a Beretta 22 semi auto in a ankle holster.I think its called a Tomcat or Bobcat.Little sucker shots about anything you feed it .Killed its share of chipmunks and red squirrels. Big Grin
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The advantage of the Mini revolvers is that they are so small and light, even the ones with a barrel up to 4". Their disadvantage is that they are very slow to reload, except for the new one with the swing out cylinder.

I do like the 2" S&W Mod 34 Kit Gun. It shoots almost as good as the 4" one I also have, and I can carry it in my front pocket, and never know it is there. It also has adjustable sights. I have shot a few squirrels out of trees with it.

I also have a 4" FA 22LR mini revolver. I am going to give all of them a good test this hunting season.

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N E 450 NO. 2
Thanks for the insight. I value all your opinions.
Posts: 1026 | Location: Brooksville, FL. | Registered: 01 August 2007Reply With Quote
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Picture of JeffM
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450, thanks for the great info. I, like others I suppose, thought the "belt buckle" guns were something of a novelty. Now I'm adding one to my list. Seems that it would be great on a trapline, canoe trip, etc.... Now to find one.

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Originally posted by OLBIKER:
I carry a Beretta 22 semi auto in a ankle holster.I think its called a Tomcat or Bobcat.Little sucker shots about anything you feed it .Killed its share of chipmunks and red squirrels. Big Grin

I have a "Tomcat" 32ACP, your 22 would be a Bobcat.
Posts: 1230 | Location: Saugerties, New York | Registered: 12 March 2002Reply With Quote
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I also own a Bobcat and for the price it is amazing. For some weird reason it likes those cheap Remington Thunderbolts. Never jams and is as accurate as I can point it. Sights are just a groove and a tiny post. Literally fits into the palm of my hand.

My biggest fear is when I die my wife will sell my guns for what I told her they cost.
Posts: 6664 | Location: Wasilla, Alaska | Registered: 22 February 2005Reply With Quote
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Originally posted by youngoutdoors:
Have you guys looked at the



God Bless, Louis

Yeah the larger grip is nicer and not too big to get noticed.
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actually it was the second one the partnership produced.
their first was a 45 colt/45 win mag/450 express mag [the 450 express is like a rimless version of the 454 casull case only a tick shorter]revolver about the size of the later 83 frames
it took interchangeable cylinders for the three rounds and had a bisley [plow] type handle.
with a smooth wood grip.

when Dick and NAA parted ways, he of course kept with the big revolvers [mostly] and NAA went with the smaller ones.
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Picture of Bill/Oregon
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I always admired that belt buckle version, having had a Mattel belt-buckle derringer that shot Shoot'n Shells with the Greenie Stick-em Caps way back in the early 1960s.
Trouble is, I could see myself standing near the front of a long line at the post office when I realize I have a tiny revolver in my belt buckle, and have committed a federal felony ...

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I always thought being aware was part of carrying concealed... I wonder if the belt buckle version is considered concealed or open carry?

Speer, Sierra, Lyman, Hornady, Hodgdon have reliable reloading data. You won't find it on so and so's web page.
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I had one of those Mattel belt buckle derringers too.

You could set it so that when you pushed your stomach out the derringer would spring straight out and fire... BOOM

Posts: 16134 | Location: Texas | Registered: 06 April 2002Reply With Quote
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NE...haven't been over here for a the post above about the Kat attaching the defenseless mole and with your history of cats I figuered for sure you were going to smoke the Kat.. flame

My next question is..since you got the mole...who got the or the turkeys....

As to a super lightweight .22 for woods carry...the S&W 317 3" with adjustable sights in hard to beat... Only a little heavier than a Mini Revolver and can be put most anywhere.

Just got done having a S&W Model 35 Target with a 6" barrel fitted with a Model 51 .22 Magnum cylinder...shoots very well to say the least.

Posts: 601 | Location: NH, USA | Registered: 06 November 2002Reply With Quote
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Bob, that is one nice "Kit Gun".
I never could figure out why S&W did not offer that option as a factory gun.

I got the snake with the Mini revolver.

As to that cat, she was laying on my chest last night as I went to sleep.

I like cats. Many are excellent hunters. Both of mine are.

Posts: 16134 | Location: Texas | Registered: 06 April 2002Reply With Quote
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I'm curious after reading you carried under water. Did you ever shoot it down there? How was the 'concussion' if you did. I've always wondered about that.

Back in the early '60's I came up with a .22short revolver. Barrel wasn't a full inch long best I can recall. Grip about the size of my thumb, held five shots I think. Spit lead all over the place, I still have a piece in the palm of my hand from it. Accuracy was terrible.
I paid $15 for it and sold it for $20 after most of a box was fired thru it. Very hard to hold and stung my hand bad each shot. Trigger was a tiny hinged affair, no guard. I didn't feel it was safe is why I got rid of it. Could almost close my hand over it and never see the thing. Wouldn't even bury a bullet into a pine board at less than 10feet.

After reading these posts I'll start considering one of these modern little pistols again.
Thanks for the reply,

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