WOW! Along with the expen$ive toilet seats, and outrageously priced hammers...this may be a real bargain! But aren't projects like this supposed to have been researched and cost-accounted death, only to have somebody say "WHO knew"?
Posts: 117 | Location: Utah | Registered: 31 January 2009
32 ships were planed. Cost overruns ran up to 4 billion per ship. They cut back to 3. To be so far off in the initial estimate is incompetence writ large. Guys, this is our money we are talking about.
Posts: 2086 | Location: Seattle Washington, USA | Registered: 19 January 2004
[QUOTE]Originally posted by nopride2: Guys, this is our money we are talking about.
Yes it is/was our money and it makes me a little sick. I even get more ill when I think about how hard I work and then see my money go to folks who WON"T work. Obviously there are folks in need and we have a civic and moral obligation to help them IMHO.
Who knows? maybe we can get a few things changed since we have a new POTUS..... and hopefully for the better, hopefully!
They developed a special round with newly designed guidance features and it's also rocket boosted in flight for extra range, then they only make 2000 of these rounds total. It's the old story of having to put the development cost of something into the individual price of each unit, drastically increasing the price. The first 2000 rounds are a million a piece, if they ever go back and make more then it will be for the real price of the rounds, not the individual price plus the development cost.
Posts: 421 | Location: Broomfield, CO, USA | Registered: 04 April 2002
Originally posted by nopride2: 4 billion a ship? A million a shot for ammo? What the hell is wrong with this picture.
I will tell you one thing that is wrong with it. What if WWIII broke out?? How long would it be before the entire country was spent out of ammunition?? And how would they possibly keep those things supplied? New technology and amazing capabilities are nice, but DAMN!! Sherman tanks were cheap and plentiful!
AK-47 The only Communist Idea that Liberals don't like.
Posts: 10193 | Location: Tooele, Ut | Registered: 27 September 2001
1 million per round, each round sinks a ship worth 1 billion. Pretty good deal but I'll bet Trump can negotiate it down a little.
Pancho LTC, USA, RET
"Participating in a gun buy-back program because you think that criminals have too many guns is like having yourself castrated because you think your neighbors have too many kids." Clint Eastwood
Originally posted by ZekeShikar: A Million bucks a shot? WOW, and some guys whine about the price of premium reloading bullets that cost a buck each. Zeke
That's cheap! My premium muzzle loading bullets are 2 bucks each, but they look like they belong in a 50 BMG case.
Posts: 565 | Location: Walker, IA, USA | Registered: 03 December 2001