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Anyone Else Have This Problem?????
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I have tried reloading "nny" 7mm. RM once fired brass from my rifle (originally Prvi Partizan 174 SP) and found that using my Lee Collet Neck Die it actually makes the necks LOOSER. The bullets seem to slide in actually easier than when checked after firing.

I do not have this issue with Winchester brass and to compensate I just P-FLR the "nny" brass and it works fine.

Just wondering if anyone else noticed this.

Also best group with this ammo is about 1.25" @ 100 yds which is over 2X what I normally get with my reloads. I have a Savage 110 in 7mm. RM with a 1/9.5 twist. I wonder if that is not quite fast enough to stabilize this bullet.

Thanks. Wayne

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Some brass does not expand the case mouths fully when fired. It is often just the first .04 of the case mouth. When you run it over the collet die mandrel it expands the edge to full size.
You will find this with many different brands and calibers of brass if you attempt to insert a loose bullet into the fired case.
You can check your twist vs the bullet length with a number of online calculators for stability. But you need to measure the length of the bullet.
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Picture of seafire2
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Sounds like a thin wall neck on the brass, you just need to adjust your collet die down a hair tighter is all...

That is not unusal with foreign made brass...

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Picture of bartsche
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popcornIf you can send me about 4 cases I'll work on getting your problemsolved beerroger

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Originally posted by SR4759:
Some brass does not expand the case mouths fully when fired. It is often just the first .04 of the case mouth. When you run it over the collet die mandrel it expands the edge to full size.
You will find this with many different brands and calibers of brass if you attempt to insert a loose bullet into the fired case.

Thanks SR - good point.

[QUOTE] Sounds like a thin wall neck on the brass, you just need to adjust your collet die down a hair tighter is all...

That is not unusal with foreign made brass...

Hi John: I had tried this but knew it would not work. Turning down the die will not tighten the clamping on the neck since the mandrel determines the overall final dimension. I learned this the hard way when the aluminum cap became a UFO. Frowner

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Originally posted by bartsche:
popcornIf you can send me about 4 cases I'll work on getting your problemsolved beerroger

Hi Rogeer: do you really want me to send you the cases? If you do PM me with your address. Thanks, Wayne

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stop crimping them neck tension is enough.
the twist is fast enough.
by crimping them and making the neck loose on the bullet you are creating inconsistencies in the bullet pull and powder burn.
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Originally posted by Lamar:
stop crimping them neck tension is enough.
the twist is fast enough.
by crimping them and making the neck loose on the bullet you are creating inconsistencies in the bullet pull and powder burn.

I don't think you understand the problem. I am talking about neck sizing a fired case from my rifle. The neck tension is not enough either before or after neck sizing on these cases.

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