Anyone used a "BUCKMASTERS" scope(made by nikon) on a magnum rifle? im planning to get one for my 7 pound 300wsm and want to know how well they hold up to recoil.
I spend a lot of time each fall sighting in rifles for other hunters. Yes, believe it or not, people have no time for this...they drop their guns off and a have it done. I don't agree with it but make some good pocket change doing it so I don't spend much time worrying about it. Anyway, while doing this i get a change to work w/lots of different scopes from the super premiums to the worst trash that optics companies can produce. My not so scientific conculsions...sure a Zeis is nice, if you have a money tree, Leupolds are the best product on the market but if your funds are limited don't hesitate to one get a Nikon Buckmaster. Consistent clear optics, well made and you don't need to visit the loan officer to get one. To beat the old drum, you get what you pay for in optics. You won't be sorry if you get a Nikon, you will spend your money again for a new scope if you get less.
I have one on my M70 Featherweight (.308) and love it. All my other scopes are ...well take a guess.