I happened across a pretty good deal on a Nosler rifle in 6.5x284. As I started load development I found it was time to crack another brick of primers. I thought that was odd, since it seems I just started loading out of the last one so I started going through the log book. between myself and the 4 kids, we went through over 1000 standard large rifle and 600 magnum large rifle rounds this year! That may not be a lot for many of you, but for what seemed like a year of fewer range opportunities and no p-dog adventures I was pleasantly surprised. It caused me to wonder, with powder and primer shortages, were most of you cutting back on your practice/recreational shooting or just letting fly? The practice paid off and we only had one animal that needed more shooting due to misjudged wind deflection, but even that one would have stayed down for the count had we given it a half hour instead of pushing it. My kids have turned into pretty good shooters.
Posts: 849 | Location: MN | Registered: 11 March 2009
Keep shooting. I really like my practice time with rifle and hand guns. I loaded 4000rounds 38, 45 and 357 last year I am down too about 4 boxes each. I had enough rifle ammo to make it through hunting this year. I can not imagine how many rounds I would have gone through if my sons were still home shooting. Dave
Posts: 2134 | Location: Ohio | Registered: 26 June 2000
Keep shooting; there is, and never was, any shortage due to production; any shortage at the retail level is due to hoarding. I have "friends" who bought up all the primers they could find, and now have tens of thousands of them; I tell them I can't wait for their estate sale. Our local gun shop has a plethora of powder and primers so things are easing up. Until the next crisis the dems want to exploit for political gain.
Posts: 17573 | Location: USA | Registered: 02 August 2009
I put more Pb downrange this year than in the prior three. But most of it was .22LR. .223 made up the next largest category. I doubt I fired more than 60 rds through my game rifles last year. No matter.
We're individuals, so no argument with someone who finds .22rf not a good substitute. For me it works perfectly.
Posts: 670 | Location: Dover-Foxcroft, ME | Registered: 25 May 2002
Originally posted by dpcd: I have "friends" who bought up all the primers they could find, and now have tens of thousands of them; I tell them I can't wait for their estate sale.
A widow with several closets full of incendiaries is always very easy to deal with.
Posts: 13334 | Location: Henly, TX, USA | Registered: 04 April 2001