Moderators: Mark
Re: 7-08 nickle brass???
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Picture of Jay Gorski
I got mine from Midway about 10yrs. ago, think they still offer it, it was $28 back then. Jay
Posts: 1745 | Location: WI. | Registered: 19 May 2003Reply With Quote
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I've asked this question before, but does any one know where I can buy 7-08 nickle brass? Thanks capt david
Posts: 655 | Location: South Texas | Registered: 11 January 2004Reply With Quote
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I also bought mine in the early 90's from Midway, when they use to discount them for less than the brass cases, in their truck load sales. I recently started using some of the last of the virgin cases.
I like them. Their easier to locate on the ground/in the weeds and identify as your own. I've never seen anyone else using them in 7-08 at the places I shoot.
They're a little stiffer through the sizing die but I also think they're a little slicker chambering. I've loaded some up to 10 times before the neck split, although they typically last between 7 to 8x's. I've never tried to anneal them.
just my $.02.
Posts: 134 | Location: So CA | Registered: 26 August 2003Reply With Quote
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Picture of Jay Gorski
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It's not on there w/site or in their catalogue, maybe I'll give them a call. how do you like it? capt david

I saw that also when I went to their website, as far as liking the nickle, I'm only on the first shooting with no problems as far as accuracy goes, you'll have a hard time deburring the case since the nickle is so hard, but other than that they seem to work fine, but, would'nt buy nickle brass again, they look pretty, but not necessary. If you really want some, might want to call George up at the Remington ammo factory, 1-800-243-9700, ext 2 and then ext 1, and see if they're still making the stuff, pretty sure Winchester is making the stuff, just got off the phone with them, they don't sell to places like Midway, the fellow said the nickle is just for looks and no other advantage was noted by them, though they do seem slicker when chambering, I've never had any problem with either kind myself. Jay
Posts: 1745 | Location: WI. | Registered: 19 May 2003Reply With Quote
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