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Canadian Gov't Reloading Horrors
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Just finished reading about the new bill (C-42) that our gov't is trying to pass to protect us (again). It will class ALL ammunition components (brass, primers, powder, bullets) the same as explosives. Seems Sept. 11 has made the politicos a little nervous, and this will make them safe. Yeah right. - Dan
Posts: 5285 | Location: Alberta | Registered: 05 October 2001Reply With Quote
<Gary Rihn>
Ya learn something new every day. All this time and I never knew that a bullet or a piece of brass could explode...
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<Daryl Elder>
Guess I'll have to get rid of my BBQ, gas-powered lawn mower, aerosol cans...Lord knows what I may do to myself!
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Originally posted by dan belisle:
Just finished reading about the new bill (C-42) that our gov't is trying to pass to protect us (again). It will class ALL ammunition components (brass, primers, powder, bullets) the same as explosives. Seems Sept. 11 has made the politicos a little nervous, and this will make them safe. Yeah right. - Dan

politions have never been in the real world and hunt and fish for food some one else cleans it for them and puts it on there table.they just do not have a clue.

Posts: 46 | Location: Friendship,Wis. USA | Registered: 18 November 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of John Y Cannuck
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How big a stockpile does a reloader need to avoid being bugged by politicians for a lifetime?
Posts: 872 | Location: Lindsay Ontario Canada | Registered: 14 April 2001Reply With Quote
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No way that the federal government will keep on with the enormous expenses relating to firearms"control" legislations,talking about a lot of millions of canadian dollars,it will pass the bill on the provinces,I dont think they will agree,the commun sense will eventually come out...
Posts: 439 | Location: Quebec Canada | Registered: 27 August 2001Reply With Quote
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Where I live,my region,12 out of 16 munipalities have adopted a resolution that is forbidden shooting within a kilometers inside these munipalities,since all of those munipalities are interconnected ,it was impossible to shoot or hunt in these 12 municipalities,the two range sites had their permits removed,they the munipaties agreed not to aplly their legislation,but the thing is always there,we dont have the right to shoot or hunting in those munipalities...
Posts: 439 | Location: Quebec Canada | Registered: 27 August 2001Reply With Quote
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I'm not totally familiar with Canadian law, but C-42 is the Copyright Act of 1985...


Posts: 3282 | Location: Saint Marie, Montana | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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rejpelly, I hope you're right about common sense prevailing. I read through C-42 on the Parliament website. If you can declare something inert as falling under the term "explosive", we better not try importing anything. Shoes, food, clothing etc. all can go this route if the government has their way and sees a reason to do it.

For those of you that would like the link to the Parliament Page, my compliments...

They say that it can't rain in Ottawa because there's so much hot air rising into the air. Clouds cannot form.

Safe Shooting!
Steve Redgwell

Posts: 172 | Location: New Lowell, Ontario | Registered: 14 July 2000Reply With Quote
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Commom sense prevail you have got to be kidding the anti's do not give a rats behind about your guns ect. they are out to disarm you period!! When as any government give a rats behind about spenting your money for something they want. Wake up and defend your rights If you ust sit back and think. this is so stuip it cann't go on think again.
Steve yes they can declare it illgal they well not enforce it until they want you. Then you well be charged with all kinds of crimes.
We see it in the states a few pound of powder some pipe and you have bomb making supplys ect. Almost all home owner with toilet bowl cleaner and pipe could be so charged. They way they write a law can have very bad effects if you become in disfavor of the powers to be.
Posts: 20015 | Location: wis | Registered: 21 April 2001Reply With Quote
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Hi, Steve:
The count starts at one after each election, so there are many Bill C-42s.

Bye from frozen Saskatchewan

Posts: 176 | Location: Saskatchewan | Registered: 14 January 2001Reply With Quote
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I live in BC.

Well what do you know, they probably found a couple hundred reloading presses in the Al-Queda camps. We gotta stop terroists from having a hobby!

Headline News : Terroist leader Osama bin Laden died today while reloading in his hideout camp, the death of the alleged mastermind behind 911 is caused by primer tray detonation...

Posts: 638 | Location: O Canada! | Registered: 21 December 2001Reply With Quote
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The scary part Jack, is that I live in the heart of Liberal country. I'm in Central Ontario. We had the only "eastern" Reform MP until last election.
There may be many C-42s, but if Cretin's crooks stay in power there will be additions to that bill with new & more restrictive legislation.
I'm waiting for the Liberals to require us to carry a "breathing air" licence. I may be paranoid, but not as much as the Liberals are.

Safe Shooting!
Steve Redgwell

Posts: 172 | Location: New Lowell, Ontario | Registered: 14 July 2000Reply With Quote
I read about a month ago that a legislator in Wisconsin tried to slip the same kind of law under the carpet. It was discovered and put down though. I think I saw this on I'll try to find the thread and post the link.


Here it is:

[This message has been edited by rifleman (edited 03-01-2002).]

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When I read things like this, it makes me feel awful for the good folks in Canada, who have the best hunting and fishing left in the world outside of Alaska. There was a time I seriously considered maybe going to Canada to hunt, but no more. Was at the Eastern Outdoor Show in Harrisburg PA in early Feb. There were a lot of Canadian outfitters there, but a lot of potential customers were passing them by because of the fool laws the Canadians are now stuck with. Of course, we have to remain ever alert to try to keep the same crap from happening here. Eternal vigilance is the price of freedom!!


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Jack M...

Thanks for the clarification...

(and you can't possible be as frozen as I am...temp here is minus 10F and the breeze is running around 30 mph)


Posts: 3282 | Location: Saint Marie, Montana | Registered: 22 May 2002Reply With Quote
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Steve Redgwell;hi from Quebec.The federal government with theirs very restricted laws concerning firearms{hunting ones},I really dont"feel" what they really want;I must presume ,it has some common sense,otherwise the "ban" will come in a way no one cant predict it,if it there is no way out,it is all over for us.I think it is not only the federal government that will strike very hard; it will be also the provincial and the most "hidden" munipalities.If the three musketeers work secretly together,it is good bye Charles Brown.I saw two together,one is missing,I hope the good sense will eventually prevail...
Posts: 439 | Location: Quebec Canada | Registered: 27 August 2001Reply With Quote
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Hi, Steve:
Where do you think that -10�F 30 MPH breeze is coming from?

Yes gents, I stocked up at the Gunshow last weekend. However, the dealers were more concerned about the new U.S. rules about exports to Canada.


Posts: 176 | Location: Saskatchewan | Registered: 14 January 2001Reply With Quote
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Picture of John Y Cannuck
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My MP got in by split vote.
Anyway, I wrote the little *&^ to complain about the paper registration certs they have been issuing. Like a good politician he passed the buck to the new justice minister. Mr Cauchon.
I got a three page letter full of propoganda, half truths and outright bull shi*. Along with a copy of a poll done by Gallop in November of 2001. (We were all hunting remember). It says that there is more support than ever for the Gov't agenda.
Who feeds this guy? lets find him/her, and change the feed to something other than shi*.

I faxed a copy to the NFA, and the OFAH.
When I stop steaming, I will formulate a reply!

[This message has been edited by John Y Cannuck (edited 03-02-2002).]

Posts: 872 | Location: Lindsay Ontario Canada | Registered: 14 April 2001Reply With Quote
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Just as an addendum, one of the local dealers got raided by the new "firearms police" (a Quote "specially trained focus force")recently. After they were done running in and out of the store pointing Glocks at the customers, they decided to seize everything in the store and at his house. No charges, they're still "sifting the evidence". One of the "specially trained" officers explained to the customers that owning ammunition that you don't own a firearm for is illegal. Where do they find these guys? I would be ashamed to be that misinformed about my job, and more to the point, to publicly point out my own stupidity. Well, now that they've spent $700,000,000.00 and counting, formed a new police force, installed a new beauracracy, and are figuring out how to ban ammunition components, we must be safe right? Oh wait, the data (gov't data from their own database) shows it hasn't made any differance whatsoever. These people make me angry enough to spit fire. They have an anti-violence parade in Ottawa and 3000 women show up. It's big news, the gov't must get involved. They pass retarded gun laws and 25,000 firearms owners parade in Ottawa, oh well it's just those stupid neanderthal gun people again. Ignore them, they're too stupid to vote. Sorry fellows, I was just venting. Take care and guard that second amendment for all you're worth. Don't let the leftist media driven stooges take it away from you. - Dan
Posts: 5285 | Location: Alberta | Registered: 05 October 2001Reply With Quote
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Dan they have to live some where. When they have a special police force it is time to think about other actions.
Rifleman it was an Milw. Senator and are commist AG. It was killed when it came out in the light of day.
Posts: 20015 | Location: wis | Registered: 21 April 2001Reply With Quote
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Since September there have been a profusion of bills proposed and have been a number of regulations brought into effect without the passage of any sort of bill on both sides of the border. Even with the election of a supposedly sympathetic gov't in the US they are seeing increased restrictions coming.
It is hard not to believe that the American and Canadian gov'ts are not working together when the BATF moves to block purchases of reloading supplies by Canadian shooters. This is of course quite acceptable to the Canadian govt. Also the permit requirements for Canadians who wish to travel to the US to shoot are just another step in the attempt to make shoot ing less attractive as a sport. We have to remember that the Canadian competitive shooter has not figured in many acts of terrorism but is none the less being targeted by these regulations.
As always, when unable to do anything about the true criminal gov'ts are happy to further restrict those who are not a problem.
When Americans speak of the stupid restrictions placed on them by Canadian regulations at the border they should keep in mind that these are less restrictive than those going the other way now. Any restriction in either direction will have a negative impact on the shooting sports in general and should be protested on both sides of the border. Regards, Bill.
Posts: 3940 | Location: Elko, B.C. Canada | Registered: 19 June 2000Reply With Quote
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In Canada,if the government want really pass whatever ristrictions about the "ban " of all firearms,there is no way out,the majority of the citizen dont want us with firearms,they must presume we are a "danger"to the society.There is a missing link somewhere until I can find it,I must presume the commun sense will prevail...
Posts: 439 | Location: Quebec Canada | Registered: 27 August 2001Reply With Quote
Just look at the word "politic". Poli...means many, and tic is a blood sucking insect.
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