Shooting Varget in my 308Win. I shot loads from 42gr to 46gr with 165gr Sierra Gameking. Found 45gr shot the best. But when cleaning with Sweets, I notice an enormous amount of black coming out. I guess its powder fouling. Not that much copper however. Called Sierra, and they told me thats why they didn't like Varget. Said IMR4064 would be better. Said I would have better luck when shooting 45 or 46gr only instead of different loads. Said it should shoot cleaner. Anybody else seen this? I mean, its not that big of a deal, but never really notice this much powder fouling. I have to run sweets thru almost for an half an hour. Just an unusual amount.
I haven't found Varget to be exceptionally dirty although it probably does not burn as clean as 4064. However, I would be hesitant to run that much Sweets through my bore. I would reserve the Sweets to remove copper fouling. Hoppe's will do just as good a job if not better on carbon fouling and is not nearly so harsh.
I have never noticed that with Varget. Not to the amount you are seeing any way. I generally use Sweets for copper fouling more than powder fouling. Don't know if that could be part of your problem with it taking so long to clean. I use Butches for the bulk of the powder fouling, and it cleans right up no problem. 4064 is a good powder in the .308. In my opinion (and rifle), Varget is better. I get higher velocity at lower pressure signs, and it shoots the same in the winter as it does in the summer. (which is nice in a hunting rifle) ol blue
Posts: 373 | Location: USA | Registered: 05 December 2000
I do not own a .308 but shoot a 7-08 quite a bit. This is one of the rare occasions that I could find anything to argue with Sierra about, BUT, I think Varget is a better powder than IMR 4064.
I see very little powder fouling with Varget in my 7-08 or in my 22-250. I get just as good a group in my 7-08 and Varget is much easier to run through a powder measure and gives just as good a velocity as IMR 4064.
For once I have to dissagree with the folks at Sierra and say that I had better luck with Varget.
Why you would get so much powder fouling in your .308 I cannot imagine.
If you want to see REAL powder fouling just try some loads using H 414. I will NEVER use that junk again.
Posts: 1220 | Location: Hanford, CA, USA | Registered: 12 November 2000
Thanks guys. It was strange. Maybe one thing is for the past weeks, I have been working up loads. So starting at the minimum, working my way up, might cause the fouling. Guy at Hodgedon told me starting at 41gr will foul a little in a 308, but the 45gr load with 165gr bullet will build more pressure and burn clean. I think I have found my load, so will be shooting almost max. Should run alot cleaner. It was just strange. I was using the sweets cause I usually don't see that much powder fouling but mostly copper.
Hey R flowers, Just cause you couldn't figure out how to make H414 work without excessive fouling doesn't make it junk. I can use from 44-49gr behind a 150 in my 14" 30 Alaskan Contender and keep it in a 3-5" group at 300yds. You just have to find the right combination.
Posts: 68 | Location: Snohomish, Wa | Registered: 01 February 2002
I use Varget in quite a few calibers, mostly .224's and don't find it dirty at all. Maybe I'm not looking hard enough. I know I certainly get good results from it in terms of accuracy. WW748 is the one I used to find dirty. The necks of my .243Win. cases were virtually black after being fired. Of course that was some years ago. Best wishes.
At one time I was attempting to create low-power loads for my 300 Weatherby that would match 30/06 velocities. I found that in such underloaded cartridges, Varget gave me good accuracy and the velocity I was looking for, but that it also gave the dirtiest cases I've ever seen.
Posts: 5883 | Location: People's Republic of Maryland | Registered: 11 March 2001
I use IMR 4064 powder in my 308 with a 165 grain Hornady Interlock and have shot upwards of 50 rounds at a time. I'll usually wipe the bore every 10 rounds or so with no real fouling problems.
Posts: 12893 | Location: Kentucky, USA | Registered: 30 December 2002
Varget is the prefered Powder of the Pama Team in their 308 Win. Altough, IMR 4895 was the powder of choice for years in the 308 Win. IMR 4064 is a excellent powder as well as N140, RL-15 and Norma 202.
You may want to look at what primers your using, most like Fed M210GM or BR-2. With Varget the CCI BR-2 is the most common primer. Varget also performs better with near max loads, less space in the case the better after loading.
Varget should be a excellent powder in the 308 Win.
Posts: 523 | Location: North Pole, Alaska | Registered: 26 January 2003
I have to agree with LE270. I have used Varget in reduced loads in .257 Roberts for several years. During the "work up" stage, I found that Varget was VERY dirty. I also found that as pressure and velocity increased, the powder burned more effeciently and generated less carbon fouling. I eventually gave up on Varget except for cold weather loads. Don't get me wrong, it is very accurate in my rifle and burns great in full throttle loads, just dirty in reduced loads.
Posts: 114 | Location: near Abilene, Texas | Registered: 04 September 2002
i like both imr 4064 and varget is my 308's.both shoot very well for me.but the varget isn't heat sensitive like the 4064,which is a concern here in central ohio. i do most of my reloading in the winter and shoot mostly in the spring and summer. butch's bore shine seems to clean both out just fine for me. muskrat
Posts: 287 | Location: central ohio | Registered: 05 January 2003
I too use Varget and have not seemed to have a problem with it being exceptionally dirty. I run it in my 06AI, I believe 57.5 grains under a 165. I get good accuracy and good velocity. The first couple patches with hoppes push out some dirty nasty, it hasn't seemed any worse than other powders to me.
4064 didn't perform well for me in this rifle, too much spread in velocity from cartridge to cartridge. The varget gives me 3040 with plus or minus 10fps last I checked.
Posts: 4742 | Location: Fresno, CA | Registered: 21 March 2003