Thanks for the good info. Can anyone tell a difference between the Hornady 53 Flat based versus the Boat tail? As I said before, this will just be at 100 yards. Im glad I found this place. Ive been using the search engine for some background info and found alot of useful stuff.
At 100 yards you definitely want the flat base bullets. The boat tails are designed for shooting past 400 yards. The military originally specified them for long range machine gun work. Every body (me included) think they look cool, so there you go. For reduced course shooting I use the Sierra 53 grain HP match bullets with moly coating. I'm not a moly slut or anything, but I can easily go 150 rounds without needing to clean. That is good enough for two high power matches. JCN
Posts: 7158 | Location: Snake River | Registered: 02 February 2004
Hello hclb: I shoot a lot of paper with AA2230c and those 55 grain varmint extremes in a 1/8 AR. But I use 28.5 grains. Recommend that you start with a bit lower charge weight loaded at magazine length, and if you get very good groups at a certain level, try seating a little shorter to see if gets even better. Good Shooting. ned
Posts: 2374 | Location: Eastern North Carolina | Registered: 27 August 2003