I need some recomended loads for my out of the box 700 VLS.
I have tried some loads with 52gr. Match Kings and Varget for powder. These shoot great from the bench, I can usually cover 5 with a dime when I do my part.
I would however like some suggestions for more hunting type bullets. I will be trying 40gr V-maxs, and 40gr. Nosler balistic tips. I will be using either H335 or Varget for powder.
Any suggestions?
Posts: 14 | Location: west central Illinois | Registered: 20 February 2003
I have a M700 VSSF in 223. It like 55gr Nolser Ballistic Tip with 25.1 gr of H335. I tried the 40gr BTs, but could not get them to group as well as the 55gr.
My most accurate .223 load was 24.5 grains of IMR 3031 and the Sierra 55-grain flatbase spitzer. It was shot in a Remington 722 with 26" 1/14 twist barrel (rechambered from .222). It gave sub-MOA accuracy and 3350 FPS MV.
Try AA2230, It measures easy and works well in the .223 and .222 with the 52 grain match bullet. One loads works good is 26 grains in a bolt action rifle and 25.2 in a AR15. Each rifle is different and you will have to start down and work up. Have one load in a 40XBR and I get 3500 fps and some groups at 200 yards less than 3/4". Good Luck Except for the AR15 I set the bullet so it just kisses the lands.
Fill a case with IMR 4895 and put a 55gr bullet on top of it. It'll shoot.
If you use AA2230 be careful which version you have. Some are lots hotter than others,eg 2230-S, 2230-D. 26gr of 2230-S will rip the extractor of an AR 15.
[ 07-18-2003, 16:26: Message edited by: Dr. Duc ]
Posts: 1275 | Location: Fla | Registered: 16 March 2001
A number of powders work well in the .223, but typically none work better than H-335 (WC 844). My gun MAY digest more powder than the average, but my standard load is 27.5 grains behind a 55 grain Sierra using military brass. This is a bit above most manuals, but I have found it to be well within acceptable pressure parameters IN THIS GUN (Sako sporter). This bullet shoots so well in my gun that I haven't bothered to experiment with some of the newer, slicker (and more expensive) Ballistic Tips or Blitzkings, etc.
Posts: 13325 | Location: Henly, TX, USA | Registered: 04 April 2001
Wheelin, while I use WC844 behind a 50 gr. V-Max for prairie dogs, my most accurate load is with 25.1 gr. of N133 and a 52 gr. Match bullet (Gentner, Kimmell, Tucker, Griffin, Or Knight). I have shot a couple of 3/8 inch , 200 yard groups with this combination in my trued 700/ Hart barreled varmint rifle. James
Posts: 15 | Location: Winnsboro, LA | Registered: 13 July 2003
My rem 700 pss in .223 likes 23.3 gr's of IMR4198 under a 40 gr Vmax I use federal cases and fededal gm205m primers. Velocity is in the 3500 fps range load is book max out of the sierra manual. Rich
Posts: 113 | Location: WIsconsin | Registered: 22 July 2002
Here is what I found to be a excellent load with H335. I use 25.5 grains of H335 topped off with Hornady 55 grain v max. This is alittle heavier bullet than you chose but this combo is a tack driver for my rifle. Good luck and great shooting. farmboy9
Posts: 33 | Location: usa | Registered: 30 June 2003
One of my favorite loads is similar to PJ's only a half grain lighter... 27.5 gr W748 and 40 gr Noslers or Hornady's. Another load that also does well is 25gr of 2200 powder, still with the 40gr bullets. We each (four of us) go through about a 1000 rounds on prairie dogs every year, so a ball powder and ease of reloading is a necessity.
Posts: 3490 | Location: Colorado Springs, CO | Registered: 04 April 2003