I wanted to hear from anyone who has loaded the 160 gr Hornady in the 6.5x55 and used it on game. My daughter will be using the swede in a few years, on deer mostly, but eventuall on elk and moose. Which would be my better choice, the 140 partition or the 160 gr Hornady???
The Hornady is more in my price range (MUCH more) and at the reduce velocity produced (2400 fps) at the muzzle, I don't see why a 160 Hornady wouldn't excell.
Johnny I have used the 129 gr Hornady spire pt in the 6.5x55 on deer with excellent results. The 140 hornady also shoots very well. The 160 gr slug may be better on moose but for deer the 129 or 140 gr is all you need.
I get really good accuracy from Sierra 160's and 46.3 grains of RL22 from my Oberndorf M38... No game kills to report, but velocity is around 2400 fps from a 24" barrel.
[ 02-08-2003, 20:07: Message edited by: green 788 ]
If that rifle is accurate with the 160 grain load, I would leave well enough alone. One rifle, one bullet, one load! This old saying has worked for a long time.
Posts: 3960 | Location: SC,USA | Registered: 07 March 2002
Johnny; I have shot a fair amount of game with the 6.5x55. I cannot comment on the 160 grain Hornady RN, but I have shot game with the old Norma 156 Grain load, and it is very effective within sane distances. That being said, I now have settled on the 140 Nosler Partition for all game larger than Mule deer/Caribou. I have taken several moose and one elk with this bullet from the 6.5x55 and all have been one shot kills. Ranges from 80 meters out to 330 meters. For deer sized game the 129 Hornady, the 120 Sierra and a couple of others work fine. The trick is that not all military mausers will shoot the light bullets well. Regards, Eagleye.
Hi Johnny. I have used the 160 Hdy RN on deer and they work well, expanding fast and causing little bruising to the venison - probably due to the slow velocity which was about 2450 if I remember correctly. I stopped using them for 2 reasons. 1) after I unloaded two rounds from the magazine that had the bullets pushed back into the cases due to recoil on firing the first round. I feel this was due to the long bearing surface of the bullet and lack of neck tension. Also I didn't crimp them. 2) The trajectory was like a rainbow. I now use Hornady 129SP and have had no problems taking anything from Roe deer to Sika stags (which have a reputation of being tough beasts). I hope that helps you. Regards.
Posts: 16 | Location: Salisbury. UK | Registered: 30 July 2002
I generally use the 160 gr. round nose bullets. They are heavy for deer, but I also hunt where shots on elk, and grizzly bear situations are common. I feel comfortable with the heavy bullet in these circumstances.
Well as a dedicated 6.5x55 fanatic here are my thoughts. For deer anything 120 or heavier would be just fine. I tend to like heavier bullets and generally shoot the 140s. I am trying to make the 140 gr. Barnes XLC my do it all wonder bullet, but haven't had a chance to get in sorted out with the weather being so crappy lately. Last year I shot Norma 156gr. Alaskans on my elk/mule deer hunt and they worked extremly well on the mule deer (didn't get a crack at an elk.)
With this caliber I really think you can't go wrong. If you just want one load the 140 would be the way to go. It will do all the killing you would ever need. I have been hearing great things about the cheap Remington bulk pack bullets and just picked some up in both 120 and 140 grains. They would work great for affordable plinking, deer, and true be told the Core-Lokt would probably be excellent on elk and moose too. I have been shooting the premiums, but am beginning to think the old fashion bullets are probably just as good.
If you like a heavy bullet, also take a look at the 156 gr. Norma Oryx. They are more expensive then the Hornady's, but are bonded. Can be kind of hard to find, but www.grafs.com always has them.
I must agree that in tihs caliber 160grs bullets perform well. I use Lapua MEGA with perfect results for all hunting, I do crimp a little to prevent any movement due to recoil and I am extremly happy with it. I load it with 43grs of 4350 and accuracy is great.
Posts: 64 | Location: Zlin, Moravia, Czech Republic, Europe | Registered: 30 May 2002