RCBS used to offer a primer pocket crimp removal tool. It screwed into the reloading press like a die and you would use the leverage of the press to swage the primer pocket and remove the military crimp from around the primer. Anyone know where I can find one? I sold my last one a long time ago. Or any advice would be appreciated as I have to remove the crimp on a bunch of military .308 cases
My biggest fear is when I die my wife will sell my guns for what I told her they cost.
I haven't rloaded military brass for many years, but we used to place a sharp pine pointed blade against the brimp and roll it across the bench. Worked great as I recall. Good Luck!
I use the RCBS for military crimp removal in 223/5.56 and 308 but go a bit more carefully with the 5.56 as the rod is rather easy to bend if you over-apply force or don't sort the brass like the directions suggest. Rcbs is great in replacing the rod but it can get a bit embarassing to call them for a 3 rod-been there - done that. NOW is separate by headstamp and length. Never have had difficulty swaging the 30 cal stuff.