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Help: Max Vel. for Partitions?
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Picture of Gonzo FreakPower
I always start these posts by apologizing if the subject's been covered already...

What I'd like to know is this: do the Nosler Partition bullets have a top recommend velocity? I know already that the Sierra GameKings probably shouldn't impact game at more than 2800fps. So what about the Partition?

For reference, I'm shooting a 300 WinMag.
Thanks - GFP
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Picture of fredj338
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The Nosler manual doesn't really give a max. but they do state that for impact vel. in excess of 3100fps, use the partition design instead of the BT. At high impact vel. the front core is likely to fragment but the rear will push on through. I've only recovered one NP in the dozen or so animals I have shot w/ them, a 210grNP from a .338-06. Impact vel. approx. 2500fps on a big kudu bull. The result, a perfect mushroom, more than 24" penetration, bullet recovered on the far side under the hide. What more could you ask for.
Posts: 7752 | Location: kalif.,usa | Registered: 08 March 2001Reply With Quote
You know that is what is nice about the partitions. They impact, they expand, do all kinds of damage to orgins, then basically discards front end so it quits expanding cause the front end is gone, but keeps penetrating with the remaining 60%. So you get damage to the organs but should have a pass thru. I don't beleive there is a terminal velocity for them. Rifle mag had an article on this. Made sense. I think they had a Swift A-Frame and was saying it wouldn't penetrate as well as a Nosler Partition cause they generally keep the mushroom without discarding the front end.
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