I tried it in my 7 STW and was not impressed one bit. I forget the velocities I got, but they were not even a little bit close to what the published data said.
My thinking for what its worth is H1000 is better suited for the heaviest bullets in 7 Rem mag and even then best accuracy will probably be realized with powders in the 4350 burn rate.I have a model 70 Laredo with boss that shoots very well with 4350 & 4064 in 139 to 162gr but the few loads Ive tried with H1000 not enough promise to try any others except perhaps top velocity 175s.
With 160-162gr bullets in my A-bolt, I use nothing but H-1000. With Sierra 160spbt or Hornady 162 A-max, I get about 3000fps and .5MOA accuracy out to at least 350yds if I do my part. I don't have a longer range available to try. For my rifle, the closer to max the better accuracy. Starting charge accuracy is poor, often 1-2MOA.
In my A-bolt the load was 72.0of H-1000 with the sierra. Vel=3006fps and best group three shots 1.5"@350yds. With the A-max, it was 72.5gr; vel=3030 and 2 group 100yd avg of .577. Subsequent loads at 72.0 shot comparably. I suspect that these charges may be a little hot but were okay in my rifle. Data was from an older manual. H-4831 also did fairly well.
I found H1000 a bit too slow for my 7mm Rem Mag, but just right for the larger case 7mm STW. I shoot mostly 140gr bullets in my 7mms. I found that IMR7828 works great in my 7mm Rem Mag, averages 3200 fps (measured on Oehler 35P) in a 26in barrel M70. I got my load our of Hodgden's #27 manual.
------------------ David Sipe
Politicians and diapers have one thing.in common: They should both be changed regularly, and for the same reason