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Moderators: Mark
I hate summer
one of us
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you spend all winter praying for it to get summer

Ray, My favorite is spring and fall. I just love the high country down your way in the fall. Aspens turning color, I can smell the ripe sage for miles. I get one whiff and my mind is programed to think: ITS HUNTING SEASON

Late spring is great up our way also, snow and mud is gone, critters are all out looking for grub after the lean times of winter. The ferns all have the fiddlenecks on them....fabulous.

During the heat of the summer, I am like a bull elk, find me a wallow in the deep dark pines to keep cool.

What are your Hi temps like down your way, this summer we were in the mid 90's way too hot for our county, it is fire season and caution should exercised any time your in the woods.

High side, its bass fishing season.

Today its foggy and cold just above freezing this AM, by the thermomeeter on my pine tree out back. The dogs were having a fit this morning so I was up early to see what the commotion was all about, 4 deer out in the garden, working their way over to the corral.

I love fall.
Posts: 1486 | Location: Idaho | Registered: 28 May 2004Reply With Quote
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