.30-378 Weatherby; I dont where to find one; send more information why using a casegauge;go or not go; I think the .30-378 is special to reload; I had some problem with the mounts; do you use Weatherby mounts;Weaver not that good...
Trying to find to use in setting up dies for correct headspacing and also minimal resizing to prolong brass life. The brass for this caliber is kind of pricey.
Also, has anyone got any input about loads using Hogdgon H50 BMG. I am going to try this powder next as soon as I can find some, it seems very hard to find around west TN. I have tried H380 with Barnes 180g XLC and the groups suck.
Someone I can talk with the 180 grs bullets,welcome to the wonderful world of Weatherby. I use your Barnes bullets; dont think 50 BMG is a good choice,not enough velocity, with 180 grs bullets forget this one;use H- 870;may be H-1000;H-4831 SC; withiin limit pressure. I trim to 2,900;col. 3.740. The deep of the sizer no more than .003 inch;make sure your mounts will stay all in good place; eveery 10 shots, check yours screws.....
There are some 30-378 sites around here but I'll be darned if I can tell you how to find them. H380 is way way too fast for the 30-378--possibly even dangerous cause you can't be anywhere near full volume in the case. RE the headspace try this. Leave a gap about the thickness of a dime between your die and the shellholder. MOst likely you won't have sized the case enough that it will chamber. Then start turning the die down in 1/8 turn increments till the brass will chamber smoothly--you're headspace will be very good at that setting. YES--50bmg is a good powder for 180 grain bullets--so is h4831, re 22, and re 25. Wish I could do a better job of directing you to some sites. There may be a pet loads thread right here on this forum--or try searching the forum boards with the word "378" as a search word. Good luck.
H-50BMG; 121 grs;trimming 2.905;col;3.645;velocity 3324;stable powder;I prefer to trim to 2.900;col. 3.740;121 too hot for the rifle;119grs seems more adequate;I dont like the fouling.(federal 215 used).H-870;117 grs trimming 2,900;col. 3.740 Rcbs dies,the deep of the sizer no more than.003 inch before moderate closing the bolt;not a compressed load;case life is ok more than five reloads;accuracy within 2 inches(100 yards);I will fine-tune for more accuracy;Nosler BST;Speer SBT almost the same accuracy;the barrel seem liking a little fouling...
That was an error in my first post reguarding the use uf H380, should have read H870.
Just got some Nosler partition 200 gr, will post results after I load some up and shoot. Found weatherbyman website at www.inextinc.com which has some good info on the 30-378.
Also anyone interested in H 50 bmg Midsouth shooters supply has it for $9.83/lb.