You're likely to get the worn out rhetoric that you'll need five seperate five shot groups to know that you have an accurate load. I'm not in that camp.
One of Speer's statisticians worked out a formula that showed that a single seven shot group gave a good level of confidence in the load without wasting an excess of material and barrel life.
As for getting rid of the occasional "WTF?
" shot, good luck... I don't believe it is possible. You can of course minimize these shots with a well developed load, which is what you've done.
The OCW load will be pressure tolerant to a much higher degree than conventionally developed loads, and this alone will buy you a certain amount of freedom from flyers.
Human error can never be factored out, of course. And this fact alone is what makes the 25 shot aggregate that BR types place so much significance on superfluous as criteria for judging the rifle's or the load's integrity.
Pulled shots which spoil the aggregate are almost certainly human error--even when we swear we didn't pull that shot!
A rifle and load that shoots MOA
most of the time will likely shoot MOA
all of the time, provided it is being properly fed and fired. Shots that meander outside this limit must first call the shooter's prowess into suspect, and secondly the ammunition components (not
necessarily the recipe), and only then suspect the integrity of the rifle and the load recipe.
Take care,