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Loading for manlicher schoenauer
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I have some mannlicher schoenauer rifles and the same caliber in mauser tipe actions.
Do someone think that these mannlicher actions are weakest than the mauser ones and take some care in loading lighter loads for them?
Posts: 102 | Location: Catrilo La Pampa-Argentina | Registered: 31 August 2002Reply With Quote
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NOT weaker. Load for them as you would for Mauser. NO WORRIES!!!!
Posts: 2097 | Location: Gainesville, FL | Registered: 13 October 2004Reply With Quote
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Hi gtrotz,

I live in Bariloche. I have had two M-Sch rifles, modern, of the last runs (1960). Perhaps the best made factory rifles I have had. Period. One was a 7x64 and the other a .270 W. I used the same maximum SAFE loads than in the Mausers.
Beeing so beautiful made rifles, I don´t like some design features. And some years ago, I received an offer I couldn´t refuse...So I sold them. Looking back, I should keep one, may be the 7x64, a GK (european) model...
Which caliber and rifle type are yours?

Posts: 379 | Registered: 17 March 2006Reply With Quote
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I have a Mannlicher Schoenauer in a 458 Win Mag, about a 1956 model. Seems to be as strong as any, maybe stronger. Shoots great. Thinking about selling it, but then I shoot it and change my mind. Great rifle.
Posts: 2173 | Location: NORTHWEST NEW MEXICO, USA | Registered: 05 March 2008Reply With Quote
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Thank you my friends
I think more or less like that asuming that looking not to exceed the saami presures it will be okay , but we have a discusion some time ago with other reloaders about this and I was not sure if I am in the truth.
The only care I have is with a 6,5x54 ,9x56 and 9,5x57 that are very old and it would be a pity barake any of them.
Patagonhunter I go very often to S.M de los Andes where I have a House ,maybe some day we could talk.
I love M.schoenauers and have
9x56 (2)
8x60 magnum bombe
7.65 arg mauser
270 W
30-06 (3)
8x68 S
and an old steir 6.5x54

Posts: 102 | Location: Catrilo La Pampa-Argentina | Registered: 31 August 2002Reply With Quote
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Hi Gtrotz,
Would be nice to meet you around here, somewhere in Patagonia!
So you have a good colletion! They are really good and well made rifles!
A question: the 7,65 Argentine Mauser is an original one or a rebarrel job on a M-S action?


Posts: 379 | Registered: 17 March 2006Reply With Quote
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The Dutch 1895 Mannlicher has exactly the same bolt - the parts are interchangeable.
I regularly shoot carbines made in 1897 and 1900 and a rifle made in 1896. The Steyr made rifles were of the highest quality of their time.
Posts: 13978 | Location: | Registered: 03 December 2008Reply With Quote
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Yes all of them are in quite good condition with very few shots thru them , I forgot to include a 8x57 Fullstock that I use very litle because the optic sight is so old that is not to practicall to use it (is a bronze sight).
I think that the 7,65 is originall , in the next days I will post some photos so you can judge.
I use the steir without optic and am very pleased with it, is an english rifle in which the post have an Ivory ball.
You feel like hunting in africa but with smallers and no dangerous animals.
thank you very much again to all that answer
Posts: 102 | Location: Catrilo La Pampa-Argentina | Registered: 31 August 2002Reply With Quote
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Thank you Gtrotz. I am very interested to see that 7,65 AM M-Sch!

Posts: 379 | Registered: 17 March 2006Reply With Quote
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Yes, by all means, please show pics. I love good gun porn! Wink
Posts: 212 | Location: Louisiana, U.S.A. | Registered: 26 January 2005Reply With Quote
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