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30.06 load ?
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Picture of rick boggs
165 sierra spitzer boattail #2145 need a accuracy load with IMR4350 i know i need to figure it out for my rifle but am only able to get 1.5 groups @100yds seated 3.30 with 58 grains of IMR4350 . 150 grain spitzer boatail with 57.5 grain IMR4064 seated @ 3.25 groups @ .375 or 3/8 cant seem to get the 165s with 4350 to group better primers are flattening no cratering at all yet . any suggestions
Posts: 518 | Location: KENTUCKY | Registered: 05 November 2008Reply With Quote
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Try H4350 and H414. If they don't work, go to Varget.

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have varget and h4350. what would be a good starting load for varget havent used it any yet ? thanks for the help
Posts: 518 | Location: KENTUCKY | Registered: 05 November 2008Reply With Quote
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Have you played with the seating depth? Some times the jump to the lands or lack of it can make a big difference.
Check out Hodgdons web site for data with their powders.

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going to try seating depth got a hornandy oal guage and cartidge so am fixing to try that after modern gun deer season.
Posts: 518 | Location: KENTUCKY | Registered: 05 November 2008Reply With Quote
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I'd try the different powders suggested first. If that doesn't work, try the 165 Prohunter, which is a flatbase and, hence, shorter bullet. Since your rifle shoots so well with the 150s it might just prefer shorter bullets.

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As mentioned, look at Hodgdon's site for load data.

I have a great load in my 30.06 with Varget and the 185 Berger VLD.

Reloder 19 is the choice with my Barnes 168 TTSX and 180 AB. I didn't clock them, but I must be getting kick-ass velocity with the 168 TTSX because it shoots flat as pancake to 300 yards.

I didn't want to throw too many powder choices at you to begin with b/c so many work very well.

That said, don't dismiss Re19 as a top choice either.

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57 gr 4350 w/165, if i have a 06 that doesn't shoot that load i sell the rifle
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i had a 30-06 one time, and shot everything from 150s to 165s.. with everthing from 4320 to 4350,. all that gun would do was 1.25" at 100 yrds
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Why don't you try the IMR4064 with it?

BTW 57gr of 4064 with the 150 sounds pretty hot. Did you meant 47?
I'd back down to 46gr for the 165 bullet and work up from there.
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sorry i meant 51gr 4064 started with 47gr and worked up to 51gr i still have to clock it but it groups very well and primers just start to flatten i didnt think about the length of the bullet that is a good point i was think weight was the issue may need to seat deeper than 3.30 i have tried magnum and regular primers in all my loads and really havent noticed any pressure differences . a reloader freind of mine said magnums are a bad ideal for a 30.06 . any other input is appreciated .
Posts: 518 | Location: KENTUCKY | Registered: 05 November 2008Reply With Quote
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Have you got your mind made up that it must be a 165 class bullet?

If you want to go with what I'd say most hunters prefer in the 30.06: the 180 bullet, you can try Re22. Even a magnum primer might be of use with this slow powder.

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150 and 165 have always done well for what i hunt whitetail drop on the spot 180 seems overkill to me but am going to try other bullets such as 180 and 200 . i am always willing to try others recomendations i learn something new every day by doing so. have not tried re22 have heard good stuff about it . seems to me the larger bullets should be more accurate due to surface size on the rifling .
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Originally posted by rick boggs:
150 and 165 have always done well for what i hunt whitetail drop on the spot 180 seems overkill to me but am going to try other bullets such as 180 and 200 . i am always willing to try others recomendations i learn something new every day by doing so. have not tried re22 have heard good stuff about it . seems to me the larger bullets should be more accurate due to surface size on the rifling .

Here is a link to Hodgdon with the bullet you would like to use.

As with anything seating depth will be an important factor in accuracy. Powders in the med to med slow burn rates should you give you the best blend of accuracy and speed. If you are still having problems after working up a numbers of combinatins give Reloader 15 a try.

Good luck
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4064 is a great powder for the 06...

I use charges of 50 grains of it, for bullet weights of 150, 165 and 180...

the MV on each is about 2800 and they have very small groups...

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Originally posted by rick boggs:
150 and 165 have always done well for what i hunt whitetail drop on the spot 180 seems overkill to me but am going to try other bullets such as 180 and 200 . i am always willing to try others recomendations i learn something new every day by doing so. have not tried re22 have heard good stuff about it . seems to me the larger bullets should be more accurate due to surface size on the rifling .

I would try the powders you have with some 165 gr Nosler Accubonds and failing that some 180 grain Accubonds.
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I can't believe I forgot IMR4064. I agree that it is a great powder also. I buy it by the 8 pound container.

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Rick: Maybe 1.5 MOA is all your rifle will do in its current condition.

I just went through bedding two M700 Remington's. One in 6.5 Swede and another in 30-06.

Bedding the rifles really reduced group sizes. The groups sizes for the Swede dropped in half. It is now a MOA rifle.

The 30-06 was removed from its factory plastic stock and bedded in a laminated stock. I believe laminated stocks are very stiff.

The 30-06, I did not shoot enough pre bedding targets, but this is one.

This is a post bedding target.

This is not quite an apples to apples comparison, the first target was fired using 174 FMJ and surplus 4895, and the second was 175 SMK’s and 4350. And the groups are not tiny clusters, but I do believe the post bedded rifle is more accurate. And I am quite impressed that the factory hunting barrels on both rifles are capable of MOA grouping. It used to be that only an exceptional factory barrel would shoot MOA.

The bullets you are using should shoot MOA or better. Perhaps it is not the load, or the rifle barrel, maybe it is bedding.
Posts: 1225 | Registered: 10 October 2005Reply With Quote
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nice looking rifle . i floated the barrell and sealed stock today worked up loads from 56. of IMR 4350 to 60. c seated at 3.31 rained all day today hopefully get to shoot tuesday
Posts: 518 | Location: KENTUCKY | Registered: 05 November 2008Reply With Quote
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Try the 150 grain bullets and Varget. Start at 46 grains of varget and work up to 51.5. I have seen a number of '06s that really liked 51.5 varget and 150s
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i havent used much vargent do like the way it throws tho it is great in my sons .243 .75 groups @ 100yds and clocks at 2932 fps avg in 11 rds havent tried it in the 06 yet
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you're kinda cooking the book at 58grs of IMR4350. Back off to 56 or 57grs and see what happens. Maybe even a bit less: 55 or 55.5grs. You're not really giving up any meaningful velocity.
My '06's seemed to start to spray the bullets when I tried to motor them to hard. Maybe try a different 165gr bullet.
I agree that you shouldn't have to work very hard to get a decent group (1.25-1.5") using 4350 and 165gr bullets.
Posts: 1287 | Registered: 11 January 2007Reply With Quote
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shot the loads today started grouping @ 1 inch @ 60grains imr 4350 primer flattened buut didnt crader yet should i try more that is hodgdons max but flat primer is the only pressure sign
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tired 55 56 57 and 58 grains 4 inch groups at 57 3 at 58 the less powder the worse the groups on this gun with this powder . with the remongton 165 corelokt psp it has shot .5 inch groups I just cant seem to duplicate that load
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Have you tried any flat base bullets? I have a pre garcia sako that will just not shoot any boat tail I have tried but will do less than MOA with Nosler Partitions.
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Sounds to me like you need to buy a sack of 165gr Rem bullets (component bullets, not ammo)I have a '06 that shoots them a well a any other bullet I've tried in it. Lord knows there's been enough deer kilt with that old stand-by bullet. Smiler
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i havent tried the flat base in this gun yet fixing to order a few different bullets waiting till work slows down a bit heating and air is busy now
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