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It's got to be me. First it was French fries, and now bullets.
One of Us
posted 27 April 2019 23:45
It's my luck, I have got to be the only guy who has gone to McDonald's only to be told that they are out of fries, not once but three different times.
I started reloading in earnest in the mid 80's. After working up load for 308 and 30-06 rifles. I settled on 165 grain Nosler solid base bullets. My local dealer carried them, and since Nosler would be making them for years and years I'd be set. Right?
I moved on to Speer 180 grain hot core, a good around cup and core bullet for general shooting and they let me save my stock of Noslers for hunting. Until the Deep Curl/ Fusion came along. I started over with a new load and since Speer would be making the Deep Curl for years and years. And my local dealer would carry them, all would be right?
Hornady 180 grain round nose would make a reasonable replacement and since they were available, why not. I picked some up and since Hornady had made them for years, and so on.
Fine, things change and I moved on to Sierra 180 grain pro hunters and gamekings . Working up new loads for 308 and 30-06 And since my local dealer would have these in stock and Sierra has made them and will continue to make them for years to come, all will be well. Right?
My local dealers has since closed and passed on.
I was just reading on the web that Sierra has discontinued 180 grain pro hunters and gamekings. I'll just have to believe that the demise of the round nose must be due the my luck.

Care to hear about round nose cup and core bullets for 375 H&H?

It's me,


We unfortunately will vote our way into socialism.
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Posts: 389 | Location: Aroostook County, Maine | Registered: 09 September 2010Reply With Quote
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Picture of dpcd
posted 28 April 2019 00:12Hide Post
It's not you; it's everyone else on the planet; no one shoots round nose bullets any more. Ok, there are three guys, who will post here and say that they do. Not enough demand to justify a production run, unlike McDonalds Fries, which, does.
Posts: 17580 | Location: USA | Registered: 02 August 2009Reply With Quote
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posted 28 April 2019 00:22Hide Post
I Went with the choice I made thinking that simple would be the answer to regular economical practice.


We unfortunately will vote our way into socialism.
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Posts: 389 | Location: Aroostook County, Maine | Registered: 09 September 2010Reply With Quote
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posted 28 April 2019 04:06Hide Post
Have partial boxes with over 60 Hornady 180 gr RNs, also 30+ 270 gr (yes, 270 gr) RN Hornadys. The 270s have some tarnish, but would shine again with a tumble.

If you want them shoot me a PM. Grab them next time you're in the Dover-Foxcroft vicinity. Have enough old cup/core Win Silvertips to give me that warm retro feel for the rest of my life.
Posts: 670 | Location: Dover-Foxcroft, ME | Registered: 25 May 2002Reply With Quote
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posted 28 April 2019 04:30Hide Post
I can not think of a better .30 caliber bullet for everything than the 180 gr. Nosler partition. They made it in the 80s and make the same bullet today. I don't think they will discontinued one of their best selling bullets. You can get blemished bullets (usually just small tarnish spots on the jacket) for $18.95/50 now from their factory store ( I use lots of them and they shoot just as well as the ones I buy in the store. If you are a veteran or in law enforcement and you order from Shooter's Pro Shop, ask about their discount.
Posts: 781 | Registered: 03 January 2004Reply With Quote
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posted 28 April 2019 11:09Hide Post
Norma Alaska developed in the 1960s every Swedish dealer has them and also the 1980s Vulkan and 1990s Oryx.
Posts: 3611 | Location: Sweden | Registered: 02 May 2009Reply With Quote
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posted 28 April 2019 17:55Hide Post
It's no secret, I love old Euro and British Mausers and when you shoot these it is only "proper" to shot them with ammo that matched the ammo of old ! So round nose bullets are, in my book at least high in demand ( sadly hardly enough to keep the doors of some bullet maker open)

I have then, now just for show I guess still some packs of Hornady RN's for the 6.5's the 7mm and the 375.
Posts: 7857 | Registered: 16 August 2000Reply With Quote
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posted 28 April 2019 17:58Hide Post
Originally posted by Samuel_Hoggson:
Have partial boxes with over 60 Hornady 180 gr RNs, also 30+ 270 gr (yes, 270 gr) RN Hornadys. The 270s have some tarnish, but would shine again with a tumble.

If you want them shoot me a PM. Grab them next time you're in the Dover-Foxcroft vicinity. Have enough old cup/core Win Silvertips to give me that warm retro feel for the rest of my life.

Thanks for the offer, but I'm still stocked up. When they're gone then that's it. The reasonable prices cup and core bullets will be history.
I have Partitions and factory fodder, it's just.a.shame to waste them on paper or the occasional varmint.


We unfortunately will vote our way into socialism.
The end result will be having to shoot our way out of it.
Posts: 389 | Location: Aroostook County, Maine | Registered: 09 September 2010Reply With Quote
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Picture of Blacktailer
posted 28 April 2019 19:30Hide Post
You seem to have missed the key point of all of this. It isn't a "set and forget" kind of deal. The point is to constantly experiment until you find the holy grail of loads, which of course don't exist.
Pass the 6.5 Creedmoor and the ELD-X's please.

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Picture of Snellstrom
posted 28 April 2019 21:05Hide Post
If, in fact Sierra is discontinuing the .308" 180 Gameking they are sure to replace it with the new "Game changer" plastic tipped bullet.
Before you gets your undies in a bunch try the new bullet, I know I'm going to....
Posts: 5604 | Location: Eastern plains of Colorado | Registered: 31 October 2005Reply With Quote
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Picture of dpcd
posted 28 April 2019 23:24Hide Post
The hottest selling bullets nowadays, by far are the ones with the highest BC and SD, intended for shooting over 400 yards.
It doesn't matter if the guy is just killing deer at 50-100 yards in the woods; he has been subjected to so much advertising and hype that he only wants the latest and greatest.
Hence, the production of the new long range stuff, to the detriment of the old ones.
I have visited Hornady factory; they only have so many bullet machines.
So, bottom line; you are hosed.
Or you can turn any pointy bullet into a round nose on your lathe.
Posts: 17580 | Location: USA | Registered: 02 August 2009Reply With Quote
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posted 29 April 2019 07:03Hide Post
I have a lot of ammo loaded with RN bullets, Rem corelokts, WW PP, Hornady, mostly in 30 caliber and 7x57..I like them in my Win. 95 or any iron sighted gun. They kill just fine and don't destroy a lot of good meat. I like them.

Im not opposed at all to todays modern bullets, they are the best ever..BTW I even have some old screw turn Nosler, WT&C hollow points, Old silvertips, I like to hunt with some of that old stuff, but only for deer, maybe elk..I can honestly say the old RN Rem Corelokt and the WW Power Points are as good as anything Ive hunted with on deer and elk size animals, and bear..They expand into nice mushrooms everytime as far as I know but some leave a nice exit hole so you all you know is they worked...

I know people who don't know one bullet from another and just buy a box of ammo and usually kill 20 deer with them..Ive never seen any 30-30 bullet fail to perform as advertised.

Ray Atkinson
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posted 30 April 2019 23:36Hide Post
I can not think of a better .30 caliber bullet for everything than the 180 gr. Nosler partition. They made it in the 80s and make the same bullet today.

The changeover goes back to the 1970's, I believe, but the Nosler Partition of today is a somewhat different bullet than the original Partition. The original had a turned jacket with a relief approximately over the partition. The replacement has a one-piece drawn jacket with no relief belt.

The terminal performance of both is similar, but some rifles "like" one or the other better in terms of accuracy.
Posts: 13337 | Location: Henly, TX, USA | Registered: 04 April 2001Reply With Quote
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posted 01 May 2019 00:46Hide Post
Maybe when McDonalds restocks you can load them with French fries.
Posts: 3811 | Location: san angelo tx | Registered: 18 November 2009Reply With Quote
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posted 01 May 2019 05:25Hide Post
After today's trip to Cabelas, between the high price and complete lack of selection in some calibers and the nonexistence of others, you may be right.
On the up side I do live in potato country.


We unfortunately will vote our way into socialism.
The end result will be having to shoot our way out of it.
Posts: 389 | Location: Aroostook County, Maine | Registered: 09 September 2010Reply With Quote
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posted 01 May 2019 22:35Hide Post
Knew Idaho had potatoes, didn't know Maine did.
Posts: 3811 | Location: san angelo tx | Registered: 18 November 2009Reply With Quote
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posted 01 May 2019 23:57Hide Post
Maine is where the potato was invented. Wink

As a matter of fact, Burger king fries are are all grown here and processed by McCain Foods.


We unfortunately will vote our way into socialism.
The end result will be having to shoot our way out of it.
Posts: 389 | Location: Aroostook County, Maine | Registered: 09 September 2010Reply With Quote
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Picture of bluefish
posted 02 May 2019 02:05Hide Post
Count me in on the RN club. I love 'em in Maine for the woods. They hammer stuff.
Posts: 5232 | Location: The way life should be | Registered: 24 May 2012Reply With Quote
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Picture of NormanConquest
posted 02 May 2019 08:26Hide Post
Well,I'm another RN fan. I use the Sierra 220 G. in my Krag + the 160 my 6.5x54 Mannlicher. Both of those rifles were regulated for that bullet.Have'nt had any McD fries in years,I assume they're still the same.

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Picture of NormanConquest
posted 02 May 2019 08:29Hide Post
BTW,the 160 G. RN is the Hornady that they discontinued;when I heard that, I bought all I could find.

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posted 05 May 2019 17:36Hide Post
Everything cost more as time goes on. And for a premium hunt I would be using a premium bullet. No issue with that it makes sense. But all the manufactures in a rush to put out a bonded or mono metal have dropped the every day cup and core.
I hunt when I can, work and time are issues as it is with many of us I'm sure. But shooting is the one thing that can be fit into my schedule a couple times a month. A lot of hunters are not shooters. And shooters don't all need or want a boutique bullet. There has got to some demand for the core loct or power point for the reloader.
I am almost convinced that the cup and core bullets are being dropped to force us to buy boutique bullets or go without. Marketing bullshit.


We unfortunately will vote our way into socialism.
The end result will be having to shoot our way out of it.
Posts: 389 | Location: Aroostook County, Maine | Registered: 09 September 2010Reply With Quote
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Picture of SIKA98K
posted 06 May 2019 04:06Hide Post
Originally posted by Nordic2:
Norma Alaska developed in the 1960s every Swedish dealer has them and also the 1980s Vulkan and 1990s Oryx.

But sadly not particularly cheap.
Posts: 461 | Location: Ireland | Registered: 12 May 2004Reply With Quote
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